Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Libs of TikTok vs. the Boston Children's Hospital

It has, dare I say, been quite the hubbub.

You are by now fully cognizant of the Twitter account called Libs of TikTok. It is run by a Brooklyn woman named Chaya Raichik. In her account she shares TikTok and other videos of medical professionals and school teachers promoting various forms of leftist madness. That is, they are promoting the gender non-binary, identity politics, special pronouns, and various forms of child mutilation. The latter is considered to be proper treatment for transgenderism. 

As you know, the account has a huge number of followers and has been taking considerable heat from those who do not want their activities to be exposed to the light of day. I know that that sounds ironic, but it is true. Saying it is one thing. Doing it is one thing. Having it exposed beyond the circle of those nearest and dearest to you is very, very bad. 

Mutilating children, not a problem. Bad publicity, big problem.

The latest case involves a place called the Boston Children’s Hospital. As you might know by now, the Hospital decided to hawk its services by having a leading physician, a comely redhead, do a video in which she bragged about the wonderful gender affirming treatment it was offering.

For reasons that escape me they were not talking about puberty blocking treatments that many clinics and hospitals and physicians give to children as young as nine years old. This form of biochemical mutilation seems not to be overly controversial.

Anyway, the comely physician and her hospital was bragging about mutilating seventeen year old girls. That means, under the guise of the flagrant misnomer, gender affirming treatment, they were happily removing a girl’s uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes. For some reason the hospital took serious exception to the use of the word hysterectomy to describe removing a girl's uterus.

The wonders of modern medicine.

Now, a seventeen year old is a minor, so some people objected to performing such life-altering and irreversible surgery on children. So the hospital changed its policies and raised the age of consent to eighteen. It removed the video.

But, that was not all. Raichik explains the hullabaloo on her Substack:

Last week you may have noticed a lot of buzz around Boston Children’s Hospital. It turns out, they had a full menu of castration and mutilation options for minors to choose from. Some options included a hysterectomy: the carving out of a young girl’s reproductive system. Double mastectomy: chopping off young girls’ breasts. Phalloplasty: cutting off the skin from the forearm and thigh of healthy adolescent girls to create a penis. All this came to light last week, so I helped spread the horrors of what doctors are doing to young confused individuals.

One needs to mention it, even though it does not feel necessary, but you cannot surgically change a vagina into a penis or a penis into a vagina. Phalloplasty produces something that vaguely resembles a penis, but that certainly does not function like one.

Anyway, the debate quickly moved to the question of whether or not the hospital would operate on a seventeen-year old:

Raichik explains:

Although I never mentioned a specific age, Boston Children’s does in fact provide “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors. After the videos went viral, they quietly updated their website. They changed the age of requirement for a vaginoplasty from 17 to 18 and added “we only perform gender-affirming hysterectomies on patients who are age 18 or older.” It appears that Politifact and Boston Children’s worked together to cover up for the fact that minors were allowed to receive genital and breast mutilation surgeries as well as eliminating the possibility for a young girl to ever get pregnant through a hysterectomy.

As for the obvious legal point, since when do we allow children to consent? If a man has sex with a nine-year old and tells a judge and jury that she consented affirmatively because she knew that she really, really wanted it, his defense will be laughed out of court. And yet, we allow children to consent to puberty blocking hormones and delusion affirming surgeries.

Raichik continues, pointing to another video in which another physician from said hospital declared that very young children know that they are trans. In fact, she said, they know it when they are in the womb.

Another video from Boston Children’s explained how a toddler can know they are transgender sometimes from the minute they are born.

Of course, the video also suggested that fetuses possess such knowledge, which runs counter to the views expressed by abortion proponents.

How do doctors know that a child is trans? The physician continued:

This doctor explains how playing with the “opposite gender toys” can be a sign that a kid is trans. The same people who screamed for years “toys don’t have a gender!” are now telling us that toys have gender and if a girl plays with a truck, she might be trans. 

Does this feel like grooming little children? Of course, it does.

As you might guess, the Hospital has been receiving some decidedly unflattering messages and even some threats. We deplore such activities, but then again, we also deplore mutilating children. 

This ought to be the easiest issue to understand. The fact that it is not shows the extent to which the American mind has been overwhelmed by leftist propaganda, to the point where reality, that is, biological reality, does not count. 

While puberty blockers given to a young girl can cause her to go into menopause at age thirteen, surely the delusion affirming surgeries will also make it radically impossible for her ever to change her mind.

Considering that most victims of this treatment do change their minds, and considering that the Tavistock Center that has been promoting this treatment has now been shut down, buried under a blizzard of lawsuits, it seems clear that the radical surgeries and hormone treatments are designed to ensure that the victims can never change their minds.

It is surely a sign of a civilization that is collapsing. When nations of the world look at our wondrous democracy and see it translated into mutilating children they are surely not tempted to emulate our example. 

As you might imagine, the mob is calling for Libs of TikTok to be removed from Twitter. As of now, it has not happened. At the least, for those who are on Twitter, her account is well worth following. If you thought it was bad out there, it's worse.


  1. Having consensual sex with a child under age 18 is illegal because the child cannot legally consent. Gener operations on children should be illegal for the same reasons.

  2. "If a man has sex with a nine-year old and tells a judge and jury that she consented affirmatively because she knew that she really, really wanted it, his defense will be laughed out of court."
    We hope. These days, depending on the court in question, he may well be acquitted.

  3. The same people who would kill Hitler–and presumably Mengele—haven’t killed any doctors at children’s hospital, have they?

  4. I tell you yet again — they are DESTROYERS!

    They create nothing, they destroy. They do not contribute, they consume. They criticize, yet offer nothing of their own.

    It is so easy and gutless to be a Leftist. No accountability, and you never have to say you’re sorry.

    There is a misanthropic orthodoxy driving this — real people who have been given the privilege of operating anonymously. They must be stopped. They must be called out. They must be humiliated, shamed and driven from positions of authority.

    This barbarity must be stopped.


  5. I am continually perplexed by what appears to be the contradiction between the vast number of people who are opposed to all this trans BS and its concomitant "gender" switching and the continued onslaught by medical providers and pharmaceutical companies in support of the process. It's almost like "we, the people" do not have the power to effect change in this "democracy" in which we find ourselves.

  6. It does not surprise me that doctor are doing this. doctors followed their democrat party masters which led to several hundred thousand American deaths. Should have been called murder.
