Saturday, October 31, 2020

Joe Biden Speaks Gibberish

Nothing is quite as entertaining as listening to Joe Biden speak off the cuff. The minute Biden takes his leave of his teleprompter, strange things come out of his mouth. If we didn't know better, we would think he was illiterate.

From Matt Margolis, Biden said this yesterday:

I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure.

Aside from the obvious fact that, in good English, you do not lead a strategy, Biden is speaking gibberish. For the record this is not a slip of the tongue. It’s a sign of cognitive impairment, and most likely, brain malfunction.

Back in August Biden offered another example of splendid incoherence:

The way Trump—the way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact [unintelligible] in… in… fr- in in in in open trade and making sure that we’re in a position that the world uh that, that we deal with WHO the right way that, in fact, that’s when things begin to change, that when China’s behavior is going to change.

Apparently, he thinks that China is going to change its behavior once we rejoin the World Health Organization.

Think of it, the polls are telling us that a man who fails the most basic test of English grammar is likely to be elected to the presidency this coming Tuesday.

Perhaps Barack Obama was right to tell Biden not to run for the presidency. Apparently, Obama thought that Biden would embarrass himself if he ran. Hmmm.

If Joe Biden is the best the Democratic Party can do, perhaps America is not such a great country.


  1. Truthfully, none of this matters for the election. This election is not about Joe Biden, the economy, foreign policy, the WuHu Floo, world peace, science, the national debt, immigration, race relations, Gaia, or the weather forecast for November 2100.

    This election is all about, and only about, Donald J Trump. Either you're for him, or against him. Biden barely bothers to campaign. No need. He's irrelevant.

    And despite Proglodyte screeching about "voter suppression", 2020 is predicted by many psephologists to be a year of massive, "storm of a century"* voter turnout. Because Donald J Trump himself is the best "get out the vote" campaign in memory.

    * While meteorological "storm of a century" attributions are frequently made in the context of sparse, mostly nonexistent weather statistics pre-1920, US election records are somewhat better.

  2. re: "If Joe Biden is the best the Democratic Party can do, perhaps America is not such a great country."

    Sure, works for me! And TW is right, this election is not about Joe, but a 4 year rest. It is anti-Trump - "less is better" and Trump is too much. Perhaps "greatness" was always a lie (truthful hyperbole?) we told ourselves so we can ignore our lack of ethics and worship of money and status. How could we elect someone who boasts proudly "I'm very greedy... I want to be greedy for our country."? A little stuttering is refreshing, at least to people who can carry some humility.

    The Democrats who have their own problems to face if they win it all, but can anyone in the Republican party rise in 2024 after Trump reduced all his rivals into calculating sycophants until they become used up and trashed as losers? How do you have a future for party like that? Is this always the endgame of self-aggrandizement and greed? The Republicans have failed us. Rational people need to leave it.

    Maybe this dark shame can only be lifted by a new party under a new name that can articulate a principle of ethics again. The Constitution Party is ripe for a friendly take-over and renovation.

  3. "Biden is speaking gibberish." And he's damned GOOD at it!

    "Perhaps Barack Obama was right to tell Biden not to run for the presidency. Apparently, Obama thought that Biden would embarrass himself if he ran. Hmmm." WOW!! Obama got ONE thing right.

  4. All your trunalimunumaprzure belong to covfefe.

  5. And he did it again.


  6. Julie Andrews has a question

    Trunalimanumaperzure wadafukduzthatmean
    Makes me think old Scranton Joe's
    Been sniffing cans of benzene
    If you say it slow enough
    Might even find it's obscene

    He went around to a couple of states
    And every where he went
    He'd say his word and folks would say
    There goes a senile gent
    When Dems and Bar Obama ask him up to speak
    Hed say his special word and its like
    "What the total freak?"

    Trumalimanumuperzure ......
