Saturday, May 29, 2021

Joe Biden Brings Decency Back to the Presidency

Creepy Joe Biden. No one failed to notice that our president has had a bad habit of sticking his nose in women’s and even girls’ hair. The acts were clearly non-consensual, typical for someone who has a hair fetish. Since women’s hair is saturated with pheromones, the act is not asexual. In truth, it resembles a simulated rape.

Of course, media bias being what it is, precious few media outlets reported or even considered the message that Creepy Joe was sending to men and women.

If any other man assaulted an underage female in that way, he would be in some very serious trouble.

In truth, for the first few months of his presidency, Biden has been keeping his bad habits under wraps. The reason-- his handlers have kept him under wraps.

But, yesterday, Creepy Joe decided to go off script at a naval bases,, and offered some remarks about a young elementary school aged girl at a ceremony. The Daily Mail has the story.

The Commander-in-chief, 78, went off-script to point out the 'elementary school- aged' girl as he delivered an address at Joint Base Langley-Eustis ahead of Memorial Day. 

'I love those barrettes in your hair, man,' the President said to the girl, who was sitting at the side of the stage

I tell you what, look at her, she looks like she's 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed,' Biden bizarrely continued. 

The girl's mother had reportedly introduced Biden to the stage prior to his speech. Her full name and age have not been publicly released. 

Best not to reveal her age, though the truth is, to complete your moral outrage assume that she is around 8-- maybe younger, maybe a bit older. 

The story has been reported in the Daily Mail and the New York Post. One understands that the mainstream media will ignore it completely. 


  1. Some of wonder why some father didn't knock his teeth out when he was a member of Congress for this.

    Those of us with religious convictions consider Biden's act sin. Biden's a Catholic. Does the Church consider it sin? Has some priest taken him to task over this? Biden is a head of state. Surely the Pope can take notice, and excommunicate him, or at the very least counsel him on his error.

    I'm not being critical of the Catholic Church, merely asking why I don't hear about the error of Biden's ways being brought to his attention. But with his dementia it might not matter.

  2. "Joe Biden Brings Decency Back to the Presidency." You do great sarcasm, Stuart.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The pope won't do anything. He's busy tending to the Gay Pride flag over the capital.

    Only good thing Sessions ever did...there's video of him with a young girl (granddaughter?) in congress;they're walking by joe, who puts his hands on the girls shoulders as she walks along. Sessions gives him a look of disgust and brushes his hands away.

    Hard to know who to be most furious at....the corporate media, who pushed this guy into office, knowing what he and his son are like (and his entitled wife, who insists on being called "Dr....Yeah, Whoopi, let's make her surgeon general)....the party that put him in....the financial elites who are behind the whole thing...the rest of congress who will say anything about PDT but willingly hide joe's perversions...

    Or those I often blame the most..the 40-50% of Americans who consider themselves "good people" and are fine with this because "experts" (Don Lemon?) told them PDT was worth "hating," so they let this go on. It's not the 20% of hard-core leftists who scare me to death---it's those sheep that will go anywhere the wind blows, masks, vaccine passports, and all.

    We all know who won. And we all know the purpose of the giggling girl in the VP's if joe's outrageous enough, and it's demanded he go, that she'll "represent" us before the world...

  5. Geesh. Sorry...I mean the Vatican, not the capital! (And I left an apostrophe out...edit before you post...)
