Monday, June 20, 2022

The Tampon and Baby Formula Shortages

Tis a puzzlement….

Back in the day, when feminism was younger, women declared that they wanted to be recognized for their minds and not for their body parts. About that no sensible or rational person could possibly disagree.

Sad to say, this aspiration has remained more aspirational than real. After all, given the current mania about transgenderism, women are now being identified almost uniquely by their body parts. Since the word “woman” has now been proscribed, we are left with bleeders, pregnant people, lactators, and the like.

If you are looking for a bright side to this issue, consider that Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer from U. Penn, will no longer be allowed to compete against women. The International Swimming Federation just ruled against him/her.

Anyway, the current fury about abortion, and especially about the upcoming Supreme Court decision, focuses the national mind, like a laser beam, on female reproductive anatomy. One would like to see the issue resolved by some sort of compromise, but both sides seem to have been captured by extremists. Some want abortion to be outlawed at all times under all circumstances. Others want abortion to be legal at all times under all circumstances.

In a sane nation there would be room for compromise. Between always and never we should be able to find “sometimes.” To those who insist that life begins at conception, Charles Krauthammer once sagely remarked that no society performs funerals for first term miscarriages. As for abortion up to the moment of birth, shouldn’t viability have some say in this matter.

Anyway, whether because the Democratic Party is the pro-women party or whether it has latched on to abortion as an issue, the debate and the focus of female reproductive anatomy seems to have become a staple of our political conversation.

And yet, at a time when we are assured, by people who do not know how little they know, that sex is a social construction, the constant discussions of female anatomy give the lie to their theories.

Now that the abortion debate has again started to consume the national mind, we as a nation find ourselves short of baby formula. It is, dare I say, a nightmare for many young mothers.

Naturally, the Biden administration, barely sentient, like the president himself, has only recently discovered the problem and has chosen to react by flying in planeloads of formula. 

If we were to apply the same reasoning to this problem as it has to the inflationary pressures on the price of gasoline, we would say that women could solve the problem by breast feeding their infants. So, our chronically befuddled Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm has suggested that the cure for high gas prices is to buy an electric car. If such is unaffordable, well, you are out of luck. Similarly, if breast feeding is not a practical solution-- for reasons that I will spare you, well, the Biden administration has nothing to say.

Dare we mention that if this situation were happening when Republicans were in office, you would not hear the end of it. The story would consume television news and the social media world, day after day. You would be seeing pictures of starving children on the front page of the New York Times and would be reading stories about Republican baby killers nonstop.

Sadly, the American media is so completely biased, so completely committed to being a propaganda organ for the Democratic Party, that they have barely measured the consequences of this, the Biden Administration’s cock-up. And they have not pressured the administration to solve the problem.

The fact that the story, while generally reported, has not elicited cries of outrage from people who live to shower us with cries of outrage tells us something about our current state of intellectual corruption.

You would think that young mothers, now identified as lactating persons, would be marching on the White House to protest. Alas, such is not the case. And yet, if breast feeding is the solution, then we are back with that pesky gender-based anatomy. One understands that Lia Thomas is not going to be getting pregnant and will not be facing any problems with lactation.

Speaking of gender anatomy, the nation has not just run out of baby formula. It is also running out of tampons. Again, the public attitude, as reflected in the media, is utter insouciance. The press is offering stories about alternatives to tampons, though one suspects that most women do not need to read stories about the subject. 

One understands that basic modesty, the kind that we have long since discarded, prevent people from having extended conversations about subjects that make reference to female sexual anatomy, but, alas, if the other political party were in power, the tampon shortage would instantly be denounced as part of a misogynistic war against women, and a dire attack on women’s freedom to choose. In this case, freedom to choose preferred menstrual products.

Then again, if we were to follow the Granholm reasoning, there are other ways to overcome the tampon shortage. The first is obviously enough, pregnancy-- though an abortion would obviously send a woman back into the market to find tampons. 

The second is obviously menopause, which normally has something to do with age, but that now, under the new transgender mania, can occur much earlier. As it happens, and as you have no doubt read, a female child, aka, a girl, who is put on puberty blocking hormones, will undergo menopause at something like age 13. This will, dare I say, spare her the need for tampons, or any alternatives, ever.

So, the Biden administration, thanks to its general overall incompetence, has redefined women by their sexual anatomy. Whether it has forced them to breastfeed, at a time when they might not be able to do so, or when they might want to go back to work, or whether it has deprived them of the freedom to choose tampons-- it is drawing an unhealthy attention to female reproductive anatomy. 

Is this what feminism has come to?


  1. The true story behind the tampon shortage:

  2. In a sane nation there would be room for compromise: Soooo, we don't HAVE a "sane nation." I saw that coming...

  3. "You would be seeing pictures of starving children on the front page of the New York Times and would be reading stories about Republican baby killers nonstop." You left out the WaPoo, Stuart. As I keep saying, "it WaPoops!"

  4. The "feminists" are playing a massive game of avoidance - pretending that "transwomen" are JUST the same as cis-women (what USED to be called Real Women). To ignore actual anatomy and physiology is to negate considerations of real issues that face Actual Women.
    And, yet, the "feminists" do. They fight vigorously for pretend women, like Lia Thomas, and fail to speak up when real women experience problems related to their physical differences from men.
    This is not new, although it is more exaggerated than the original battles that claimed women's pregnancies were just a matter of finding the right paid helpers to be able to continue their careers without a hitch. Their fight to get women a seat at the bar after work ignored the reality that drunk people - both male and female - generally make poor decisions under the influence.
    So, now we have actual babies, already having made it past the perilous time of "pre-birth", who are in need of sustenance. And, thanks to the Stupid People in Charge, some of them may be in danger of death or serious health consequences. And, the Biden/Harris/Leftists in charge have nothing to say about it.
