Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Woke Anti-Semitism, Continued

You read about it here first. Or, at least, I believe so. Readers of this blog have read two posts on what I called Woke Ant-Semitism. Links here and here.

Now, Gerard Baker has written about Woke Anti-Semitism in his Wall Street Journal column this morning.

To allow him his say, about the most recent outbreak of anti-Semitism on America’s streets:

This latest outbreak, however, has come about in direct response to the recent conflict in Gaza. While politicians of all parties denounce anti-Semitic violence, the rhetoric of some leading leftist Democrats has helped nourish resentments and prejudices. It’s one thing—even if it’s wrong—to condemn the actions of the Israeli government in defending its citizens, quite another to question the character of the Jewish state itself. 

Rep. Ilhan Omar, with a strong track record of promoting anti-Semitic tropes, has talked of “war crimes” committed in Gaza. Her colleague Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has described Israel as an “apartheid” state, a weighty accusation of violent racism with historic resonance.

Baker agrees with a point that I and others have been making. Wokesters have been reading the current Middle Eastern conflict through the lens of a leftist oppression narrative. As they always have:

The wider political and cultural environment is what makes this outbreak of anti-Semitism especially unsettling. For many progressives, this latest conflict in the Middle East fits—or rather, has been made to fit—the binary classification of the human race into oppressor and victim on the basis of identity that they now see as the defining dialectic of history everywhere.

To be sure, the explicit identification of Palestinians with disadvantaged African-Americans isn’t completely novel. As American racial tensions of the 1960s coincided with earlier episodes of Israeli-Arab conflict, organizations such as Mr. Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam sought to make the connection. But the wide penetration of this notion into the consciousness and discourse of prominent elected figures in the Democratic Party is new.

Indeed it is new. Though, Louis Farrahkan is good friends and a close associate of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. And America voted to put Wright’s protege in the White House. As for Rev. Al Sharpton, he was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House. No one complained or protested the fact that the Obama administration was consorting with a bigoted anti-Semite:

It takes extraordinary intellectual flexibility to represent the Jewish people, especially those in Israel, as part of some grand global historical pattern of white-supremacist aggression, but these ascendant protagonists of modern progressivism are used to such gymnastics. As long as the narrative can be sculpted to fit the larger objective, it will do.

All this contributes to an uneasy sense of a widening clash of civilizations that is increasingly the objective and likely outcome of the modern left’s program. The embrace of critical race theory and woke ideology in the cultural and political establishment, like its more traditional Marxist forebears, neatly reduces all tensions in human relations to a simplifying narrative of oppressor and victim, only this time not on the basis of economics but race.

We can only hope that the cease-fire in Gaza will lead to an ebbing in anti-Semitic violence in the U.S. The Jewish people know all too well that the hatred may wane but it never disappears. History tells us it is at its most virulent when it can be hitched to a larger ideological message of victimhood, resentment and retribution.

And then we have this story from The Guardian. It refers to an open letter, sent by 500 Democratic staff members, calling for the United States to take a strong stand against Israel. As noted in this blog, one reason that Hamas chose this moment to rain thousands of rockets on Israel is that they knew they had friends in the new administration.

The Guardian reports:

More than 500 Democratic party staffers and alumni of Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign have signed an open letter calling for the US president to do more to protect Palestinians and hold Israel accountable for its actions in and over Gaza, where a ceasefire currently holds.

The signatories write that they “commend [Biden’s] efforts to broker a ceasefire. Yet, we also cannot unsee the horrific violence that unfolded in recent weeks in Israel/Palestine, and we implore you to continue using the power of your office to hold Israel accountable for its actions and lay the groundwork for justice and lasting peace.”

The letter adds: “The very same values that motivated us to work countless hours to elect you demand that we speak out … we remain horrified by the images of Palestinian civilians in Gaza killed or made homeless by Israeli airstrikes.”

Now, you are up to date.


  1. I trust you can understand why I despise, detest, and totally distrust Democrats...as I do the "media".

  2. I find it incomprehensible that the people upon whom the rockets landed are being considered the aggressors.

  3. "Anti-Semetism" has little to do with it. The Asdhkenazim Jews who were central in the founding of Israel are now a minority "opposition" party in a country run by Sephardim and Mizrahi (pardon my creaztive spelling) i.e. "Spanish" and Mid-Esrtaern Jews who believe in a "nation" of Israel. The Ashkenazim were the source population of European hyper-Socialism known as Bolshevism. The universal conquest of the world, expressed in Bolshevism, was rejected by Israel in favor of a government focused on their nation-state. In the eyes of the Socialist true-belivers, "nationalism" is at the core of Fascism. Stalin tried to call it, "Socialism in One Country", as he tried to "liquidate" the Askenazim-Trotskyites. In practice the American leftists hate "Russia" (Stalin was from Georgia) and the Israelis who all chose a productive nationalist path. Stalin murdered millions in the Gulag. Isarael just told the "Interfnationalist" socialists, "No thanks."

    To the Leftist Progs, Russia, Israel and the American "Deplorables" are, in their eyes, worthy of destruction since they reject the conquest by the "International Socialists". Israel has had a good working relationship with the U.S., but has always maintained an "Israel First" attitude and capability.

    The Leftist (Old Marxist) fan-bois have a savage hate for all who would deny their "obvious" right to rule "everything". They resent the ice pick (ice-axe, actually) that the Stalinists used to silence Trotsky, as well as the refusal of American "hill billies", fascists and ghetto trash who refuse to allow them to rule the modern world. Israel, Russia, and America have denied the Left the ability to steal everything and to rule the world.

    Ain't nothing personal against the other Semites who just refuse to believe the narrative and surrender to the worthless and useless.

    "Anti-Semitism" is a century old distraction. Hamas, the collection of whores, shows it's dedication to Sunni Islam by making common cause with the bearded heretics of Peresia (Iran). The American Left makes common cause with the Communist heretics of China. They all follow the arch gangster, Marx, who never held a job and who survived on the wealth of others. "Anti-Semitism" is a distraction from the murder and thievery of the Leftist gangs. Israel and Russian, for whatever their other faults, refused to surrender to the parasites of Marxism. Murder and thievery is the Leftist core ideology.

    Any group or country that does not surrender their wealth and future prospects to the Leftist whores is, by their definition, the "aggressor". Only a doomed fool does not see the word play that attempts to disguise the savage beast on the Left. "Anti-Semitism" is a leftover trope from a century ago.

    The Leftist "professionals" plan on taking the loot and running. Only the dim "true believers" think that the pillaging can go on forever. Remembere that for the Leftists, the "wealthy" is anyone productive, i.e. everyone else. These dims can't understand why everyone will not give up everything that they have worked for so the "true believers" can live a life of luxury.

    There is no Anti-Semitism. There is only, "Gimme". It is the ideology of the ghetto. "Gimme" today since the "aggressor" may refuse tomorrow. Beyond that, only a hangover or withdrawal.


  4. well, it wouldn't do any good to tear down America in the name of globalism and still have Israel going strong as a sovereign nation, would it?

    As Iran's been saying for decades now--- First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.
