Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compassionate Immigration Policy in Action

Meanwhile, back in Sweden….

Having given the world Greta Thunberg, Sweden also merits recognition for being the laboratory for compassionate immigration policy. It has opened its bountiful heart to a vastly disproportionate number of Muslim migrants over the past few years.

How’s that working out?

First, we need to note that the open door policy was promoted by the leader of the center right Moderate Party, Frederik Reinfeldt. He promoted a new immigration policy on compassionate grounds:

In 2014, Reinfeldt urged Swedes to "Open your hearts" to the refugees of the world.
"Now I ask the Swedish people to be patient with this. To have solidarity with the outside world... In the long run we create a better world in this way... It will cost money, we will not be able to afford so much else, but [these are] really people who are fleeing for their lives."

Now, five short years later, the new leader of the Moderate Party, Ulf Kristersson,  has accused the current prime minister, social democrat Stefan Lofven of having lost control of the country. 

Judith Bergman reports for the Gatestone Institute:

"Löfven, you have lost control of Sweden," the leader of the largest opposition party, the center-right Moderate Party, Ulf Kristersson, recently wrote in an article in the daily newspaper Aftonbladet, in which he criticized Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven for failing to solve some of Sweden's biggest problems. According to Kristersson:

"Two areas that we [the Moderate Party] highly prioritize are law and order and integration. Because Sweden's biggest problems are there now.

"Last year, 306 shootings occurred and 45 people were shot dead. According to the police, the number of people killed has doubled since 2014. During the same period, the number of people who have been subjected to sexual abuse has tripled according to BRÅ [the Swedish Crime Prevention Council]...

"Concrete reforms are necessary. We have proposed them - the Social Democrats say no…

Kristerssen adds that the nation is now in crisis:

At the same time, we have an integration crisis: More than half of all the unemployed are born outside of Sweden. In our exclusion areas, [utanförskapsområden] there are schools where not even half of the students pass all subjects... Many children born in Sweden hardly speak Swedish, and there is extensive repression [in the name of] honor culture. Here too we have called for reforms, but the Social Democrats say no.

Repression in the name of honor culture… for those of a stronger stomach that means oppression of women, obliteration of women’s rights, murdering girls for wearing short skirts and for holding hands with boys. Of course, honor culture is a misnomer. Murdering your children and raping your wife does not restore your sense of honor. It erases it.

Oh, and of course, the new refugees have brought terrorism with them:

One of the realities, according to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) -- the state authority for community protection and preparedness -- is that terrorism is now a threat everywhere in Sweden, and therefore even smaller municipalities need to be prepared for terrorist acts to occur.

"First of all," said Jonas Eriksson, who is responsible for security in the public environment at MSB, "you have to be aware that this can happen in smaller cities... Then you have to think about what is in the municipality that can be vulnerable and sensitive." The statement came after police intercepted a potential terrorist act in the city of Östersund in August. The suspect was trying to drive into a crowd and run people over, according to Aftonbladet. He is also being investigated for links to Rakhmat Akilov, a terrorist who was convicted of killing five people by plowing a truck into a department store in central Stockholm in April 2017.

From the beginning of 2019 to the end of July, there were 120 bombings in Sweden, according to police statistics. The figure represents an increase of 45% over the same period last year, when 83 bombings took place. The south of Sweden has been particularly badly hit, with 44 bombings.

Terrorist bombings… a great way to thank the nation that welcomed them. These migrants are acting more like an invading army than refugees seeking succor. After all their own special honor culture tells them that it is more humiliating to be a refugee. Thus, they do better to identify themselves as an invading army. They do not seek to assimilate, because that would dishonor their ancestors. They want to convert Sweden to Islam.

It should not be too complicated. But it is:

"At present, one can only really speculate on the reasons why. We have an increased problem with crime and exclusion," said Petra Stenkula, chief investigator at Police Region south. "It is possible that the supply of dynamite is good, whereas the supply is somewhat more limited when it comes to weapons today compared to before."

