Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Transmania on the Ballot Box

Just when you thought that all they needed was another pep talk from Barack Obama, along with an insinuation that if they did not vote for Kamala they were sexist, along comes Scott Jennings, a conservative commentator on CNN.

Why are black males not rushing out to vote for Kamala? Jennings said this on CNN over the weekend:

A lot of men think Democrats care more about dudes who want to become women than they do about dudes just wanna be dudes. No amount of hunting cosplay or cringy videos is gonna change it. The bed is made.

Almost on cue, the Wall Street Journal followed up yesterday morning with an editorial suggesting that transmania was on the ballot in a number of senatorial races. And that it was a sleeper issue, one that no one had expected, but that was compromising the electoral prospects of Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin and Montana Senator Jon Tester.

As the transwinds go, so might very well go the Senate.

Now a recent poll. Center Square Voters’ Voiced has found that 59% of the population favors national bans on gender affirming care on minors.

Politically speaking, the issue involves whether the government can outlaw what is falsely called gender affirming treatments. It also raises the issue of fairness, should a biological male who believes he is a female be allowed to compete in women’s sports? Should he be allowed in the girls locker room?

I need not tell you, though the point is often obscured, that no one is militating for allowing trans males, who were born female, to compete in men’s sports or to shower in the men’s locker room.

Back in the day, psychiatry recognized transgenderism as a delusional belief. Trans individuals believed, to the roots of their marrow, that they had been born in the wrong bodies. No physical evidence could convince them otherwise. 

Nowadays, we have dispensed with the notion of delusional belief and have declared the belief to be a person's truth. If you deny it, you are committing an act of violence against them, or against their beliefs.

Obviously, we are in the realm of disinformation or misinformation. Considering that there is no biological reality behind the assertion that one was born in the wrong body, any assertion to the contrary is disinformation or misinformation. In the vernacular, it’s a lie.

Amazingly, we are not dealing with people who have a constitutional right to lie to themselves. We are dealing with a cohort that arrogates to itself the right to force other people to believe that its lies are the truth.

They also insist on having the right to make up their own pronouns and force other people to use them. Totalitarian does it justice. 

Obviously, children are the victims of this mania. And yet, adults who try to persuade children that they can change their gender by changing their minds are culpable. They ought to be prosecuted.

The Wall Street Journal explains the political angle:

An ad in Wisconsin says Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin “voted to let biological men into women’s sports.” Republican challenger Eric Hovde gets spontaneous applause when he raises the issue at campaign events. In Montana, an ads says Sen. Jon Tester “voted to let men compete against our girls,” and “those aren’t Montana values.” The proliferation of these arguments against so many Democratic incumbents suggests it’s resonating with the public.

And then there is the question of mutilating children. It is not the least issue, and begins with offering puberty blockers to children. Among those who are offering such treatments are Planned Parenthood, of all groups.

You know that the British National Health Service has followed the recommendations of a report written by pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass. It has stopped offering puberty blockers to children and has stopped surgical attempts to play God.

In America some states have tried to pass laws banning what is called gender affirming care. As it happens, Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio opposed such laws, because he wanted the decision to be limited to parents and doctors. So, if a thirteen year old girl decides that she wants a double mastectomy, there are no problems for Sen. Brown.

Do we really want it to be involving doctors when they have a considerable financial stake in the surgical procedures.

While Sen. Brown insists that he does not support puberty blockers and mutilating surgery, he does oppose banning them. It’s a distinction without a difference, well worthy of a politician.

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1 comment:

  1. Then, too, adding to the political gender gap, is that the feminized Democrat party has been calling men toxic for at least a decade. Add to that, too, that the Girl Boss attitude is a general turnoff. And finally add that Kamala is an avatar of entitled ineptitude.
