Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday Potpourri

First, not to be outdone by the British Labour Party, Hillary Clinton has declared that anyone spreading misinformation should be jailed. It is about what you would expect from a woman who never got over losing to Donald Trump.

To which Sara Carter recommends that we first apply the rule to Hillary herself. Via Twitter:

Well, then Hillary Clinton should be the first one to turn herself in… there has been no one more prolific at lying and spreading disinformation than her - STEELE DOSSIER anyone? that’s just for starters …. Bleach bit, smashing phones, white water, Epstein, etc…. But a vote for Harris is a vote against your freedom …. Believe me, Believe what they say…Clinton is one of the top Puppet masters of the Dems. These Marxist like ideologues will do anything to retain their power and money They despise any American that doesn’t agree with them

Second, just in case you did not understand why Kamala Harris does not do interviews with journalists, she did one with a journalist in Philadelphia. It was a non-stop embarrassment, a mix of word salads and predigested lines that she had memorized for the debate with Donald Trump.

Here is a transcript, beginning with the first question by moderator Taff.

TAFF: At the debate the other night you talked about creating an “opportunity economy” — what if we can drill down on that a little bit. When you talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?


Well I’ll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me, she worked very hard. Um, she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people, construction workers, and nurses and teachers, and I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience, you know, if, but, a lot of people will relate to this, you know I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. [smiles and nods with hands upheld] You know? And, um, and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity. And that we as Americans have a beautiful character. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams. But not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions. So when I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much with the mind of investing in the ambitions and aspirations and the incredible work ethic of the American people, and creating opportunity for people, for example, to start a small business. Um, my mother, you know, worked long hours, and our neighbor helped raise us. We used to call her, it was, I still call her, our “second mother.” She was a small business owner. I love our small business owners, I learned who they are through my childhood, and she was a community leader, she hired locally, she mentored, our small businesses are so much a part of the fabric of our communities, not to mention, really, I think the backbone of America’s economy.

Third, Harris’s backup, Governor Tim Walz is not much better.

REPORTER: What is your *specific* plan to make life more affordable for Americans?

WALZ: Let me spend five minutes talking to you about radical stuff no one cares about like "climate change"

Fourth, do you remember Tariq Ramadan, a European Muslim intellectual who was all the rage once upon a time.

The news about Tariq Ramadan is not good.

It turns out that he was just convicted of rape in a Swiss courtroom. Hmmm.

Robert Spencer reports:

Tariq Ramadan, a Muslim intellectual who has been one of the foremost exponents, at least to non-Muslims in Europe and North America, of Islamic reform, has been convicted of rape.

It is impossible to overstate how shocking this is for those who have praised Ramadan to the skies for so very long. For many years, Tariq Ramadan was the darling of the Western intelligentsia. In 2002, Salon hailed him as “the Muslim Martin Luther.” In 2004, Time Magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world today. In 2012, Foreign Policy included him on its list of the top 100 global thinkers “for telling us that Islam and democracy can go together — just when it matters.”

Now those accolades, and the many others that Ramadan received, stand as mute witness to the left’s tendency to shower with honors those who tell it what it wants to hear. Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported Tuesday that Ramadan has been “convicted on appeal of rape and sexual coercion by a Geneva court.” This has been a long time coming, as Ramadan has faced numerous accusations in recent years of “masking violence and radicalism behind a mild facade.”

Fifth, news from the Middle East. The Israelis have found a new way to attack Hezbollah. Blow up their pagers, thousands of them. Only a few deaths, but many significant injuries, especially to private parts. 

The New York Post explains:

The Israeli spy agency Mossad allegedly intercepted Hezbollah’s shipment of new pagers months ago and rigged them with high explosives — resulting in the stunning attack on the Lebanese terror group Tuesday, according to a new report.

Mossad agents reportedly placed Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), a highly explosive material, inside the batteries of the pagers, sources told Sky News Arabia, according to a translation from the Times of Israel.

