Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wednesday Potpourri

First, leading the march toward incoherent thinking, we have the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU opposes using Lupron to castrate sex offenders chemically, but supports using the drug on underage children who have been brainwashed into thinking that the drug will change their sex. Evidently, the ACLU is no longer a serious organization... but you knew that.

Second, in the world of what is dishonestly called gender-affirming surgery, things are not going well. 

The Daily Mail explains:

One of the first studies into the side effects of transgender surgeries has revealed alarmingly high rates of post-op pain, aching during intercourse, and bladder problems, raising troubling questions for this new frontier of medicine.  

A huge majority - 81 percent - of those who had surgery on their genitals in the past five years said they endured pain simply from moving around in the weeks and months after going under the knife.

Researchers from the University of Florida and Brooks Rehabilitation, a health non-profit, showed that more than half of trans surgery patients endured pain during sex, and nearly a third could not control their bladders.

Of course, you knew all this already. And yet, how long will it take before our news media and politicians stop calling it gender affirming care. Surely, it is a big lie.

Fourth, in the matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer. First, I will qualify that I have not seen the new movie. Since everyone likes it, I assume that it is worth seeing. 

As for Oppenheimer’s importance, we note that the order to establish the Manhattan Project was given by Franklin Roosevelt. And the order to drop the bombs on Japan was given by Harry Truman. Credit to JRO for leading the team that produced the bomb, but he did not bear the ultimate responsibility.

When Oppenheimer met with President Truman, the latter offered this reaction. After calling the great physicist a “cry baby scientist” Truman responded to JRO’s plaints by saying that it was… “no time for pretentious melodramatic Indian mysticism.”  

Oppenheimer said: “I have blood on my hands.” Truman told Secretary of State Dean Acheson-- “Never bring that fucking cretin in here again. He didn’t drop the bomb. I did. That kind of weepiness makes me sick.”

Another era, another species of American president. 

Fifth, the migrant riots in France seem to have calmed down. Yet, French citizens have drawn the correct conclusion.  

Polls show that three-quarters of French men and women believe that those with dual nationality who participated in the riotous insurrection should be stripped of their citizenship.

At the least….

Sixth, meanwhile in Germany, the Angela Merkel open borders policy has produced some unintended consequences. Take public swimming pools.

During the heatwave, migrants have gravitated to those facilities. They have provoked violent confrontations and sexual assaults. 

Migrants precipitated a mass brawl in June in Mannheim. A group in Karlsruhe attacked a pool attendant and put him in the hospital.

For some reason, the American press has ignored the story.

Seventh, this happens so often that it has become banal. Many members of the American women’s soccer team failed to sing the national anthem at the ceremony before their match with Vietnam. 

What does it mean?


Megan Kelly explained:

I really do believe their version of what a feminist is, what it means to be an empowered woman, at least as an American woman, means you need to hate your country. It means to go out on the national stage and embarrass yourself and your country by not singing the national anthem. 

Eighth, a woman from Houston, named Fan-Pei Koung, usually works as an influencer, whatever that is. Now, however she has cast herself as an “emotional support stripper” for the Ukrainian military.

The New York Post has the story:

The 33-year-old bombshell, whose content includes videos of stripteases as air raids sirens blare and shirtless photos with rocket launchers, does everything from “free emotional breastfeeding to soldiers and volunteers” to distributing cash donations to Ukrainians and volunteers, according to her OnlyFans profile, which states proceeds go toward her humanitarian efforts. 

“I’m the sexy girl in Ukraine who wants to volunteer, and will probably put out,” she told The Daily Beast.

Also, from Ukraine, the New York Times just reported that Ukraine is undergoing an epidemic of divorce. You see, forcing able-bodied males to stay in the country while shipping women and children out of the country produced involuntary separations. The result, women, in particular found new lovers in their new home countries, or some such.

Think of it this way: if they find new lovers, even new husbands, they do not have to go back to Ukraine.

The Times reported:

The number of marriages ending in Ukraine this past year was twice or even three times higher than before the war, according to the estimations of Ukrainian mental health professionals, divorce lawyers, dating gurus, court clerks and judges. The experts claim that what’s driving Ukraine’s divorce rate, which has always been high compared with that of other countries, is not so much war-related stress, though there’s plenty of that, but the enormous scale of separation.

 Much of your country is being turned to rubble. Your wife just ran off with a Finn. So, an emotional support stripper is the consolation prize.

Ninth, on the Joe Biden dementia watch, yesterday our president made this claim:

I said I'd cure cancer they looked at me like, why cancer? Because we can. We ended cancer as we know it.

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  1. Interesting contrast between two American presidents, one of whom spoke the truth clearly and the other who is incapable of speaking coherently, let alone truthfully. And if Truman's comments are accurately recorded, I hereby absolve him from any missteps during his presidency. Give them hell, Harrry.

  2. Could see PDT talkin' like that....and getting hell from the usual crowd for it, even as he saves the world...
