Saturday, August 13, 2022

Kamala Harris, Space Cadet

Now you know the truth. Our intellectually challenged vice president is a space cadet. 

Consider her remarks, from yesterday:

With the exploration of space being defined in the 20th century, we know that living in this century we must think about where we now stand and where we must go. So while it was defined quite well in the 20th century, the opportunity of space must guide our work.

As though that did not suffice, Harris has entered into a direct competition with one Ibram X. Kendi to see who can say the most stupid things about equity. She said this:

Equity as a concept says recognize that everyone has the same capacity, but in order for them to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, well, we must pay attention to this issue of equity.

Think about it. Some poor man, a man deserving of our empathy, sympathy and compassion managed to marry Kamala Harris. Do you think he loves her for her mind?

Then again, perhaps he married Kamala because Liz Warren was taken.

Speaking of Senator Liz, when it comes to stupid, Warren outdid herself recently. Warren explained described what happened when she encountered presumably Democratic voters:

Everyone comes up to me and says, ‘I would vote for you, if you had a penis.'

But, this raises far more salient issues. 

First, how do all of these prospective Warren voters know that she does not have a penis? What kind of transphobic bias is made manifest here.

Second, what would prevent Liz from transitioning. If she changes her mind about her gender, will she immediately grow a penis?

Third, if Liz could lie about her ethnicity what prevented her from lying about her gender?

These are very puzzling questions. The more puzzling issue is this: how come Democratic women are so much less intelligent and less capable than Republican women. While Republican women are holding up the banner of female achievement, Democratic women are doing their best to make female politicians look like incompetent twits. Witness the Squad.

Nuf said.

1 comment:

  1. The most striking thing in Warren’s statement is her use of the word “Everyone.”

    Everyone? Really? Everyone comes up to you and says that?

    She sounds like a babbling teenager. She seems almost compulsively odd.

