Saturday, January 25, 2020

It Smells Like a Vagina

Just in case you have been puzzled that you cannot buy yourself a Goop vagina candle, now you know why. Apparently, Elton John has bought up massive numbers of the candles, entitled: "This Smells Like My Vagina."

If anyone can offer a rational explanation for Sir Elton’s taste in candles, I am willing to listen.

Now, Gwyneth Paltrow, the Hollywood celebrity who is hawking these candles, wants us all to know that they do not smell like her vagina. I am sure you find that a relief. But do they smell like a generic vagina? Perhaps that’s why Sir Elton has bought so many of them.

As for the demographic, Paltrow suggests that most of the candles have been bought by women, and perhaps Joe Biden. No, Paltrow did not mention Joe Biden, but I could not resist placing his name in this context. He has earned the mention.

As for the reasoning behind this absurdity, Paltrow’s co-creator explains the limited intelligence behind the project:

The artist [co-creator Douglas Little]  said that he and Paltrow, 47, wanted to create “something that was voluptuous and sensual and also provocative and fun,” and shot down the notion that the final product — despite its “very musky notes” and much-discussed name — is meant to mirror the aroma of the Goop guru’s own nether regions.

“Just saying the word — vagina! — is shocking to some people,” he told the outlet. “Why the f—k is that? There’s no reason. It’s this beautiful, sacred thing and yet in our society and in many societies there is a lot of stigma and shame. I think people are sick of that.”

In  a pornified world, images of the female and the male sexual anatomy are ubiquitous. The problem is not that sexuality is covered up. The problem is that it is uncovered, demystified, destigmatized, and rendered public property. Think about that, private parts have become, through the rage to destigmatize, public property.

Do you think that this represents a civilizational advance? Or do you think that it contributes to the current epidemic of sexual harassment?


  1. Douglas Little, by all accounts, likely knows less about vaginas than Sir Elton.

    "Beautiful and sacred", indeed.

  2. Do you think that this represents a civilizational advance? Or do you think that it contributes to the current epidemic of sexual harassment? NO. And YES.

  3. “Just saying the word — vagina! — is shocking to some people,” he told the outlet. “Why the f—k is that? There’s no reason. It’s this beautiful, sacred thing and yet in our society and in many societies there is a lot of stigma and shame. I think people are sick of that.”

    No, people are sick of you thinking that people are shocked by the word vagina or that there is any kind of stigma or shame associated with it. They stopped being shocked decades ago. Maybe Gwyneth can walk around with no clothes on in public from now on to show us all how she and her vagina are free from stigma or shame.

    Maybe you and Gwyneth can go someplace where there is stigma and shame associated with vaginas, like Pakistan, for example, and sell your candles in the market. Good luck.

  4. Debasing human life in pursuit of wealth, pleasure, leisure, narcissistic indulgence, taxable commodities, corporate profits, and democratic leverage is a progressive condition.
