Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday Miscellany

 First, just in case you have been wondering what bad thoughts can get you suspended from the U. Penn Law School-- tenure be damned-- consider these remarks from Amy Wax, who has recently been relieved of her teaching responsibilities for a year.

As you probably know by now, Wax got into trouble by questioning DEI dogma. Consider this:

"What's going on out there is that people who would otherwise get a high school diploma and really technically shouldn't be going to universities in the sense that...[they] aren't smart enough to get a real university education. They're being churned through these institutions and there they are getting an ideological education in lefty ideas. They're being propagandized with the most crude sort of unthought out lefty ideas and then they are going out into the world."

Evidently, this is beyond the pale, for institutions that claim to value diversity of opinion.

Second, on the same subject, we read this from a coddled affluent professional on Twitter:

Wokeness is a liberatory movement for midwits. It gives them *moral authority* over people who are smarter and more talented than they are. The power to scold is a major reason why wokeness became so popular.

Third, then again, you have heard it so many times that you  might even believe that there is something to it. Donald Trump is a unique threat to democracy, or some such.

Bonchie redstate replies on Twitter:

Look, Democrats just want to protect our democracy and restore norms by packing the Supreme Court, getting rid of the electoral college, outlawing "misinformation," censoring their opponents, banning guns, and ending the filibuster.

Fourth, the Biden administration would have us believe that we have never had it as good as we have now. Anyone who thinks that the economy is not roaring ahead has simply failed to read enough Paul Krugman columns.

To that, famed statistician Nate Silver replies:

GDP growth last year was 2.5%. That's a nice number! But also almost exactly the long-term average. The idea that it's the "best economy in decades" is straight-up misinformation.

Fifth, the war against hate proceeds apace. Unfortunately, the anti-hate contingent has resorted to expressing their deeply held feelings by hating one presidential candidate.

Paul Joseph Watson reports from Los Angeles:

An “art exhibit” in Los Angeles designed to protest against Donald Trump “spreading hate” featured participants kicking around a soccer ball shaped like the former president’s head.

Sixth, Ta-Nihisi Coates, touring his new book encouraging anti-Semitism, has declared himself a potential terrorist. At the least he understands why terrorists did what they did on October 7. If he were not such a serious person he might have done the same thing:

And I grow up under that oppression and that poverty and the wall comes down. Am I also strong enough or even constructed in such a way where I say this is too far, I don't know that I am.

The great mystery is why major media outlets take this idiot so seriously.

Seventh, when you ask where Coates learned it all, he seems to have learned it from his father, Paul Coates, a man who believes that Jews were responsible for the slave trade.

Eighth, meantime for those gullible souls who have bought the Tommy Friedman swill about a two-state solution in the Middle East, Eric Dawe reports on an independent journalist by name of Zane Sage Fox who went to Gaza and the West Bank to ask people what they really, really wanted.

He reported:

What the diplomats, politicos, and pundits in the media refuse to recognize is that the majority of Palestinians are far from being the helpless victims of a repressive Hamas regime that thwarts any two-state solution. Rather, the mindset of the Palestinians themselves absolutely forbids any two-state solution with Israel. Israel would accept it; Israelis have been amenable every time it’s been proposed. To our western, civilized thinking, it seems only logical that Palestine would prefer peace over the endless fighting and death they have experienced under Hamas rule. But that’s exactly where we ‘civilized’ westerners go wrong. It’s not just Hamas that hates Israel and all its people; the Palestinians themselves hate Israel and the Israeli people with an intense, even self-destructive hatred we cannot comprehend.

Zach Sage Fox discovered this:

He took a cameraman with him to record his ‘man on the street’ interviews and document the actual opinions and perspectives of ordinary Palestinians. What he learned -- and what you can view for yourself -- was that far from wanting a two-state solution where they could live in peace with Israel, every Palestinian Zach interviewed -- without exception, both men and women -- did not want peace with Israel. They voiced a uniform wish to see Israel ‘deleted’. They want a one-state solution, with that one state being Palestine.

Ninth, just in case you missed it, Ta-Nehisi Coates is going all-in on anti-Semitism. Speaking on the Ezra Cohen podcast, he said this:

 “I don’t know how you’re different [than the evil Zionists].” On 10/7: “I don’t care what their leadership [Hamas] did.”

Tenth, a University of Kansas lecturer, by name of Phil Lowcock, told his class that any man who does not vote for Kamala Harris should be taken out and shot.

Lowcock has now been fired from the University.

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1 comment:

  1. I guess using the Palestinian definition, the hundreds of thousands of Jews thrown out of Arab countries in 1948 qualify as refugees too.
