Sunday, December 18, 2022

Male Lesbians?

What are we fighting for in Ukraine? In principle, we are fighting for liberal democracy, for democratic elections, for free expression, for human rights, and the whole kahuna.

And yet, don’t you find it bizarre that in Norway, a leading democratic Western nation, a woman is going to be prosecuted for running afoul of the thought police. Card-carrying lesbian, Tonje Gjevjon is being investigated and may be prosecuted for exercising her freedom of speech. What did she say? Well, she said that no male being could be a lesbian. (Via Maggie’s Farm)

They are trying to put her in prison:

Hate speech cases across Western Europe are growing more outrageous by the year, with the latest example out of Norway reaching new heights of absurdity. This as various countries' laws get narrower and narrower over what can or cannot be said regarding 'gender identity'. 

A woman in Norway is being threatened by the government with a stiff prison sentence for the alleged "hate speech crime" of pointing out that a man cannon become a lesbian.

Unfortunately, it is not a joke. It’s what happens when we become so completely full of ourselves that we toss reason out with the trash.  It’s also what happens when we become so self-righteous that we do not even know when we are making complete fools of ourselves If you want to know why Russia is confident of victory over the west, just ponder that for an instant.


  1. It is a feminization problem. Most countries with female leaders tend towards these radical policies. This tendency is so strong that it is likely that it can only be avoided by not electing females.

  2. "Unfortunately, it is not a joke. It’s what happens when we become so completely full of ourselves that we toss reason out with the trash."

    No, what it really is: a means to get laid for guys who would otherwise be considered losers in that department.