Sixth, Columbia University compiled a report about the incidence of anti-Semitism on campus. Bill Barr, formerly Attorney General summarizes the conclusions:

Reading the report issued last month by Columbia University’s Task Force on Antisemitism, one could be forgiven for thinking that it describes the University of Heidelberg, circa 1933. It contains accounts of observant Jews being harassed and assaulted, and open calls for the murder of Jews. But no, this is not Nazi Germany. This is the Upper West Side of Manhattan in 2024. There—in one of the nation’s most elite enclaves of higher learning—the oldest hatred is alive and well, gussied up in academic robes.

The admittedly “serious and pervasive” antisemitic incidents detailed by the report are disturbing. Even more troubling is the extent to which Columbia faculty and administrators were complicit in the problem. One instructor kicked off a class in the Masters of Public Health program with a discussion of the Jewish “capitalists” who “laundered” their “dirty money” and “blood money” through donations to the university. Others silenced Jewish students in class discussions of the Holocaust and Israel. Still others moved class sessions and office hours to Columbia’s “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” where Jewish students were routinely threatened and physically attacked.

Seventh, the free market works. Considering how bad a job ABC journalists did at the last debate, it feels right and just that David Muir’s evening news broadcast should have lost 12% of its audience.

Eighth, if you thought that tampon Tim was bad, consider the Canadian military. It put up tampon dispensers in men’s bathrooms. Guess what, the soldiers threw them out:

The Canadian Military put tampons in the men’s bathroom. They started getting pulled down and thrown out.

After initially thinking they were going missing due to high demand, officials eventually realized and requested this be investigated as a HATE CRIME.

Ninth, those who are manifesting for a free Palestine, which means a Palestine free of Jews and practicing Sharia law, should consider this, from Pakistan, offered by Dr. Maalouf on Twitter:

PAKISTAN: a woman was raped, and instead of arresting the rapist, the Sharia council determined that the rapist’s sister should be raped by the victim’s brother. The innocent teenage girl was publicly raped in front of 40 people in what is called ‘revenge rape’ in Sharia law.

Do feminists embrace this?

Tenth, Daniel Greenfield exposes on Twitter the Kamala Harris prosecutorial record on rape:

In 2010, when Kamala first ran for attorney general, there had been 8,325 rapes in the state. By 2016, when Kamala was fighting to take Sen. Barbara Boxer’s seat, there were 13,695 rapes. Kamala presided over the single largest increase in sexual assaults on women in California.

Eleventh, a few words from Kamala herself, words that are not a salad, but are not very encouraging.

Ben B@dejo reports on Twitter about some remarks Kamala made at the National Association of Black Journalists:

Here  is Kamala Harris gloating about withholding 2,000-pound bombs from Israel, implying that it’s Israel’s fault that Hamas executed six hostages, and promising to “continue putting pressure” on Israel. She is not a friend of Israel. Beware.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Another Assassination Attempt

Ryan Routh did not get a shot off. Hiding in the bushes at Trump International Golf Club for a dozen hours, the somewhat deranged Routh was honing in on Donald Trump when a Secret Service agent, having espied a gun barrel sticking out from the shrubs, did get a shot off. 

Of course, he missed the target, but Routh got up and tried to run away. A sharp eyed citizen saw his vehicle and took down the license plate number. Police officers from the area needed very little time to stop Routh’s SUV and to arrest him.

As of now he is being charged with the illegal possession of a firearm. 

The assassination attempt has been foiled. But the blame game has just begun. Because what really matters is both affixing blame and ensuring that no one considers that the people who have been calling for the assassination of Donald Trump are held to moral account.

It reminds us of the efforts to blame October 7 on the Israeli Prime Minister.

It does not matter if the reasoning is lame. The effort to blame Trump for an attempt to assassinate him did not require the exercise of anyone’s rational faculties. It was an exercise in stupidity, a chance for certain radicals to affirm their commitment to the cause.

From the top down, both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris declared Trump to be an existential threat to democracy, to America and to everything we hold dear. 

Funny thing, I had thought that climate change was the ultimate existential threat.

Naturally, calling someone an existential threat doesn't mean that we should defeat him in an election. That would be far too democratic. It means, as Rep. Dan Goldman, ultimate Congression nepo baby, that Trump must be eliminated.

And Stacey Plaskett, non voting delegate to the US House of Representatives declared:

He [Trump] needs to be shot.

