Thursday, May 2, 2024

Masking Palestinian Shame

Compared with the rousing success that is Israel, Palestinian failure, in Gaza and on the West Bank, has rankled.

Shame befalls those who have wasted their resources building terror tunnels and rockets designed to kill Jews, that is, to make the Jewish state look weak and ineffectual.

And yet, the October 7 attack on Israeli civilians, especially on women and children, must count as a new low, a new disgrace for the people of Gaza.

By using rape as an instrument of war and massacring children, the cowards of Hamas pretended to be strong. It was designed to hide the Palestinian shame from the world. In truth, it redoubled the disgrace that now hangs over all Palestinians.

But, America’s schoolchildren and college students have been coming to the rescue. Not so much because they want to fly over to Gaza and fight the war. Their jejune protests resemble childish rants, unworthy of supposedly intelligent students. 

They are doing it to distract and to cover up the disgrace that Palestinians earned by their appalling actions on October 7.

It’s one thing to win and one thing to lose. To attack women and children because you cannot compete is a new low.

The children protesting on American campuses are making incoherent noises in order to attract more attention to their riotous behavior, and thus, to obscure the fact that they are really trying to mask Palestinian shame. They do not know that they are not saving anyone’s face, but obscuring the truth about Palestinian failure. The more people try to make sense of the din, the more they are distracted from thinking about October 7.

If you want to save face, you need to build something yourself. If you cannot do more than to destroy what others have built, you might feel that you have saved face, but in truth you have not.

In truth, the protesters and rioters have no coherent agenda. Perhaps it signals stupidity, but seriously, their beliefs are incoherent. If they had wanted Palestinians to save face they would have recommended joining the Abraham Accords and working to build a nation. Evidently, the cowardly attack on Israeli women and children masks shame, but does not enhance their reputation as an honorable group.

Walter Russell Mead sums up the incoherent agenda promoted by college students  in a Wall Street Journal column:

Many of Hamas’s most passionate campus supporters believe that the organization wants to establish a secular Palestinian state. They also believe that Israeli Jews are European immigrants displacing an indigenous population—white settlers who should go home to Poland.

They think that Israel survives only because America supports it and that an American president who “gets serious” with Israel can make it do almost anything he wants. They see Hamas as part of a global coalition of “progressive” movements advancing causes such as climate change, democracy and LGBTQ rights against global capitalism. People who share these perceptions can organize a march or build an encampment, but the wisest heads in the world all working together couldn’t craft a feasible diplomatic strategy based on such an incoherent and unrealistic view of the world.

As we and everyone with an ounce of sense has pointed out, the Hamas agenda rejects all things gay. Go to Gaza and proclaim your binariness and they will hang you from a lamp post. As for their concern for the climate, there is none. These students are being manipulated to form a distraction from the atrocities that Hamas committed and the shame that would rightly befall them.

You might know that one Sheryl Sandberg, of Facebook fame, was so horrified at what happened on October 7 and so appalled at the effort to cover it up that she produced a video about it.

It was not that difficult. The dimwitted Hamas terrorists filmed themselves committing atrocities. They were proud of the gang rapes and mutilating children. Only after the fact did they discover that they had miscalculated.

Of course, proponents of the so-called Palestinian cause pretend that the cowardly actions of October 7 did not happen. When they did admit to what they had done, they insisted that the Israelis had it coming to them.

As for what happened on that day, Elizabeth Stauffer reports on the Sandberg video for the Washington Examiner:

First responder Rami Davidian said, “I saw girls tied up with their hands behind them to every tree here. … Their legs were spread. … Someone stripped them. Someone raped them. They inserted all kinds of things into their intimate organs, like wooden boards, iron rods. … I had to close their legs and cover their bodies so no one else would see what I saw.”

And also,

Amit Soussana, who was kidnapped on Oct. 7 and held hostage for 55 days, described her experience in captivity: “[The Hamas member] started touching me, and I resisted, and then he dragged me to the bedroom, and then he forced me to commit a sexual act on him. And I remember, the entire time, I was thinking: ‘Amit, OK, you knew it’s going to happen. It’s really happening.’ I said to myself: ‘OK, you can handle this. You just want to survive.’”

A male survivor of the Supernova Music Festival told Sandberg he witnessed a semicircle of terrorists surround a young woman and take turns raping her. He said the rapes continued even after she had been shot dead.

An unidentified volunteer for disaster victim identification organization ZAKA choked up as he described the aftermath of the Nova massacre to Sandberg. He said, “We’re on Route 232. The street is full of cars. Some are burnt and some aren’t. With dead people inside. Young people who were shot and murdered in cold blood. Everywhere we go, there are bodies on the road. 

“There are bodies everywhere, everywhere. It’s an indescribable catastrophe.”

His colleague told Sandberg, “I don’t have words to explain what we saw.”

On that note, it’s time to lift our eyes from adolescent rants and grant to Hamas the shame it has earned.

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  1. By their own words, Hamas and its sympathizers are not waging a war of conquest; they are waging a war of annihilation and would murder every last woman and child if they could. The infamous arabian street may dislike them for their weakness, but not for their murderous intent.

  2. Underlying the Marxist-tinged college pro-Hamas hysteria is a roiling antisemitism that’s been brewing for decades, especially among minorities. The war in Gaza has just uncorked it. And here it is in a Brooklyn high school.
