Friday, January 25, 2019

The New York Times Promotes Anti-Semitism

The Michelle Alexander New York Times op-ed about Israel was openly anti-Semitic. I commented about it on the blog. One is shocked to see that the Times would hire an op-ed columnist who can be so biased and so ignorant and so hostile toward Israel.

Since I had my say, I am happy to pass along some more recent comments by Alan Dershowitz.

The front page of The New York Times Sunday Review featured one of the most biased, one-sided, historically inaccurate, ignorant, and bigoted articles ever published by that venerable newspaper. Written by Michele Alexander it is entitled: “Time to break the silence on Palestine,” as if the Palestinian issue has not been the most over-hyped cause on campuses, the United Nations, and the media. There is no silence to break. What must be broken is the bigotry of those who elevate the Palestinian claims over those of the Kurds, the Syrians, the Iranians, the Chechnyans, the Tibetans, the Ukrainians, and many other more deserving groups who truly suffer from the silence of the academy, the media and the international community. The United Nations devotes more resources — time, money and votes — to the Palestinian issue than to the claims of all the other oppressed groups combined. Some of these other groups cannot even get a hearing at the United Nations.

As for the suffering of the Palestinian people, it has resulted from policies dictated by their leaders, beginning with Yasser Arafat. Did you know that Arafat’s uncle, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem wholeheartedly supported Adolph Hitler… because he believed that Hitler would rid the world of Jews:

The suffering of the Palestinians, which does not compare to the suffering of other groups, has been largely self-inflicted. They could have had a state, with no occupation, if they had accepted the Peale Commission Report of 1938, the United Nations Partition of 1947, the Clinton Barak offer of 2000-2001, the Ehud Olmert offer of 2008. They rejected all these offers — responding with violence and terrorism — because they would have required them to accept Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people — something they are unwilling to do even today. I know, because I have asked President Abbas that question directly and he has said no. The Palestinian leadership has always wanted there not to be a Jewish state more than they wanted there to be a Palestinian state.

Dershowitz calls out Alexander for creating an alternative universe where pro-Palestinian voices are drowned out by Jews. It is a flat-out lie:

Israel is not without some fault, but the one-sided-blame-it-all-on-Israel approach taken by Alexander is ahistorical and bigoted. One illustration of the author’s bias is her absurd claim that “many students are fearful of expressing support for Palestinian rights” because of “McCarthyite tactics” employed by pro-Israel groups. Has Alexander ever actually been on a campus? Well, I have taught and lectured at hundreds of campuses, and I can attest that there is no international cause that is given more attention — far more than it deserves in comparison with other more compelling causes — than the Palestinians. It is pro-Israel students who are silenced out of fear of being graded down, denied recommendations, and been shunned by peers. Efforts have been made to prevent me from speaking on several campuses, despite the fact that I advocate a two-state solution to the conflict.

1 comment:

  1. "The Michelle Alexander New York Times op-ed about Israel was openly anti-Semitic. I commented about it on the blog. One is shocked to see that the Times would hire an op-ed columnist who can be so biased and so ignorant and so hostile toward Israel." It IS what I would expect of the NYT.

    I don't recall who said, "The Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance", but he spoke TRUTH.