And then there is David Plouffe, currently a Harris campaign advisor. In 2016 Plouffe wrote this on Twitter:

It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.

Of course, we are not talking about democracy. We are seeing eliminationist rhetoric. And yet, Plouffe did not know what Trump presidency would bring, but we all do, and, dare we say, the Republic is still standing. Those who think that their political opponents should not be defeated in elections, but should be destroyed are thinking like dictators in banana republics.

Other commentators have taken the occasion of the assassination attempt to show us how stupid they really are. Lester Holt at MSNBC declared that Trump had provoked the attempt by speaking ill of the Haitian immigrants who have been settled in Springfield, Ohio. You see, Trump and JD Vance had said that these migrant were eating family pets and, one understands, that suffices to set one Ryan Routh off the rails.

The fact that Routh has been contemplating his action for quite some time now does not seem to count.

So, someone created an environment where a deranged roofer could seek fame and glory, to become a hero of the revolution, by shooting the former president.

Please do not use the word democracy any more.

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Gen Z on the Job

 One hears tell of the antics of Gen Z from time to time. Those who have the unenviable task of managing that generation in the workplace are invariably pessimistic about their futures. One hates to say it, but if an entire generation is filled with dysfunctional losers, our country is in some serious trouble.

If you are musing about the revival of American industry, you need also consider that we might not have the human capital to effect the recovery.

The New York Post reports the bad news:

Gen Z employees are entitled, too easily offended, lazy and generally unprepared for the workplace — according to their bosses.

The dismal assessment of workers born between 1996 and 2010 comes in a poll of 966 business leaders across the country taken last month by the online education magazine

The survey found 75% of execs felt most of the recent college grads they hired were unsuccessful — and 60% said at least some of them had to be fired.

Dare we mention that this represents a colossal failure. Educators have failed children, and, dare we say, parents who are taking their cues from psychologists are also failing. Whatever they think they are teaching, their charges end up being fundamentally dysfunctional.

About 17% of leaders believe Gen Z, who range in age from their teens to about 28, is often “too difficult” to manage, and 39% said they have poor communication skills.

Jessen James, an international entrepreneur, business mentor and speaker, said some Gen Zers struggle to articulate themselves, don’t look you in the eye, and don’t project their voices.

“They lack charisma and personality skills,” he told The Post, adding, “I don’t feel they are in tune with what it takes to impress others.”

One wonders how much of these problems derive from a culture of DEI, where hiring and promotion have less to do with ability, less to do with hard work, and more to do with extraneous factors. If such is the case, young people have been trained to see that good conduct and hard work is not rewarded.

Psychologically, the younger generation is weak and ineffectual, prone to meltdowns and to emotional self-indulgence.

James has seen what he calls “snowflakeism” — some Gen Zers “crumbling” under even a little pressure.

“It’s almost like you have to walk on eggshells around them, being super sensitive when managing them, in case you offend them, upset them, or push them too far,” he said.

Some twentysomethings have even brought a parent with them to job interviews for support.

The first rule of adult behavior: don’t bring your mother to a job interview!

Let’s see. A generation that was brought up on therapeutically correct principles is filled with people who have mental health problems. Could it be that making therapy a way of life is not very therapeutic.

Now, corporate environments have tried to adapt to the new cohort:

Corporate environments and office culture have relaxed in recent years, Nguyen noted, and are viewed differently between generations.

But even with a more laid back office environment, recent college grads don’t dress professionally and don’t use “appropriate” language for work, 19% of those surveyed said.

For those who think that perhaps managers are misperceiving the behaviors of their Gen Z staff, the Post continues:

While some of the beliefs are subjective, others are not, he said, like being on time.

About 20% of respondents said Gen Zers are often late to work, and 15% said they frequently hand assignments in late.

The younger generation is also more likely to use up their sick days than their older colleagues, recent studies have found.

So, managers consider Gen Z to be chronically immature. They have been trying to teach them better social skills and better work habits.

But many bosses are trying to tame the immature hires, even mandating “office etiquette training.”

Fifty-four percent of the company leaders surveyed said they offer the training and many mandate it for new hires — and a quarter of them specifically require it for Gen Z recruits.

