Saturday, December 5, 2020

Skepticism, Anyone



  1. Sure, pal. Blame the dog. :-D

  2. While I'm not a dog-o-phile, I've owned a couple including one right now. There is no way any dog would be close enough for me to chase after exiting the shower, even assuming that I would be interested in pulling its tail at that time (or ever!)

    They either should have quit while they were ahead, or they have some motive to check on who is drinking enough of the Hiden Juice to defend this absurdity.

  3. Rumor has it he's wearing an electronic ankle bracelet.
    Currently unverified.

  4. I bet he would have lost a lot of votes (even the dead ones) if they knew he had a habit of pulling his dog's tail.

  5. He was wearing a regular shoe on the 'bad foot' in a photo from the AP, on Thursday.
