Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday Miscellany

First, the little twerp from Queens is sorely offended that Israel did some serious damage to Hezbollah’s ability to communicate. 

Other more serious thinkers have compared the Israeli attacks on pagers and walkie-talkies to the famous Trojan horse.

While we are whining about Hezbollah, we ought to recall, with Daniel Greenfield, that Israel was not just avenging the slaughter that Hezbollah had been visiting on Israel, but it was also avenging attacks on Americans.

Americans killed by Hezbollah included the 220 Marines in the Beirut barracks bombing, Colonel William R. Higgins, who had his tongue pulled out and was castrated before being dumped in front of a mosque, and Navy diver Robert Stethem was beaten to death on TWA Flight 847

Second, how could we end the week without offering up a few Kamala Harris word salads. We start with a statement that she made to a largely favorable audience at the National Association of Black Journalists.

Kamala told them this:

… when you are bestowed with a microphone… there is … this concept of public trust, to then understand what the public trust means. It means that you have been invested with trust…

Third, as for the two hour interview Harris did with Oprah Winfrey, I missed it myself, but I am happy to report the reaction of one Peachy Keenan:

Oprah's got at least 30 IQ points on Kamala and she is realizing this as she listens

Fourth, just for the fun of it, Collin Rugg offers a transcription of a Kamala word salad, from her Oprah show, in answer to a question posed by a member of the audience:

Kamala Harris is asked about her plan to lower the cost of living, says she will do that by lowering the cost of necessities. 

Remarkable. Question: What will you do to lower costs? 

Answer: Yeah. I first of all, thank you both for being here and yours is a, a story I hear around the country as I travel, and in terms of both rightly, having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American dream is for this generation and so many recently far more elusive than it's been, and we need to deal with that. And there are a number of ways. One is bringing down the cost of everyday necessities, including groceries.

Fifth, Libs of TikTok exposes this new policy in the Chicago Public Schools. The point is fairly obvious. Bringing in hordes of migrants, placing them in public schools, when they can neither read, write nor count, will not only diminish the education other children are receiving. It is obliging teachers to adopt a practice that had long since become standard in colleges that practiced affirmative action.

Huge scandal unfolding in @ChiPubSchools! Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject. Teachers say they spoke no Spanish, the kids spoke no English and this presented serious challenges. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools went on record just a few weeks ago and claimed the migrant students are held to the same standard as all others students. It’s estimated there are between 9k-17k migrant students in Chicago Public Schools.

Sixth, meanwhile on the insurrection front, we all know that the argument against Donald Trump resides in large part on the notion that he produced an insurrection on January 6, thus threatening our sacred democracy.

Is there more to the story? Monica Crowley offers this:

In new transcripts, General Milley confirms that days before January 6, President Trump requested “sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.” Milley & others, including Pelosi, “unnecessarily delayed the DC National Guard response to the Capitol…due to “optics” concerns.” They framed President Trump so they could try to nail him with their “insurrection” BS. It’s all failed. And these criminals will have to answer for their actions.

Seventh, in the war against Hezbollah the Israeli forces are doing something that American forces should have done a long time ago. 

The New York Post reports:

Israel on Friday killed Ibrahim Aqil, a Hezbollah leader who was behind a series of bombing attacks that killed more than 300 Americans in the 1980s.

During the strike earlier Friday, senior operatives in Hezbollah’s operations staff and commanders from the Radwan Unit were eliminated alongside Aqil.

The terrorists were killed while meeting to plan a fresh incursion into Israel to “kidnap and murder innocent civilians in a similar manner to the October 7 Massacre,” the Israel Defense Forces said.

“The IDF will continue to remove the threat of Hezbollah’s capabilities and will continue to operate in all arenas to protect Israeli civilians,” the military said in its announcement.

Eighth, another great moment in the empowered women derby. The new president of Columbia University, Katrina Armstrong, managed to make a flagrant display of weakness in the face of anti-Semitic protests.

The New York Post reports:

Columbia University’s interim president Katrina Armstrong was slammed by members of the school’s Jewish community after she apologized to anyone who felt “hurt” by the administration’s decision to clear out the campus’ destructive anti-Israel protests last spring.

Dr. Armstrong issued the mea culpa in an interview with the Ivy League school’s newspaper, the Columbia Spectator after she was asked about the school requesting the NYPD to break up a sprawling encampment and remove protesters from Hamilton Hall on separate days last April.

“I know that this is tricky for me to say, but I do understand that I sit in this job, right. And so if you could just let everybody know who was hurt by that, that I’m just incredibly sorry,” Armstrong told the newspaper that published its story early Thursday.

“And I know it wasn’t me, but I’m really sorry … I saw it, and I’m really sorry.”

Now we know that Armstrong can grovel with the worst of them.

Ninth, some good news from the psychiatric front. Drug companies have a new and more effective medication for treating schizophrenia.

The Financial Times has the story:

Schizo­phrenia suf­fer­ers are fre­quently pushed to the fringes of soci­ety, haunted by the delu­sions and hal­lu­cin­a­tions that define the worst flare-ups of the ill­ness, while poorly served by a choice of old and imper­fect treat­ments. In the US, they are vastly over-rep­res­en­ted in the job­less, home­less and prison pop­u­la­tions.

Now hope is at hand. If approved by reg­u­lat­ors at the US Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion later this month, the exper­i­mental drug, known as KarXT, will argu­ably be the first truly novel treat­ment for schizo­phrenia in more than seven dec­ades.

Exist­ing medi­cines serve to do little more than sed­ate patients or are under­mined by a long list of side effects. “A shot at a nor­mal life has been out of reach for most patients,” says Mat­tingly, who has over­seen more than 400 tri­als test­ing psy­chi­atry drugs.

Tenth, the Secret Service is making every effort to explain away its failures.

But then, Ann Coulter has one solution:

I see the Secret Service is asking for 'MORE RESOURCES' after screwing up in Butler, PA. They'd have a lot more 'resources' if they stopped hiring girls who, as a matter of biological fact, CAN'T DO THE JOB.

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