Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Trans Revolution

Many years from now, when people look back on our era, they will surely wonder to themselves how so many of us could have gotten so completely conned by the trans rights movement.

How many parents got conned into sacrificing their children to the gods of trans rights? How many government officials chose to kidnap children who declared themselves to be trans, and refused to inform their parents?

And we still do not know what effect the regimen of puberty blockers, surgical mutilation and cross sex hormones does to the human body. 

How did it all happen? At a time when Northern European countries are rejecting trans ideology, when British clinics are being flooded with lawsuits, when the rest of the world looks at us and believes that we are doomed, we managed to buy into the trans rights movement, as though it were the ultimate manifestation of liberal values. 

Free to choose has morphed into free to choose what gender you want to be. And, if you are a college student and you declare that there are two sexes and two genders, you will fail your course. The teacher who fails you will not suffer any adverse consequences.

According to Heather Mac Donald, in a bracing and valuable contribution to the debate, the rhetorical trick being used by activists and by the know-nothing brigades that are marching behind them, is quite simple-- setting the cultural default. (via Maggie's Farm)

To be clear about it, the culture has redefined norms. It has made trans mania into the norm and has denounced any deviation, especially as concerns belief, as a thought crime. Nothing typifies this movement more clearly than the use of language. Mutilating children has become providing gender-affirming care. Anyone who uses such phrases should be denounced as a cultural deviant. In truth, anyone who uses such phrases is embraced as enlightened.

Mac Donald explains her concept:

Coverage of this alleged culture war demonstrates the Left’s most important power: the ability to set the default. The Left engineers disruption after disruption to longstanding social practices, each more sweeping than the last. And as soon as those changes are in place, they become the norm, treated as having existed from time immemorial. Questioning that new default is painted as churlish and radical. The Left never has to meet a burden of proof to implement its changes; the burden falls exclusively on conservatives seeking to restore a once-uncontroversial tradition. Though conservatives are portrayed as the aggressors, in reality they are always on the defensive, fighting a rearguard action.

Of course, there is no proof. There is no science. There is no rational thought involved. This all represents a return to pagan idolatry, to a time when people mutilated children in order to appease angry gods. Is the trans movement merely a form of cultural therapy?

As Mac Donald explains, transgenderism is a new creed, a new religious movement, something that you must take on faith:

But now that academic gender theorists have managed to infiltrate their startling creed into virtually every mainstream American institution, contradicting millennia of human experience and centuries of scientific confirmation of that experience, any dissent from the new default is portrayed as a war against the natural order of things, branding the dissenters as hateful and even homicidal. In the 2000s, some feminists—at least those not cowed by the charge of Islamophobia—were expressing opposition to clitorectomies. Now, medical procedures that make genital cutting look therapeutic have been rebranded as “health care,” and opposition to the disembowelment of a youth’s reproductive apparatus is branded as barbaric.

Note well that the new beliefs are presented as scientific fact. In truth, scientists made it all up themselves, as fictions, and then proclaimed them to be facts.

The New York Times may cluck in disbelief that right-wing culture warriors seek to define “sex as binary” depending on whether a “person produces eggs or sperm.” But such a binary division between the sexes is written into every cell of a person’s body, absent a terrible genetic miscarriage. Changing someone’s sex would require switching the male XY chromosomes with the female XX chromosomes in trillions of cells, and vice versa.

So, the norms have changed. The radical American left insists that the deviant conditions they prescribe are the real norms, and that, up until now, human beings, thinking that the species is divided into male and female, made a grievous error:

When the LGBTQ program director for Media Matters claims that right-wing culture warriors are creating a “strange world” where bathrooms and locker rooms are segregated by sex “assigned” at birth and where boys may not compete against girls in female sports, the default is at work.

And now, men and women, boys and girls see their modesty attacked, in locker rooms or in shower rooms. Of course, the victims are female. No one has been proposing that trans males should be showering in the men’s shower room:

For millennia, female sexual modesty dictated that males and females perform their bodily functions apart from each other. Only institutions that sought to break the human spirit, such as concentration and labor camps, deliberately stripped the sexes of their privacy. Many girls are embarrassed to be seen naked in a locker room, even with each other. Now, however, signs announcing that a bathroom does not discriminate on the basis of sex are the default; it is restrictions on such cross-sex use that face an impossible burden of proof.

Mac Donald considers the trans movement to be yet another front in the war against the family. In truth, the American family has been on life support for decades now. Trans mania is yet another nail in its coffin.

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  1. Many years from now, when people look back on our era, they will surely wonder to themselves how so many of us could have gotten so completely conned by the day-care sex-abuse hysteria of the 1980s & 1990s.

  2. It is an attempt to promote ingrain the notion of "children's rights" as a precursor to legalize pedophilia. It would never be tolerated to say that adults have the right to have sex with children, but a "child's right to consent to sex with an adult" can be somewhat encouraged.

  3. Whatever its motives, the result is to create a class of people who will be and remain resentful outsiders—perfect revolutionaries. We've already seen two mass shootings by angry transsexuals along with some threats to burn down Target stores and more soon to come. They will join the statue tumblers and the looting arsonists as the anarchists’ army.

  4. This should, but won't, show the Enablers who chose to go along with each new leftist-fringe policy because "to each his own" and "it doesn't affect me" ---- that they WILL come for you, too.

    Women are/were the base of the left for decades -- college girls are still the majority at any campus protest -- who ever would have believed they would make THEIR "comfort" a non-issue---and even attack them for mentioning it? (Poor J.K.R....)

    Even more astonishing--- we all thought surely the muslims would be the ultimate winner of the left's victim olympics, yet muslim parents are showing up with Christians and others at school board meetings protesting the porn found in school libraries -- so even THEY are now thrown to the wolves (which, obama, IS the American idiom, not "thrown under the bus." And sometime we'll have a talk about your inducing reporters to replace the age-old "line in the sand" with the meaningless "draw a red line.")

    Just goes to show--- as soon as you are no longer a positive for them, the authoritarians will toss you aside. And just like in the old sayings (paraphrase), "who will be left..." then?
