Wednesday, December 15, 2021

When the Trans Mob Takes Your Daughter

We have reported on Abigail Shrier’s work countering the current mania about transgenderism. In particular, Shrier has tried to raise the alarm about what it has been doing to girls.

Some other women, even women of a feminist bent, have been fighting this grotesque form of misogyny, but unfortunately, most of the political left wants to live and let live. It prefers to offer gender deluded youth empathy and compassion. 

Theirs is precisely the wrong approach.

We see it in a terrifying story, recounted by a parent who goes by the pseudonym Charlie Jacobs. In this story, Jacobs describes what happened to her daughter at the time when she was undergoing puberty, thus, around the eighth grade. She describes how online forces groomed her daughter and brainwashed her into thinking that she was trans. 

If this does not constitute child abuse, the term no longer has meaning.

More importantly, for our current purposes, we see how Jacobs, with only the most minimal help from mental health professionals, brought her daughter back from the brink. One underscores the fact that most mental health professionals were positively useless. They are too afraid to speak or to act against the trans lobby. One also notes that Jacobs acted like a Tiger Mom-- someone who has routinely been denounced for the way she brought up her daughters.

As you might imagine, I am completely unfamiliar with the online world of anime and cosplay. So I will trust the testimony of a woman who saw it all in action.

Then, my daughter immersed herself into anime art and cosplaying, the hobby of dressing like fantastical characters. I supported her creative side.

I didn’t know that anime and cosplaying can overwhelm a young mind. I didn’t know that anime and cosplaying involved gender-bending themes and that the community crosses into pedophilic and sexual themes.

I also didn’t know that the older cosplay community groomed the younger cohorts.

Emphasize the fact that this online role playing is not some innocent diversion. It is run by pedophiles and other assorted deviants, the better to “groom” young children and to abuse them sexually, while convincing them that they really, really want it.

As it happened, and shockingly, her daughter was subjected to the same grooming at her school. This has the effect of making all of the other grooming appear to be legitimate. If you thought that critical race theory was bad, take a gander at this.

During that same time period, my daughter went through Teen Talk—a Manitoba, Canada-based program that says it provides “youth with accurate, [nonjudgmental] information” on “sexuality, reproductive health, body image, substance use awareness, mental health, issues of diversity, and anti-violence issues”—at her public school.

She came home with a whole new language. She and all her girlfriends discussed their labels—polyamorous, lesbian, pansexual. None of the five girls chose “basic,” their term for a straight girl.

Now, I was worried.

She distanced herself from her old friends and spent more time online. I checked her phone, but I was not astute enough to know that she had set up “appropriate” fake social media accounts for my viewing.

An older girl showed romantic interest in her. I barred that girl from our home. I learned later that she had molested my daughter.

Of course, older girls take a sexual interest in younger girls, and want parents to think that it’s normal. That these older girls molest the younger girls seems to be systematically ignored.

Keep in mind, the girl in question was thirteen. She was being preyed on by sixteen year olds:

When my daughter was in the eighth grade, as a Christmas gift, I took her to SacAnime, an anime convention in Sacramento, California. There, she met a girl three years her senior, but light years more mature. That girl mesmerized my daughter with her edginess or magnanimous personality.

The older girl went by “they.” After their meeting, my daughter got a boy’s haircut, stopped shaving, and asked for boys’ underwear. My daughter parroted everything about the older teen.

Note how maniable the younger girl was. She was being transformed into a trans male:

She started making gross TikTok videos, her language became vulgar, and she redecorated her room to look like a cave. She self-pierced her nose with one of those bull rings. She broke every family rule. She was morphing into an emo-Goth-vampirelike creature. She was unrecognizable. Her personality descended into anger and rudeness.

The summer before ninth grade, she announced that she was transgender. Post-announcement, she began to threaten suicide. She sunk into deep depression.

In many cases, parents acquiesce because their children threaten to harm themselves. Therapists seem to have nothing else to offer than empathy and they refuse to stand firm against the madness.

Not so Charlie Jacobs. She took total control of her daughter’s social media:

I managed to get all of her passwords to all of her social media accounts. What I saw was jaw-dropping.  

Almost everyone that she was conversing with was a stranger, except for the SacAnime friend, who sent her a self-made masturbation video. The discussions on the Discord platform online involved fetishistic sexual conversations. Kids were sending each other erotica, including involving incest and pedophilia.

Older girls were instructing younger girls how to sell nude photos of themselves to men for money.

Girls bragged about their different mental illnesses. They talked about which drugs do what. They talked about how they are really boys, not girls. They discussed “top surgery” (that is, having their breasts removed) and “packers” that create a bulge in one’s pants to imply the presence of a penis.

My daughter’s electronic devices were filled with TikTok videos and YouTubers talking about how great they feel now that they had “transitioned.”

There were messages in which strangers told her to kick my head in because I was a “transphobe” for refusing to call her a male name.

It’s a world that we would not have imagined. And yet, it’s everyday life for many young girls.

What did Jacobs do? She forced her daughter to go cold turkey on social media:

I went nuclear. I took the phone and stripped it of all social media—YouTube, Instagram, Discord, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter. I even blocked her ability to get to the internet. I deleted all of her contacts and changed her phone number.

I sat next to her while she “attended” school online via Zoom. I deleted YouTube from the smart TVs and locked up the remotes. I took every anime book from her room. I threw away all of her costumes. I banned any friend who was even the slightest bit unsavory.

I involved the police about the porn. I printed out the law and informed her that if anyone sent her porn, I would not hesitate to prosecute.

She hated me like an addict hates the person preventing her drug fix. I held my ground, despite the constant verbal abuse.

It’s certainly good to involve the police in child pornography.

Finding a mental health professional was more than a challenge. It was profoundly discouraging.

After going through seven mental health professionals, I found an out-of-state psychiatrist who was willing to examine the causality for my daughter’s sudden trans identity.

Jacobs’ war to save her daughter lasted for eighteen months. No one in her family caved to the imperious demands to call the girl by a boy’s name, to use her preferred pronouns or to affirm her new gender identity.

After a year and half of utter hell, my daughter is finally returning to her authentic self—a beautiful, artsy, kind and loving daughter.

I am not sure what the actual ingredients for the magic potion were for alleviating gender dysphoria in my daughter. The formula will vary, but what I did was, after a very brief misstep of using a male name, our family and all of the adults in my child’s life only used her birth name and corresponding pronouns.

And she discovered that the local school, a Catholic high school, was not on board with her struggle. They preferred to go along to get along. Or else they had been brainwashed themselves.

We did not permit social transition, although we could not control the school setting. Unbelievably, our local Catholic high school refused to follow our edict.

Jacobs declares that she won because she held her ground. She called a delusion a delusion, a false belief, not a higher truth. She refused to be cowed or manipulated by the ambient madness. She did not offer empathy or compassion.

I let her know that I would never stop fighting for her.  I let her see my posters from the protests I attended.  I peppered her with questions that demonstrated the illogic of the gender ideology. I happened to have funny gender-critical memes on my computer when she walked into my office. Most importantly, I held my ground. I refused to accept her delusion with compassion.


  1. Read that, and thought of Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon.

  2. Sex. Sex-correlated gender (e.g. sexual orientation). And a transgender spectrum.
