Monday, November 26, 2018

Blog Appreciation Week

It’s that time of the year. As has become a tradition in these parts, I have chosen to celebrate Cyber Monday by beginning my annual fundraising campaign. Thus, I humbly request that readers of this blog express their appreciation for my efforts by making a monetary contribution.

Producing posts every day does require some work. For those who wish to support my efforts, I suggest a donation. Perhaps you will feel even more gratitude this year… because I finally figured out how to moderate the comments section and have silenced the trolls that this popular blog has attracted.

If you click on the orange Donate button, on the left side of this page, the folks at Paypal will help you to contribute as much as you would like. This year, as a special service, you can also contribute to the blog by doing your Christmas shopping at Amazon. If you enter the Amazon site by clicking the Amazon ad at the left, a percentage of each purchase price will be credited to your humble blogger. Thus, you can do something good for the blog-- at no extra cost.

As they say: It's more blessed to give than to receive.

If you do not wish to use Paypal, I gratefully accept checks or cash sent to my address:

               310 East 46th St. 24H
               New York, NY   10017

If you have a friend or a relative who is a psychoanalyst or who still clings to Freudian theory, you can do him a great favor by sending a copy of  my book, The Last Psychoanalyst. It’s the perfect holiday gift. See the link at left.

Since this is a week long fundraising campaign, I will be repeating this post several other times throughout the week. Be prepared.

Thank you in advance.


  1. Hello friend, I wanted to send you some thank you gift$ but your blog blocks me from posting.

  2. Thank you... in order to donate, please scroll down and use the donate button on the left side of this page. Comments are moderated, which means that I get to include or exclude them... depending on their seriousness and good taste.