Nearly 80% of companies surveyed reported placing at least some of the disappointing hires on “performance improvement plans.”

At the least, they all have high self-esteem.

As for how you develop better work habits, if all else fails consult with me, via I will be happy to coach you through the process.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Shakespeare and Psychoanalysis

Get ready for yet another rescue mission. Two distinguished thinkers, the child psychologist Adam Phillips and the literature professor Steven Greenblatt have joined forces in order to rescue Freud.

Clearly the Viennese neurologist needs some serious rescuing. Once a philosopher king of considerable standing, Freud’s work has largely been superseded by recent therapies. But, then again, as the authors point out, Freud never really considered that his dangerous method would work to cure anyone of much of anything.

One might argue, as I certainly would, that Freud’s theorizing represents a series of efforts to explain why his ideas did not work in practice. He eventually arrives at the notion of the death drive, which means that people are so totally driven to destruction that they cannot possibly get well. It feels a bit like Kant’s crooked timber of humanity.

The fault does not lie with Freud and does not lie with his theories. It lies in human nature.

You might have guessed that I have not read the book. I have, however, spent a considerable amount of time with both psychoanalysis and Shakespeare.

I read a review written by one Anna Ballan for the Hedgehog Review, and I find myself agreeing with her sense that the book is largely a theoretical muddle.

Even if psychoanalysis does not cure, serious thinkers consider that literature, that is, Greek tragedy, does.

It is not an accident that Freud read human psychology into the Sophoclean version of the Oedipus story. And we recall that Aristotle explained that tragedy produces a catharsis, an emotional cleanse.

Is this the kind of therapy that Freud was offering? Does it represent a second chance at God only knows what?

To clarify matters, Aristotle argued that tragedy produces a sense of dread, as you identify with the tragic hero and believe that his inevitable downfall can also be yours. But then, you recognize at another moment that you have misidentified and are not going to suffer his fate. You then feel pity for him and feel a sense of relief.

This represents an emotional catharsis, and if you would like to think that it represents a good feeling, the one thing it does not do is to show you what you should do to improve how you function in the world. At best, you have learned not to consider yourself a tragic hero or to dread your fate.

Rather than blame it on some self-destructive instinct, we would do better to understand that Freud made a fundamental mistake in thinking that life was a Greek tragedy.

Life is not a Greek tragedy. You will not be finding any real advantage to thinking that it is. Cleansing your emotions will not improve your ability to play the game of life. It does not really suit the notion of second chances. As it happens, the notion of second chances animates the Phillips and Greenblatt opus.

That Freud was full of himself, like a tragic hero, seems easy to grasp.

Now, art creates alternative realities. The authors suggest that art gives us the chance to recover what has been lost. It is a second chance. Apparently, they believe that psychoanalysis is about recovering your lost childhood. It is no longer Sophocles; it is Proust.

Dare I say that this does not make a lot of sense. Consider this possibility. Take a real event, not a fiction. Take the student protests that filled Tiananmen Square in May and June of 1989. Without tormenting ourselves inordinately about the actions taken by Chinese leaders back then, let us imagine that you were to ask why they did not simply allow the student protests to peter out. Why did they think it necessary to intervene with tanks and snipers?

We will happily ignore all of the other problems that these protests were producing in China. And we will remark that the nation’s leaders had been there and done that before. Deng Xiaoping especially had seen student protests in Tiananmen Square turn into a cultural revolution that had just about destroyed the nation.

And let us imagine, without doing too much historical research, that when the student protests broke out in the 1960s, leaders of the Politburo, including Deng himself, chose to do nothing, to let them peter out.

Ask yourself how that one worked out? 

It might well have appeared to the Chinese leadership in 1989 that another Cultural Revolution was in the offing. And perhaps they believed that they were being given a second chance, to get right this time what they got wrong the last time. That meant, they did not want to repeat the same error and let the movement take its course, but that they had to crush it before it crushed them.

To take the question of second chances in Shakespearean terms, in something that I assume the authors wrote about, Hamlet is a fine example of someone who gets a second chance to do what he ought to have done the first time. But, then again, are we certain that he ought to have done it?

