Thursday, July 1, 2021

Psychiatry Will No Longer Treat White Male Guilt

The latest in psychiatry, from the Babylon Bee-- a satirical site, if you did not know.

The Bee has caught the wave. It reports that the American Psychiatric Association will no longer treat cases of depression suffered by white males. You see, white males are so guilty of racism and sexism and whatever, that they ought rightly to feel depressed. Thus, it is better, from the standpoint of equity, that psychiatrists let them wallow in their misery.

Here is the story:

The American Psychiatric Association has announced it will no longer recommend prescribing antidepressants to white male patients suffering from depression—since they're white males and should probably feel bad anyway.

"For too long, disgusting white males have come to us for relief from their guilt, shame, and clinical depression," said Dr. Xander Kibblestein, a board member in the APA. "How are they supposed to embrace their white guilt if we keep giving them drugs to feel happier? That's why we've decided to reserve our antidepressants for members of BIPOC communities."

Naturally, the APA offers some alternative treatments. For your edification:

According to sources, the APA will instead recommend alternate treatments, like posting TikTok videos about how terrible you are, drinking alcohol, or sitting alone in a dark room listening to sad songs on the radio.

"If we can get enough white men feeling really, really bad about themselves, then perhaps we can finally start to dismantle the systems of whiteness that have been a scourge on this country since 1619, according to that podcast I listened to once," said Xander.

"It's great to see the medical community making strides toward greater equity."

So, making white males feel guilty will help us to overcome systemic racism. Unless, of course, it all morphs into anger and rage and hostility and antagonism.


  1. The BEE is a gem. The Bee has a lonnnnnnng, pointed, and verrrrry sharrrrrp stinger, and hits its targets dead center. And makes its targets soooooo MADDDDDD. (They got no sense of humor.)

  2. "If we can get enough white men feeling really, really bad about themselves, then perhaps we can finally start to dismantle the systems of whiteness that have been a scourge on this country since 1619, according to that podcast I listened to once," said Xander." Bummer for them. Music clip: "We ain't gonna take it!"

  3. Discovered a new podcast that may be good. Haven't decided yet. This episode is interesting, although the podcaster seems a little disorganized at times.

    This episode opens with a recounting of a psychiatric paper which frames everything in Critical Race Consciousness terms. This satire made me think of that.
