Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The War against Islamist Terrorism

Nowadays it has become ever-so-trendy to say that Joe Biden will restore decency to the White House. This is the same Joe Biden who has been accused of numerous sexual assaults, who sticks his nose in teenage girls’ hair, who takes payoffs from foreign governments and who was vice president in an administration that surrendered to Russia and Iran. 

If that were not enough, Biden is a senile buffoon, a walking shell of a man, someone who will become the laughing stock among world leaders. 

For said reasons, among many others, Adm. William McRaven’s Wall Street Journal op-ed this morning, wherein he explains why he is voting for Joe Biden, is absurd on its face. Obviously, the admiral has hung around the wrong people for far too long. It has addled his brain.

Negotiating peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, destroying the ISIS caliphate pale in significance, the admiral seems to believe, next to the hurt feelings of our so-called German allies, who cannot defend themselves and who refuse to pay for other people to defend them. They must believe that since they have happily signed on to the Iran nuclear deal they deserve eternal rewards. 

If you have a little extra time, consider the Obama-Biden record on domestic Islamist terrorism. Let’s see, the Fort Hood massacre, the Boston marathon bombing, San Bernardino and the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. All of them were committed by Islamist terrorists.

In all cases the Obama administration refused to say that Islam was implicated in any way. It hid its head in the sand, like a perfect ostrich. In the case of Fort Hood, it spent an ungodly amount of time claiming that Major Hasan’s massacre was workplace violence.

Instead we got lecture after lecture on the dangers of Islamophobia. That’s right, the current war on racism originated, in part, in the Obama administration’s war on bigotry. Better a war on bigoted white Americans than to say the least disparaging word about the Islamist radicals who are massacring American citizens. One understands that Rev. Jeremiah Wright must have been proud.

Oh yes, and when world leaders flew to Paris to demonstrate solidarity with the French nation after a series of terrorist attacks in 2015, the Obama administration downplayed the event by not even bothering to send the vice president or the secretary of state. Instead, it was unique in sending an ambassador, the American ambassador to France-- thus downplaying the importance of the event and insulting those who had gathered there.

It was cowardice pure and simple, the kind that seems to impress the former commander of the Navy Seals. Go figure.

Anyway, after a crazed Islamist decapitated a high school teacher in France last week, the government of Emmanuel Macron is cracking down. It is showing us what a strong and decisive president would have done.

The Wall Street Journal reports the good news:

French authorities vowed to crack down on civic groups they said were promoting radical Islam, days after an extremist beheaded a schoolteacher for showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in class.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on Monday said that 51 associations, including religious schools and mosques, would be visited by security services this week, and a number of them dissolved. Authorities Monday conducted searches targeting 40 suspected extremist individuals and associations, and have opened more than 80 investigations into extremist sentiment expressed online since the attack, officials said.

“We must stop being naive,” Mr. Darmanin said. “There is no reconciliation possible with radical Islam.”

Once Samuel Paty showed the offending cartoons in class, parents mounted a social media campaign against him. One would like to know which social media companies refused to censor this campaign.

The Journal continues:

The parent was angered by a civics lesson Mr. Paty gave on freedom of expression in which he displayed cartoons from Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine targeted in a terrorist attack in 2015, prosecutors said. 

One of the cartoons showed the Prophet Muhammad naked.

Police discovered a message that the attacker sent through social media to the parent and an Islamist activist who were fomenting a campaign against Mr. Paty over social media, officials said. It is unclear what the content of the message was or whether they responded to him.

Both the parent and the Islamist activist have been detained by police along with 13 other people, officials said.

The attack came as the government of President Emmanuel Macron has pledged to tamp down what he called “Islamic separatism” in a speech this month. Mr. Macron said he would propose new laws that would allow the government to ban associations that indoctrinate children, and monitor foreign investment in religious organizations in France.

Mr. Darmanin on Monday named two Islamic associations that he would seek to dissolve: the Collective Against Islamophobia in France, or CCIF, and BarakaCity, a Muslim nonprofit.

Mr. Darmanin said the CCIF is implicated in the teacher’s slaying because the parent in one video appealed to the organization to help in his campaign to oust Mr. Paty from his job.

“We have a certain number of elements that lead us to think it’s an enemy of the republic,” Mr. Darmanin said.

You will note that Darmanin is about to dissolve an association that had been devoted to the war against bigotry, the war against Islamophobia.

As we noted yesterday, France is also rounding up and deporting dangerous Islamists.

The point is-- here we see a picture of decisive leadership, of a leader who is not afraid to be called an Islamophobe, who defends his nation against the terrorists in its midst.

If you think that senile Joe Biden, an empty shell of machismo, will do the same, you have been puffing on Hunter’s crack pipe.

[See also, this article from Zero Hedge.]