After failing to murder his uncle when said uncle was praying, Hamlet struck out in a fury at someone who was hiding behind an arras in his mother’s chamber. It turned out to be Polonius, but the prince did not miss his second chance.

Finally, Hamlet did murder his uncle, not when he had a second chance but when he was dying himself. It was his last chance.

Unfortunately, it is not really about second or third chances. Hamlet’s problem is quite simple-- how does he know that his father was really his father. His uncle, upon taking the throne, names him as heir. Why did his supposed father not do the same, unless there was some doubt about whether he was really his father.

Of course, we are here in the realm of action, not of emotion or feeling.

Apparently, the authors believe that therapy must involve recovering the past, having a second chance at childhood. This feels, to say the least, like a good way to avoid current responsibilities in favor of wallowing in nostalgia. 

Do you really think that this kind of indulgence is going to make you a better chess player or a better marketing executive? Surely, it will make you a very good psychoanalytic patient and will console you as you see that you are not getting any better.

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Miscellany

First, was the great debate rigged? After all, it was conducted by Democratic Party partisans, at a network whose manager of news operations is a personal friend of Kamala, and where one of the two so-called journalists was a sorority sister of Kamala.

Now, Mark Penn, whose words have more credence since he is anything but a MAGA Republican, offers this, via Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: Former top Clinton adviser calls for an internal probe of ABC for rigging the debate against Trump. Former adviser to Bill & Hillary Clinton Mark Penn says ABC needs to launch an investigation to search for an effort of "rigging the outcome" of the debate. "I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don't know how much of this was planned in advance," Penn said to @jsolomonReports. "I don't know what they told the Harris campaign." "I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate." "I think the situation demands nothing less than that."

Second, on the other side, the simple fact that Kamala could not answer the first question that David Muir asked her, namely, whether the nation was better off now than it was four years ago.

Third, everyone has noticed that Donald Trump was angry throughout the debate. No one seems to have noticed that Kamala was monumentally rude. She was making faces when Trump spoke. It was designed to get him riled up, but in truth it showed a very serious lack of decorum. It was theatrical and offensive. As several people have noticed, you do not negotiate with world leaders by making faces to insult them.

This does not mean that Trump knew how to deal with it. He did not.

Then again, the last time Kamala was sent to negotiate a foreign policy, in Munich, with the Russian army massing on the border of Ukraine, she failed miserably. Three days after Munich the Russian army entered Ukraine.

Fourth, meanwhile the mayor of Springfield, Ohio has denied that people in his city are eating cats and dogs. And yet, a woman in Canton, Ohio, nearly two hundred miles from Springfield, was filmed eating a cat, with fur on her lips.

In the meantime, I have been somewhat surprised that, what with all the talk about eating cats-- which does happen in some cultures-- no one has remarked that there is another word for cats, a word that has a more risque connotation. Naturally, I will spare you the mention of the specific word, because it would sorely offend the local feminists, but I am sure you can guess what it is.

Fifth, pets aside, the influx of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio has produced a spike in automobile accidents.

The New York Post reports:

Forget about the ducks and geese allegedly disappearing from public parks. In this beleaguered city, residents say the biggest problem, by far, is that wild-driving Haitian migrants — unfamiliar with US road laws — are turning the streets into combat zones.

And the result can be deadly. The family of Springfield grandma Kathy Heaton experienced this firsthand on Dec. 1 — a day after her 71st birthday — when a Haitian migrant ran her down while she was collecting her garbage cans.

And the driver got off scot-free.

Sixth, we were assured, by none other than David Muir, that violent crime has been decreasing under the Biden presidency.

It is not true. The New York Post reports on the most recent numbers, from the government:

Violent crime has increased under the Harris-Biden administration, according to data from the Department of Justice published Friday — belying ABC News debate moderator David Muir’s correction of Donald Trump during his showdown with Kamala Harris Tuesday night.

The DOJ’s survey from the Bureau of Justice statistics is self-reported instances of violent crime over the last six months — meaning that it includes crimes that may not have been reported to police.

The annual National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) showed total instances of reported violent crime — including rape, robbery and aggravated assault — is up from 5.6 per 1,000 in 2020 to 8.7 per 1,000 in 2023.

