Sunday, May 1, 2022

Feminist Males on Viagra

Now here’s something to ponder. We all love scientific research, so we are intrigued to discover, thanks to some totally scientific researchers, that male feminists, men who pronounce themselves feminists and who have bought the feminist program-- which means, I assume, that they do more housework-- are also more likely to use Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. That is, they are more likely, by a considerable margin, to use erectile dysfunction medication.

Eric Dolan has the compelling story in PsyPost:

Feminist men report higher rates of erectile dysfunction medication use than non-feminist men, according to new research published in The Journal of Sex Research. The study, “Men’s Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication“, was authored by Tony Silva and Tina Fetner.

Here are the numbers, which, it is fair to say, do not seem like a rounding error:

The researchers found that feminist men were more than twice as likely to report the use of erectile dysfunction medication than non-feminists. Approximately 7.7% of men who didn’t consider themselves to be a feminist reported using erectile dysfunction medication, compared to 18.1% of men who did consider themselves to be a feminist. Approximately 10.6% of men who were “unsure” reported using erectile dysfunction medication. 

To be fair, you will be asking whether men who use the medication are using it to enhance whatever they want to enhance or whether they are suffering from erectile malfunctions.

Fortunately, the research has the answer. Feminist men have more difficulty getting erections. Feminism is a boner killer. One can only respond that, after five decades of non-stop feminist indoctrination-- now they tell us. And let us not forget the mountain of propaganda telling us that men who do more housework get more sex.

Feminist men also reported significantly more difficulty getting or maintaining their erection compared to non-feminist and unsure men.

But, the research does not stop there. Apparently, frequent attendance of religious services, along with alcohol consumption produces more prescriptions for Viagra. I find the reference to religious services to be dubious, especially because we do not know which religions were taken into account. Most of the psycho research suggests that frequent attendance at religious services correlates strongly with improved mental health.

But also, single men were less likely to use the medication, as were Asian men. Widowed, divorced or separated men were more likely to use it-- which might simply mean that they are older. Surely, age must count in this type of study:

Those who reported more frequent religious attendance and those who reported using alcohol before or during were more likely to use erectile dysfunction medication. Single men were less likely to use erectile dysfunction medication compared to their widowed, divorced, or separated counterparts, and Asian men had substantially lower odds of erectile dysfunction than white men.

Taking all of this into account, the researchers have found a clear correlation between males who embrace feminism and Viagra. 

But the statistical association between feminist identification and use of erectile dysfunction medication held even after accounting for these variables and others, such as age, education, political orientation, and sexual health status.

“I think the main takeaway is that our research suggests that feminist identity may shape sexual behaviors, in addition to attitudes about gender equality,” Silva told PsyPost.

To be fair, we do not know whether we are dealing with causation or correlation. It might happen that men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction are more attracted by feminist ideology. Otherwise, they might not be able to sustain relationships.

And then, they researchers do not know whether some men are more honest about exposing their political proclivities and propensities. Since this is based on self-reporting, we can also imagine that feminist men are so embarrassed by their wimpdom that they lie to the researchers. This would make the correlation more, not less, significant.

But it is unclear why there is a relationship between feminist identification and erectile dysfunction treatment. It is possible that male feminists experience higher levels of erectile dysfunction for some reason. However, it is also possible that men who identify as feminists experience similar rates of erectile dysfunction compared to other men, but are more likely to honestly report their experiences.

In any event, feminist men who wish to restore their virility and to save money on erectile dysfunction medication now have a quick and easy solution. Discard their feminist beliefs and recover their whipped virility.


  1. Let me clear this up for researchers. There is a very strong negative correlation between feminism and female attractiveness. Men who identify as feminists and who enter into relationships with them, naturally have need of a substance to help them get past that fact.

    Viagra et al, is like "beer goggles" for their penis.

  2. Should also consider the attributes of their wives/girlfriends. Maybe these same men would not have the same problem with the right woman.

    That's the problem with statistical matter how many variables you hold constant, there are always more...

  3. Well this is a cause for concern.
    I am now well into my 60's and yes, my penis does not stay hard for as long as it used to.
    Also there are times when nothing the wife does can "help"
    Hell, I think I am becoming a feminist!
