Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Seventh Grandchild

We know that something is happening, but we are not sure what it is. When the New York Times prints an extended story about Joe Biden’s refusal to acknowledge his seventh grandchild, you know that something is afoot.

When Times columnist Maureen Dowd writes a column expressing her dismay over the Biden family refusal to acknowledge the existence of Hunter’s daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, you become more and more convinced that the long knives are out for Joe Biden.

And then we read in The Hill an essay asking when would be the best time for President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. Add to that an Atlantic article recommending that Joe Biden step aside, and you start seeing a pattern.

Louisiana senator John Kennedy sums it all up in one of his pithy pronouncements: 

If my record was as bad as this White House’s record, I’d probably give my staff blow too.”

It is not simply that Joe Biden is a failed president. The question is, how can he be removed from the scene without causing too much damage. And then, the next question is how can the Democratic Party move on when the person most likely to succeed Joe Biden is none other than Kamala Harris.

Given the Democratic Party’s embrace of identity politics, they are certainly not in a position to reject Kamala. They are going to have to offer her something very consequential to get her to step aside.

And yet, they know that a Biden/Harris ticket will be most likely to lose to any Republican. And if Democrats know anything, they know how to win, no matter what.

So, we are intrigued to see how the party and its satraps in the media nudge Joe Biden out of the picture.

It’s bad enough that Biden continues to defend his crackhead son. His behavior toward his seventh grandchild puts the lie to his insistence that he cares for family more than anything.

The press has been covering up for Biden. It has ignored his marked tendency to stick his nose in the hair of little girls. But, disowning his grandchild seems to be one step too far. It seems to be one appalling action that is impossible to ignore.

Maureen Dowd wrote this:

Joe Biden’s mantra has always been that “the absolute most important thing is your family.” It is the heart of his political narrative. Empathy, born of family tragedies, has been his stock in trade. Callously scarring Navy’s life, just as it gets started, undercuts that. As Katie Rogers, a Times White House correspondent, wrote in a haunting front-page piece last weekend about Hunter’s unwanted child, Biden is so sensitive “that only the president’s most senior advisers talk to him about his son.” Rogers said that “in strategy meetings in recent years, aides have been told that the Bidens have six, not seven, grandchildren.” Jill Biden dedicated her 2020 children’s book to the six grandchildren.

President Biden and his family systematically ignores the existence of the little girl. The girl knows who her father is; she knows who her grandfather is. And she knows that they both reject her.

Somehow or other, it has just crossed Dowd’s mind that Joe Biden and his family are a bunch of lowlife grifters. There are limits to what you can hide:

But the president can’t defend Hunter on all his other messes and draw the line at accepting one little girl. You can’t punish her for something she had no choice about. The Bidens should embrace the life Hunter brought into the world, even if he didn’t consider her mother “the dating type.”

The president’s cold shoulder — and heart — is counter to every message he has sent for decades, and it’s out of sync with the America he wants to continue to lead.

Well stated. The president does not have a problem defending his son against charges of influence peddling and drug addiction. And yet, when it comes to a small child, the president and his family show a marked and appalling coldness. Dowd is right to suggest that the little girl will suffer for this. The Biden family behavior is unconscionable.

Stay tuned for the end of the Biden political career.

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  1. Because the Republicans won't do much to prevent the theft of the 2024 election, my assumption is the Dems will win. Their best bet is to let Biden run if he wants to, but pit him against Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama in the primary and let the media pulverize Biden and Harris to insure a Newsom and/or Obama victory, which, by the way, would be worse for the country than whoever is running it now under Biden.

  2. Very interesting, but if anyone thinks Joe and "Frau Doktor Jill" are going away quietly, they are seriously mistaken. This pair of toxic grifters have been grasping and groping their way through American politics since they hooked up. Maybe longer, if you take into consideration the fact that she was cheating on her first husband with him shortly after Joe's first wife and daughter were killed in that automobile accident. Or given the twisted and sordid lifestyle these two have led, who knows if their relationship hadn't started at a point prior to the wreck. If you really want to follow the bread crumbs, you might even think that the accident was something other than accidental. Yeah, I went there. Can you blame me?
