Saturday, January 21, 2023

Joe Biden Is Running for Reelection

The deeper meaning behind the most recent David Brooks column is that Joe Biden is is going to run for a second term as president. Otherwise, Brooks has just embarrassed himself-- yet again-- by flacking for Biden, as though he is trying out to be fanboy in chief.

Biden’s approval ratings hover around 40%, on a good day. Most of the country believes that things are getting worse. Tens of thousands of our young people are being poisoned by drugs coming from China and Mexico.

We are suffering an invasion on our Southern border and our cities are increasingly becoming too dangerous. School children have had their futures destroyed by teachers’ unions. Tech stocks tanked. Tech companies are laying people off in droves. 

And everyone who is more sentient than David Brooks understands that Joe Biden is brain damaged, that he does not  know who he is, where he is, what he is doing. At the least, the Biden cabinet, for all of its diversity, has proved to be the most incompetent cabinet in memory. As for Kamala Harris, don’t get me started.

David Brooks looks at this and concludes that Biden is a strong world leader. After all, Ukraine is being reduced to rubble, but Brooks counts it among Biden’s greatest hits. 

Countries around the world are dedollarizing, they are setting up an alternative financial system where the dollar is not the only currency in town. This dedollarization was produced by the Biden administration when it decided to weaponize the currency, the better to make other countries try to pay for goods and services in yuan.

So, democracy is winning out over authoritarianism. If you disagree you might as well take your life in your hands. And Joe Biden is leading the march. He shows, according to Brooks, a quiet confidence, the kind that comes from not knowing what is going on, who he is or where he is.

World governments are not falling into line behind Joe Biden. They see a pitiful helpless shell of a man and are happy to prepare to pick up the pieces when the system collapses.

1 comment:

  1. The system may collapse, but in the meantime, if Joe Biden is the Democrat nominee, he will get re-elected due to fraudulent mail-in balloting and other crooked voting schemes, which nobody is going to fix. Nice knowin' ya' USA! There will never be another Republican President!