In the southern Swedish city of Landskrona alone -- a place of roughly 35,000 inhabitants -- since December 2018, there have been seven explosions or bombings. In August, the entrance to Landskrona's city hall was blown up.

"Those who do this want to disrupt organized society; we will not let that happen", said municipal council member Torkild Strandberg from the Liberal Party.

Since Swedish feminists openly embrace the policy of compassion, the new migrants have shown their gratitude by bringing a new rape culture:

Rape and sexual assault also continue apace. In Uppsala alone, a picturesque Swedish university town, where 80% of girls do not feel safe in the city center, four rapes or attempted rapes took place in early August within four days. In Stockholm, two rapes occurred during the "We are Stockholm" youth festival in August, in addition to about a dozen other sexual offenses. At the "Piteå Dances and Laughs" summer festival in Piteå, another rape, involving ten men, took place.

And also:

In a recent op-ed in Aftonbladet, a member of parliament for the Moderate Party, Josefin Malmqvist, appealed to Morgan Johansson, who serves as Minister of Justice and Minister for Migration Policy, to "Stop the rapes – you are letting the women down." In her article, Malmqvist wrote:

"Exposure to sexual crimes has risen sharply during Morgan Johansson's (S) time as Minister of Justice: for the third consecutive year, the number of reported rapes in 2018 increased to 20 reported rapes per day. So far this year, the number of reported rapes has increased by 14 percent... In Sweden -- one of the world's most equal countries -- women's freedom is diminishing. That women do not have the same opportunity to move freely in the streets and squares without having to worry about being exposed to crime, is a serious restriction on women's freedom and self-determination. While more women are reporting sexual offenses, the rate of resolved rapes is still frighteningly low. A review of the rapes reported in recent years shows that only 5 out of 100 reported rapes lead to conviction."

She concluded:

"Now is the time to stop talking and start acting. The Moderate Party and the Christian Democrats' budget raised funding for the police, but more needs to be done. In May 2018, a majority in Parliament approved the Moderate Party's motion to tighten the penalty for rape. Since then, nothing has happened. It is high time for the Minister of Justice (S) to begin acting for Sweden's women."

Sweden shows us what happens when you make compassion your guiding principle. And when you do not distinguish between different cultures.


  1. Did they? because I know that we never said that we wanted all these immigrants in the country but our Elites decided that for us. The populace actually voted again and again to limit immigration. Like many things, the high Druid Council that we call the Supreme Court just does what the elite want when the people want the opposite.


    If you want to put an end to the invasion of spiders, and you do not want to be eaten alive, then you vote for the Sweden Democrats. Sweden has one issue of singular importance: the defenestration of Islam. But the vast majority votes for the socialists or the liberals--neither really wants to do anything about the spiders. So they spiders will multiply and the birds will be gobbled up. Maybe a Viking will appear one day, and he and his men will go door to door, town to town, and do what needs to be done.

    They voted their own destruction, just as we did by allowing the Leftists to destroy the universities, the media including social media, the state and federal bureaucracy, the intelligence agencies, the courts and the rule of law, the primary and secondary schools, and almost every other institution of value. Even most of the religious institutions are nearly ruined.

    We're next.

    As I see it, either you earn as much money as possible and prepare for the worst keeping your head down, or you ally yourself with the next rising power--the one that doesn't intend to commit public suicide. I would much rather work for the Chinese than work for an America controlled by the DNC.

  3. Emigration reform to mitigate the progress of immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Also, immigration that does not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before planned parenthood (e.g. selective-child, dodo dynasties). Finally, immigration that is not a cover-up of collateral damage from social justice adventures, including: elective conflicts, abortion zones, democratic gerrymandering.

  4. As I've said before, I wonder when (or IF) the Swedish men will resurrect their inner Viking personas. The time grows short.

  5. Sam, 1 genuine Viking is worth 50 pussies. 10 Vikings could conquer an entire town. These lunatics conquered damn near half of Europe from little boats. "Not to be fucked with," is still in there. When the 10th Century saw a Viking prow it meant "run for your life."
