Friday, July 3, 2020

Seattle Mayor Comes to her Senses

Remember when Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan defended the rape of her city as: a “summer of love.”

As everyone but Durkan had predicted, the CHAZ/CHOP occupied zone turned violent, nasty and ugly.

So, Durkan was forced to end the occupation, via an executive order that she could have issued weeks ago.

Tyler O’Neil reports on the order, which offers a sobering glimpse of the CHOP dystopia: 

Durkan, in justifying her executive order finally clearing out the occupation, made some rather harsh admissions.

“After significant national attention, many protesters have left the area but the conditions in the Cal Anderson Park Area have deteriorated to the point where public health, life, and safety are threatened by activities in and around this area,” Durkan’s order states. The order lists a few key facts, including the three tragic shootings on June 20, 22, and 29, which claimed the lives of two black teenagers and left more wounded.

During the first of these shootings, the order notes that “first responders from the Seattle Fire Department and Seattle Police Department were denied safe access to the area by hostile crowds, including armed individuals, and obstructions.”

While these shootings represent the worst of the tragedies, they fail to capture the horrifying CHOP crime spike.

“In addition, SPD has received numerous reports of narcotics use and violent crime, including rape, robbery, assault, and increased gang activity,” Durkan’s order states. “An increase of 525%, 22 additional incidents, in person-related crime in the area, to include two additional homicides, 6 additional robberies, and 16 additional aggravated assaults (to include 2 additional non-fatal shootings) between June 2nd and June 30th, 2020, compared to the same period of time in 2019.”

That’s not all, folks:

“Residential [sic] and businesses in the area have documented incidents of harassment, graffiti, noise disturbances, and obstruction of vehicular traffic to residences and places of business, and multiple lawsuits and claims have been filed against the City by residents and businesses impacted by the activities in this area,” the order adds, referencing recent lawsuits. “Significant damage has been caused by those remaining unlawfully in the area to City property, including Cal Anderson Park and the East Precinct facility.”

And naturally, coronavirus cases spiked in the area, as they have throughout the nation after the George Floyd protests:

“An alarming recent rise in COVID-19 numbers across the region, coupled with a lack of social distancing in this area, and the daily attraction to this area of outside individuals place the neighborhood at opening businesses at increased risk for outbreaks,” Durkan’s order states.

If that is not enough:

Ongoing violations of the Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Code of Conduct have been observed, including camping and parking in the park, conduct that unreasonably deprives others of the use of parks, disrupting Seattle Parks and Recreation business, dumping trash and/or creating unsanitary conditions or health hazards that violate public health rules, behaviors that impede restroom use; urinating or defecating, except in designated restroom fixtures, blocking entrances, exits, fire exits, disabled access areas, public walkways; conduct that creates an unreasonable and substantial risk of harm to any person or property, and abusive and harassing behavior.

And so on and so on and so on.

Summer of love, you say. It was on the way to becoming San Francisco.


  1. Amazing how rich Democrat leaders can motivate themselves when it really counts — when the chips are down. I know I am moved by Durkan’s act of courage, mindfulness and selflessness. She’s really got it all figured out. Maybe Biden will pick her, eh?

  2. With such a long, specifically enumerated list of risks to public safety and general health rolling off the mayor's tongue, one can only question either her miserable foresight or her woefully deficient intergrity: could the "street terror theater" have been for some imagined political gain?

    Are the mayor and City of Seattle not seriously on the hook for the loss of life, business revenue, and property damage catalogued by the mayor herself?

    Does she really imagine she is unaccountable for her inaction?

    - shoe

    PS - +1 to GB's comment at the top.
