Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Wednesday Potpourri

First, our first lady has been keeping busy. She has been shoring up the drag vote for her husband’s re-election bid. Now we see pictures of her meeting drag queens who perform for children.

And you thought that she was not a real doctor.

Second, after dishonoring themselves and embarrassing the nation, the American women’s soccer team was eliminated from the World Cup.

Of course, when citizens saw most of the team refuse to sing the national anthem-- as opposed to most other countries, where players proudly did so-- they thought that they deserved to lose.

When you refuse to sing the anthem in public you are repudiating the nation. This does not make you a patriot; it makes you reprehensible. It's worse when you make a grandiose public display of your patriotism, when you are purportedly representing the nation.

Aside from President Biden, who complimented the team, all other reviews were unflattering.

Stephen Kruiser wrote this on Pajamas Media:

While I may not be a fan, I did know about the women’s team, largely because of the above-mentioned Ms. Rapinoe’s big mouth. She’s been one of the more tedious woke athletes who mistakenly thinks she understands world affairs enough to weigh in on them. Think Colin Kaepernick with purple hair.

And Megyn Kelly:

I'm thrilled they lost. I'm glad you went down. You don't support America. I don't support you. And I know I'm not alone.

Third, taking time off from his busy vacation, President Biden found the time to lie to a Gold Star Mother-- a mother whose son had been killed during the botched Biden Afghanistan pullout.

People keep saying that Biden lacks empathy. And yet, look at what he said-- it was totally empathetic, but fraudulently.

 Cheryl Rex, mother of Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola: "When [Biden] approached me, his words to me were, 'My wife, Jill & I, know how you feel. We lost our son as well and brought him home in a flag draped coffin.'" 

"My heart started beating faster & I started shaking, knowing that their son died from cancer & they were able to be by his side." "How could someone be so heartless to say he knew how I felt."

In a country that has made a fetish of empathy, that’s what you get-- stolen empathy to go along with stolen valor.

Fourth, speaking of climate change, the effort to install more wind turbines, the better to promote renewables-- regardless of the cost or efficiency-- has run aground.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

More than $30 billion in spending is delayed as setbacks pile up for renewable-energy sector.

What are the problems- aside from the dead whales:

The list of woes is long: inflation, supply-chain backlogs, rising interest rates, long permit and grid connection timelines. The increasing pace of the energy transition has created a loop of escalating costs.

And that is not all:

Manufacturers have been struggling with profitability as they deliver ever-larger and more advanced machines, which are more efficient at making electricity. Now some say they are running into problems with wear and tear.

“We have problems both offshore and onshore,” said Tim Proll-Gerwe, spokesman with Siemens Energy. The company, which had previously said quality issues related to its subsidiary’s flagship onshore turbines could cost up to $1.1 billion to fix, on Monday raised that estimate to about $1.75 billion.

Fifth, on the Biden senility front:

President Biden mistakenly called the Grand Canyon one of the world’s “nine wonders” and “a haven of ironic species” during a Tuesday speech in Arizona at the start of a swing through the Southwest.

Sixth, Republican billionaire Ken Griffin gave Harvard University some $300,000,000. But then, Heather Mac Donald pointed out that Republicans are not very bright. They continue to fund leftist institutions, the better to cash in on the prestige. If their fortunes give them leverage, they choose not to use it.

She wrote:

Griffin’s gift signals to his fellow businessmen, including to other conservatives, that the path to prestige still leads through the Ivy League. And it signals to universities that they will continue to pay no price for a political agenda antithetical to mainstream American values, one that proclaims racism as the fundamental American trait. As long as this reflexive giving remains the norm, the project of reforming universities from the inside out is doomed to fail. It is time to start building elsewhere.

Seventh, you might not have caught it on PBS  but anchor John Yang brought out a therapist to help people to deal with climate change. After making people crazy with apocalyptic visions, said therapists are ready to help you get over the distress them have helped produce.

Just in case you missed it, here is the news, from Steve Watson of Summit News:

Anchor John Yang announced the “climate psychology therapist,” noting “This summer, millions of Americans are experiencing firsthand the effects of climate change. Triple-digit temperatures for days on end, smoke from record-setting wildfires fouling the air, warming oceans, bleaching coral reefs…”

“Psychologists say that can be a positive thing, spurring people to action. But for some people, it becomes an overwhelming sense of despair or anxiety,” Yang continued, adding: 

“Psychologists call it climate anxiety. This week, we asked people about their emotional responses to climate change.”

We were then treated to seven troubled individuals who have reached the end of their mental tethers from watching too much climate fear porn, before one Leslie Davenport appeared to urge “it’s really important to acknowledge that if you’re feeling that on any level of intensity, it really means you’re paying attention, you care, you’re empathetic to what’s happening to our world.”

Davenport then encouraged the mentally crippled armageddon obsessed climate tweakers to “Talk about it, talk about it to other people who are like-minded, receptive, ‘I feel that way too,’ so that it’s not as isolating.”

She continued, “there are a lot of what are called climate cafes, or climate circles, that can be found by an easy online search, where people just get together often online, remotely, and just say what they’re feeling what they’re experiencing, what people have found helpful.”

Davenport added that there is even a “climate-aware therapist directory” that the poor babies can turn to.

I wrote about these absurdities recently, but now they are getting worse. 

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1 comment:

  1. Climate anxiety/depression?
    Go chat with others who have anxiety & depression, YES That's the Ticket! That's sure to help alleviate your problem, even problemS.... Suicide gets rid of all of life's problems.
