Sunday, May 23, 2021

More Woke Anti-Semitism

Michael Goodwin has taken the measure of the Democratic Party’s burgeoning anti-Semitism in the New York Post today.

He offers that the unmoved mover of the radical left’s hatred of Israel is none other than Barack Obama:

The Dems’ gradual divorce from Israel picked up speed under Barack Obama, who took apology tours to Arab capitals and wooed Iran while giving Israel the back of his hand. 

After noting the Abraham Accords, he adds that during the current conflict many Muslim states did not jump on the Hamas cavalcade:

The best news is that most Arab states, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, criticized Israel only in obligatory fashion, in part because they regard Hamas as a threat to their own regimes. The perfunctory rhetoric also reflects the new alliance of some Arab states with Israel against Iran, a Trump breakthrough that seems to have weathered its first stress test.

As for the Democratic Party, Goodwin notes the outsized influence exercised by one Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian leftist who hates Israel and wants to destroy it.

After she confronted President Biden at a Detroit airport, our empty headed president came away impressed by her passion. He failed to note that her passion and concern did not extend to the Jews that Hamas wants to murder:

A defining moment came last Tuesday when Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian woman elected to Congress, confronted Biden at the Detroit airport and argued American aid to Israel was funding atrocities against Palestinians.

The tarmac face-off lasted eight minutes, and Biden later lavished praise on Tlaib’s “passion and concern for so many people.” Presumably, her concern doesn’t include the Jews Hamas vows to eliminate.

Bernie Sanders took it a step further and proposed that Biden cancel a weapons sale to Israel. That’s right, in the middle of a conflict he wanted to cut off weapons to an ally. Just because Bernie is putatively Jewish does not mean that he has not been caught up in the anti-Semitic hysteria:

As is always the case with appeasement, retreat did not earn him any good will. Sen. Bernie Sanders and others ramped up their demand for a halt to a weapons sale to Israel Biden had approved, and Tlaib and others continued their criticism of him and the Jewish nation.

Another Congresswoman happily blamed Israel for the Hamas assault:

Much of it was simply unhinged. Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington effectively defended Hamas starting the war with a rocket barrage of civilian populations, telling CNN that Israel provoked the attack.

As we noted yesterday, the Palestianian cause fits perfectly within the oppression narrative. Those who bought the latter may not have realized that they were buying the former.

While far-left groups long attracted an anti-Semitic fringe, it’s now difficult to detect much difference between the groups and the fringe. One development is the effort to tailor grievances in hopes of uniting different causes against Israel.

“Palestinians are being told the same thing as black folks in America: There is no acceptable form of resistance,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), a member of the “Squad,” said on the House floor.

Black Lives Matter weighed in, saying it “stands in solidarity with Palestinians” on Twitter and threw around buzzwords designed to link America’s supposed sins with Israel’s.

Emboldened anti-Semites then proceeded to attack Jews on the streets of New York and in other American cities. The mainstream media has largely ignored the story. After all, it makes people of color look bad, and we cannot have that.

Sadly, ganging up on the lone Jewish state did not end in words, with anti-Semitic violence breaking out in American cities, including New York. Police took 19 people into custody after a Times Square clash between supporters of Hamas and Israel. A 29-year-old Jewish man was beaten, an Israeli flag was burned and fireworks were thrown toward the supporters of Israel.

Jewish diners at a Los Angeles restaurant were assaulted by a pro-Palestinian mob of about 30 men. A witness said attackers ran from table to table, demanding to know “who’s Jewish.”

The Democratic Party has become the party of anti-Semitism. The silence of Chuck Schumer is deafening.


  1. The Wokerati ride again. My trust in them is "minus-infinity".

  2. Once again, if Hitler were non-white . . .

    (I live for the day when I won't have to keep repeating this, but that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon).

  3. Palestinians are being told the same thing as black folks in America: There is no acceptable form of resistance,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), a member of the “Squad,” said on the House floor.

    Right out of Allinsky...accuse the other side of what YOU are doing...we all know that the left is telling traditional Americans that there is "no acceptable form of resistance." Look at 1-6.

    You're not even supposed to bring up that the election was stolen. I got frowned at my psych (prescription-writer -- it's hard to find people in rural areas) -- of all people, when he asked how I was doing after the election, and I said I was upset over it being stolen.

    He frowned and shook his head. (This last time, he was pushing me to explain why I hadn't gotten vaccinated. It's hard when you have to go to the leftist college town nearby to get psych services.)
