Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Facts about Crime

Strangely, the details have been completely occluded-- in the name of fact. People who denounce white police officers ought to take a look at the statistics about inner city crime. 

True enough, black citizens are more likely to have contact with the police, but, the truth is, black citizens are far more likely to commit crimes.

The facts are shocking, even more so since no one is paying any attention to them. We turn to the latest by the highly estimable Heather Mac Donald-- someone who seems much of the time to be the only writer who cares about the facts:

Blacks in New York City commit over 70% of all drive-by shootings, according to the victims of, and witnesses to, those shootings, who are overwhelmingly minority themselves. Add Hispanic shootings to black shootings and you account for nearly 100% of all shootings in New York City. These numbers mean that virtually every time an officer gets a “shots fired” call over his radio, he is being called to a minority neighborhood, on behalf of a minority victim, and being given the description of a minority suspect, if anyone is cooperating with the police for once. The cops don’t wish this reality into being. It is forced upon them by the facts of crime.

Such disparities exist in every American city. In Chicago, blacks commit about 80% of all shootings and murders, and whites less than 2%, though both blacks and whites are each a little less than a third of the population. In St. Louis, blacks commit up to 100% of all homicides, though they are less than 50% of the population.


Officers cannot use their lawful powers of enforcement, in other words, without having a disparate impact on blacks, since blacks commit the lion’s share of violent street crime. These crime disparities also have large implications for police use of force. Officers are far more likely to encounter armed, violent, and resisting suspects in minority neighborhoods.


  1. Just one more truth America in 2020 refuses to face.

    We turn to the latest by the highly estimable Heather Mac Donald-- someone who seems much of the time to be the only writer who cares about the facts:

    Heather Mac Donald is superb.

  2. Agree about Mac Donald. She is fearless. I admire her.

    However we are not permitted to notice that blacks commit the majority of these types of crimes. We can’t talk about it. We are supposed to continue with the charade that they are imprisoned at higher rates due to “systemic racism.”

    Our inability to talk about their criminal tendencies does not mean we don’t act accordingly tho. Outside of work, I avoid those I don’t know personally like the plague.


  3. And Democrats deny the truth, yea, unto the end of time...

  4. “These numbers mean that virtually every time an officer gets a ‘shots fired’ call over his radio, he is being called to a minority neighborhood, on behalf of a minority victim, and being given the description of a minority suspect, if anyone is cooperating with the police for once...”

    Again, I ask: What type of citizen is going to take a rank-and-file police job in the future, and what will it cost an urban city to put/keep them on the thin blue line?

    My assertion is that candidate’s job prospects have NOTHING to do with race. It has to do with lowering of standards and/or increase in starting pay.

    The racial issue is a race to the bottom.

  5. Mac Donald’s courage gives me hope for what used to be called “journalism.” Alas, it is not journalism (it is think tank research), but she is a heroine. Journalism is toast.

  6. For God’s sake, I’m a journalist for commenting on this blog.

    I’m an awesome e commenter because I feel I’m an awesome commenter.

    I’m a journalist because I say so.

    Kind of like “essential worker.”

    Cuomo and de Blasio owe me because I’m commenting on a blog that emanates from their.......... er, City-State. Dude. For real.

    If the glove fits...
