Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday Potpourri

First, not to be outdone by the British Labour Party, Hillary Clinton has declared that anyone spreading misinformation should be jailed. It is about what you would expect from a woman who never got over losing to Donald Trump.

To which Sara Carter recommends that we first apply the rule to Hillary herself. Via Twitter:

Well, then Hillary Clinton should be the first one to turn herself in… there has been no one more prolific at lying and spreading disinformation than her - STEELE DOSSIER anyone? that’s just for starters …. Bleach bit, smashing phones, white water, Epstein, etc…. But a vote for Harris is a vote against your freedom …. Believe me, Believe what they say…Clinton is one of the top Puppet masters of the Dems. These Marxist like ideologues will do anything to retain their power and money They despise any American that doesn’t agree with them

Second, just in case you did not understand why Kamala Harris does not do interviews with journalists, she did one with a journalist in Philadelphia. It was a non-stop embarrassment, a mix of word salads and predigested lines that she had memorized for the debate with Donald Trump.

Here is a transcript, beginning with the first question by moderator Taff.

TAFF: At the debate the other night you talked about creating an “opportunity economy” — what if we can drill down on that a little bit. When you talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?


Well I’ll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me, she worked very hard. Um, she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people, construction workers, and nurses and teachers, and I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience, you know, if, but, a lot of people will relate to this, you know I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. [smiles and nods with hands upheld] You know? And, um, and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity. And that we as Americans have a beautiful character. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams. But not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions. So when I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much with the mind of investing in the ambitions and aspirations and the incredible work ethic of the American people, and creating opportunity for people, for example, to start a small business. Um, my mother, you know, worked long hours, and our neighbor helped raise us. We used to call her, it was, I still call her, our “second mother.” She was a small business owner. I love our small business owners, I learned who they are through my childhood, and she was a community leader, she hired locally, she mentored, our small businesses are so much a part of the fabric of our communities, not to mention, really, I think the backbone of America’s economy.

Third, Harris’s backup, Governor Tim Walz is not much better.

REPORTER: What is your *specific* plan to make life more affordable for Americans?

WALZ: Let me spend five minutes talking to you about radical stuff no one cares about like "climate change"

Fourth, do you remember Tariq Ramadan, a European Muslim intellectual who was all the rage once upon a time.

The news about Tariq Ramadan is not good.

It turns out that he was just convicted of rape in a Swiss courtroom. Hmmm.

Robert Spencer reports:

Tariq Ramadan, a Muslim intellectual who has been one of the foremost exponents, at least to non-Muslims in Europe and North America, of Islamic reform, has been convicted of rape.

It is impossible to overstate how shocking this is for those who have praised Ramadan to the skies for so very long. For many years, Tariq Ramadan was the darling of the Western intelligentsia. In 2002, Salon hailed him as “the Muslim Martin Luther.” In 2004, Time Magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world today. In 2012, Foreign Policy included him on its list of the top 100 global thinkers “for telling us that Islam and democracy can go together — just when it matters.”

Now those accolades, and the many others that Ramadan received, stand as mute witness to the left’s tendency to shower with honors those who tell it what it wants to hear. Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported Tuesday that Ramadan has been “convicted on appeal of rape and sexual coercion by a Geneva court.” This has been a long time coming, as Ramadan has faced numerous accusations in recent years of “masking violence and radicalism behind a mild facade.”

Fifth, news from the Middle East. The Israelis have found a new way to attack Hezbollah. Blow up their pagers, thousands of them. Only a few deaths, but many significant injuries, especially to private parts. 

The New York Post explains:

The Israeli spy agency Mossad allegedly intercepted Hezbollah’s shipment of new pagers months ago and rigged them with high explosives — resulting in the stunning attack on the Lebanese terror group Tuesday, according to a new report.

Mossad agents reportedly placed Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), a highly explosive material, inside the batteries of the pagers, sources told Sky News Arabia, according to a translation from the Times of Israel.

Sixth, Columbia University compiled a report about the incidence of anti-Semitism on campus. Bill Barr, formerly Attorney General summarizes the conclusions:

Reading the report issued last month by Columbia University’s Task Force on Antisemitism, one could be forgiven for thinking that it describes the University of Heidelberg, circa 1933. It contains accounts of observant Jews being harassed and assaulted, and open calls for the murder of Jews. But no, this is not Nazi Germany. This is the Upper West Side of Manhattan in 2024. There—in one of the nation’s most elite enclaves of higher learning—the oldest hatred is alive and well, gussied up in academic robes.

The admittedly “serious and pervasive” antisemitic incidents detailed by the report are disturbing. Even more troubling is the extent to which Columbia faculty and administrators were complicit in the problem. One instructor kicked off a class in the Masters of Public Health program with a discussion of the Jewish “capitalists” who “laundered” their “dirty money” and “blood money” through donations to the university. Others silenced Jewish students in class discussions of the Holocaust and Israel. Still others moved class sessions and office hours to Columbia’s “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” where Jewish students were routinely threatened and physically attacked.

Seventh, the free market works. Considering how bad a job ABC journalists did at the last debate, it feels right and just that David Muir’s evening news broadcast should have lost 12% of its audience.

Eighth, if you thought that tampon Tim was bad, consider the Canadian military. It put up tampon dispensers in men’s bathrooms. Guess what, the soldiers threw them out:

The Canadian Military put tampons in the men’s bathroom. They started getting pulled down and thrown out.

After initially thinking they were going missing due to high demand, officials eventually realized and requested this be investigated as a HATE CRIME.

Ninth, those who are manifesting for a free Palestine, which means a Palestine free of Jews and practicing Sharia law, should consider this, from Pakistan, offered by Dr. Maalouf on Twitter:

PAKISTAN: a woman was raped, and instead of arresting the rapist, the Sharia council determined that the rapist’s sister should be raped by the victim’s brother. The innocent teenage girl was publicly raped in front of 40 people in what is called ‘revenge rape’ in Sharia law.

Do feminists embrace this?

Tenth, Daniel Greenfield exposes on Twitter the Kamala Harris prosecutorial record on rape:

In 2010, when Kamala first ran for attorney general, there had been 8,325 rapes in the state. By 2016, when Kamala was fighting to take Sen. Barbara Boxer’s seat, there were 13,695 rapes. Kamala presided over the single largest increase in sexual assaults on women in California.

Eleventh, a few words from Kamala herself, words that are not a salad, but are not very encouraging.

Ben B@dejo reports on Twitter about some remarks Kamala made at the National Association of Black Journalists:

Here  is Kamala Harris gloating about withholding 2,000-pound bombs from Israel, implying that it’s Israel’s fault that Hamas executed six hostages, and promising to “continue putting pressure” on Israel. She is not a friend of Israel. Beware.

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  1. Re the pager explosions. I gather Israel wants to re-instill deterrence after its massive failures of Oct. 7, but turning three thousand people into involuntary suicide bombers in the name of fighting terrorism… can you explain to me how causing thousands of pagers to explode, regardless of where the people were at the time, and thus endangering the lives of thousands of civilians, isn’t a terrorist attack?

  2. Exploding pager = suicide bomb belt? :-D
    Category error: "ontological error in which things belonging to a particular category are presented as if they belong to a different category". Stupid mistake, if I may be so bold.
