Thursday, February 25, 2021

Should We Ban Grand Theft Auto?

As America descends into a state of permanent stupidity, one Illinois representative deserves mention for accelerating the decline. His name is Marcus Evans. 

As law professor Jonathan Turley explains, seeing that the city of Chicago is being overwhelmed by crime, not just homicide, but also auto theft, Evans believes that we can address the problem by banning a video game called-- Grand Theft Auto.

No kidding.

Turley explains:

My home city of Chicago continues to reel from soaring crime rates. Among the categories of increasing crime is a 135% spike in carjackings. 

One would think that the legislators would be focused on better policing and other programs. Rep. Marcus Evans Jr. (D, Chicago) however wants to ban video games like “Grand Theft Auto” which depict “motor vehicle theft with a driver or passenger present.”

While it would not likely make a dent in carjackings, it would curtail free speech and individual choice.

What is the state of auto theft in Chicago? Turley explains:

Cars are stripped on city streets by gangs that drive around harvesting sellable items or just stealing entire cars. The solution for many is to simply not have a car.

Why is this happening? Surely, not because the thieves have seen too many video games. Turley suggests that the problem is insufficient deterrence:

Carjacking is increasing because there is insufficient deterrent. It is treated as an exciting exercise or thrill by young people. Eliminating GTA will have about as much impact on carjacking as eliminating Call of Duty will reduce world wars or banning Minecraft will decrease structure-destroying “mobs.”

This sounds idiotic, but, keep in mind, we live in a world where everyone thinks that destroying a statue of Abraham Lincoln will cause black children to do better at math.

Turley suggests that the legislators want to appear to be doing something, while they are doing nothing:

What such bills accomplish is not crime reduction but political protection. It gives the appearance of action from legislators who do not want to take more decisive or direct action. It is easier to blame a video game than state or city enforcement policies.

To put it more blatantly, they refuse to hold the thieves responsible for their actions, and are happy to shift the blame to the video game manufacturers. It’s all about exonerating thieves for their thievery.


  1. What can I say, but "The STUPID is STRONG in these ones". And that I will stay out of Chicaqo.

  2. When legislators just start trolling their citizens.

  3. Enforcing the law would be racist, greater than which there is no sin. So they'll continue to ignore the elephant in the room and engage in kabuki legislation so their low-information voters can be reassured that something is being done.
