Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wednesday Potpourri

First, on the Bud Light death watch. Ever since some idiot marketing executive decided to try to sell to the transgendered, sales of what used to be the nation's most popular beer are down 30%. For the period between April and June this year, sales of Miller Lite and Coors Light were 50% greater than sales for Bud Light.

As the old saying goes: stick a fork in it; it’s done.

Second, on the Schadenfreude watch, we have the case of a Russian woman named Zhanna Samsonova, aka Zhanna d’Art was living in Malaysia. Being a vegan influencer with followers around the world, she had spent the last few years eating only raw fruits and vegetables. Rumor has it that she even foreswore drinking water.

As for the consequences of her uber-healthy diet. She died, sick and emaciated.


Third, in the world of news that no one cares about, Joe Biden’s daughter wrote a diary about growing up with Joe as her father. In it she recounted how she was traumatized when her father forced her to take showers with him. She attributed her sexual and drug addictions to her father’s abuse.

She had to take showers late at night in order to reduce the chances that he slip into the showers with her.

The story has been around for some time now. Recently, sources have confirmed the validity of the diary. 

Naturally, no one really cares.

Or else, as the saying goes, where are feminists when we need them?

Fourth, one suspects that no political figure is quite as pathetic as climate czar John Kerry. His solution to what he imagines to be a climate crisis is, quite simply: eat less.

So, he wants to declare war on food. In his words:

“Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. And we can’t get to net zero—we don’t get this job done—unless agriculture is front and centre as part of the solution." "You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system."

Now, if you limit your diet to raw fruits and vegetables, you can help save the planet.

In a country that respected itself John Kerry would not have had a career in politics. 

Fifth, the political movement against gender reassignment clinics has produced some good news. In states that banned child mutilation, clinics are closing. 70 out of 271 such clinics are now shut down.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 30% of transgendered children live in states that have such bans. The number, for your edification, is 81,000.

True enough, some parents have moved across state lines to find places where they can mutilate their children, but hopefully that number will be declining.

Sixth, $640,000,000. That is how much California and New York have lost in tax revenue as their citizens have decamped for warmer and more tax-friendly climes.

Seventh, Michael Shellenberger offers a Tweet about environmentally friendly solar panels. We will ignore the fact that bad weather has at times destroyed these panels. And we will ignore the fact that cloud cover can render them useless.

Shellenberger offers this:

People think solar panels are good for the environment but they’re not. They’re made with toxic heavy metals and aren’t recycled. Most are made with coal in China and produce produce 3x more CO2 than IPCC thought. And they require 300-600x more land than other energy sources.

Eighth, in Germany, a Green Party member of Parliament, one Johannes Wagner, has recommended that wealthy German citizens give up their wealth. It is their moral duty, the better to save the planet.

As I posted a couple of days ago, Europe and Germany are declining economically. Germany is deindustrializing; inflation is rising; real wages are declining. And the Green Party is promoting radical income redistribution.

Keep in mind, Angela Merkel shut down German nuclear plants, the better to impoverish and immiserate her nation. We note in passing that the government of China has just announced plans to build another half dozen nuclear power plants. Surely, it is better than blackouts. 

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  1. Their objective, specifically stated on the late and unlamented Georgia Guidestones, is to reduce the world's population to no more than 500 million, and they are using every means to do this: starvation, pestilence, war, feminism, abortion, LGBTQ+ . . . you name it.

    They call it "sustainability". I call it genocide, and it should be responded to accordingly.

  2. Not marketing to the small number of transsexuals but to the much larger number of woke individuals who are sympathetic to gender ideology.

  3. As to depopulation--and don't forget the mRNA shots...
