Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday Potpourri

First, an exchange from NBC News. A reporter asked a physician:

“To me it seems ridiculous to have a kid at age 12, 13, 14 deciding whether they want to have biological children when they’re 20, 30, or 40.” 

The physician replied: “Well they make the decision to kill themselves at 12 and 13.” 

One cannot help but agree with those who consider the physician a criminal. 

Second, a transgender woman, named Kayla Lemieux, has been hired to teach shop at the Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario.

Lemieux is well known for sporting prosthetic breasts with a Z cup. I will spare you the image; you have doubtless seen it already.

Parents are outraged, and the school has warned them that Lemieux’s presence will require enhanced security. Hiring someone whose presence, or better, whose absurdly flagrant display will undermine the school’s project, counts as a step into madness.

Time to fire those who hired Lemieux.

 Sack the school board,' demanded a Facebook user named Mike Bennett. 'One would certainly hope that there is a 'staff' dress code applicable to all staff & no see thru shirts with nipples (fake ones or real) showing in front of impressionable students.

Some have suggested that male students should protest by wearing gigantic prosthetic breasts to class.

Third, a couple in China was having trouble conceiving. They had been having sex, but to no avail. So, they consulted with a physician.

Upon examining the woman’s anus, the obstetrician discovered that the couple had been engaging in anal sex for four years. Alas, they did not know how to produce babies.

Fourth, where is Lori Lightweight when we need her? 

If you imagined that the new mayor of Chicago was an improvement, Mayor Brandon Johnson wants to disabuse you of the notion.

In the matter of car theft, the city has reached new heights of criminal depravity. An alderman explained that crime had doubled on Johnson’s watch, while car theft had increased by 234 percent.

When asked about the problem, Mayor Johnson blamed the car companies. Apparently Kias and Hyundaes are too easy to steal. So, he is suing the auto companies.

The people of Chicago voted for the fool. Now they are suffering the consequences. Who said that there was no justice?

Fifth, Daniel Greenfield, aka Sultan Knish, reports that the Biden policy toward Israel, the policy that restored aid to the Palestinian Authority, is producing more crimes against Israeli Jews.

The number of terror victims fell every year Trump was in office, from 15 in 2017, to 12 in 2018, 10 in 2019 and then only 3 in 2020. And the number of terror victims shot up every year Biden was in office from 17 in 2021, to 31 in 2022, and there is every sign that 2023 will top that.

Twice as many Israelis were killed in one month of Biden than in one year of Trump.

It’s only August and already 26 Israelis have been killed by Islamic terrorists. Last year at this time 18 Israelis had been killed by terrorists making for a 40% increase in 2023.

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that Trump was Hitler.

Sixth, the government of Ireland is about to cull the herd of dairy cows. Julie Burchill explained:

The Irish department of agriculture has suggested spending around €600million on killing 200,000 dairy cattle. This is to punish them for being flatulent and thus accounting for more than half of Ireland’s greenhouse-gas emissions.

In order to save the planet and to save all living creatures, we must kill off innocent animals. They tried the same thing in the Netherlands, and the farmers’ reaction brought down the government.

Besides, if they slaughter cows to save the planet, what species is next?

Seventh, New York’s fabled Times Square has seen better days. Those of us who do not make a habit of frequenting that neighborhood must rely on The New York Post:

On three separate days over the past week, The Post saw junkies brazenly smoking crack pipes on West 43rd Street, drug dealers peddling their wares within eyeshot of cops, hobos conked out wherever they can find a spot, and scores of aimless migrants loitering the day away.

To add insult to injury, yesterday a water main broke at the Times Square subway station, flooding the zone with 1.8 million gallons of water.

Return to normalcy, anyone?

Eighth, from Wesley Yang’s Twitter:

It's an important inflection point in the life of any civilization when the man who dresses like a baby speaking to schoolchildren ceases to be the subject of police scrutiny but instead is invited by the school to address the students and the people expressing concern over this practice who are the subject of police scrutiny.

Ninth, also from Wesley Yang. 

Norway suspended the license of a transgender woman physician who was privately transitioning minors.

Now, you naturally want to know what feminists had to say about it. Well, you will not be surprised to learn that the local feminists gave the physician an achievement award.

You can’t make it up.

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