The highest recent rate of violent crime was in 2022, when the survey tracked 9.8 instances per 1,000 people over the age of 12.

The rate of rape increased from 1.2 per 1,000 in 2020 to 1.7 in 2023, while robbery went from 1.6 per 1,000 in 2020 to 2.6 per 1,000 in 2023, and aggravated assault rose from 2.9 per 1,000 in 2020 to 4.5 per 1,000 in 2023.

It looks like we need to fact check the fact checkers.

Seventh, DefiantLs Twitter account offers this high concept summary of the current presidential election:

I read this somewhere and couldn't be more true If Trump was going to destroy America, he would have done it in his first term. If Kamala Harris was going to help America, she would have done at least something these past 3.5 years.

Eighth, at one crucial moment in the debate Donald Trump declared that Kamala was in favor of sex change operations for illegal migrants.

The left nearly went berserk. It was such a stupid idea that everyone assumed that he was making it up. Funny thing, he was not making it up. She approved of the policy in a questionnaire offered by the ACLU in 2019.

Nellie Bowles reports for the Free Press:

One interesting turn is that some of the wackiest progressive policies, policies that Kamala Harris heartily endorsed in a more exciting era, now come across as crazy and bizarre to even ask about. When Trump said that Kamala Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison,” he was saying something that is quite literally true (here’s the CNN story on that exact position of hers). But it sounds crazy. And Kamala reacted as if it was crazy (“What is he talking about?” she said, smiling toward the audience). 

Trans aliens became a meme with BuzzFeed’s headline: “Donald Trump Might Have Said One Of The Most Baffling Things Of His Career In The Debate, And The Internet Is Having A Field Day.” But. . . but. . . she did support that! No, the media says now; no, she did not. Here’s the stately New Yorker with their political analysis of the debate: “His line about how the Vice-President ‘wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison’ was pretty memorable, too. What the hell was he talking about?” We have all been normal moderates all this time, silly goose. What are you even talking about? <Hides the incarcerated and medically transitioned illegal aliens under the bed>

So, serious media outlets were fooled, for not accepting how radical sister Kamala really is. And for not fact checking.

Ninth, extra credit for Gov. Tim Walz for having coined the Freudian slip of the week. It does not require interpretation. He said:

As a young prostitutor, Kamala Harris talked about going in that courtroom for the first time….

Tenth, nuclear energy might very well be our future. The problem is, our academic institutions are not producing anywhere near enough nuclear engineers to do the job.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Demand for nuclear energy is rising fast. Whether there are enough new recruits to keep the industry humming is another question.

Between 2012 and 2022, the number of students graduating with bachelor’s degrees in nuclear engineering in the U.S. fell by 25%, according to the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, with the class of 2022 seeing only 454 students graduate with a degree in the field. 

At the same time, the nuclear industry is facing a maturing workforce, with 17% of workers in the industry over the age of 55 and 60% aged between 30 and 54, according to the 2024 U.S. Energy and Employment report. The report also highlighted that 23% of workers were aged under 30, compared with 29% for other energy workers. 

Eleventh, some people are not at all disturbed by the fact that the moderators at the presidential debate did not fact check Kamala Harris.

To which, Joe Concha has replied, with a list of the lies that Harris was trafficking.

Harris said Trump supports Project 2025 (he denounced it)

Harris said Trump wants a national abortion ban (he doesn't)

Harris said Trump wants to ban IVF (quite the opposite) 

Harris claimed Trump warned of a bloodbath if not elected (talking about the auto industry and EV mandates) 

Biden-Harris inherited a bad economy (GDP 4.1%, Inflation 1.4% in Jan 2021 as economy was recovering from the pandemic)

Harris said in 2020 she supports fracking (no transcript of her saying that)

Harris said she'll never take away your guns (she's on video in 2020 advocating a gun confiscation program)

She said there's no American soldiers in war zones (we had troops killed in the Red Sea by Iranian proxies this year).

She said the Trump tax cuts only helped the wealthy (not true). 

She repeated the Charlottesville very fine people hoax (debunked by Snopes and others)

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