Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Who Is Tyler Cherry?

Yesterday, the Twitterverse was abuzz about a pathetic transvestite named Tyler Cherry. Currently a communications specialist in the Interior Department, he was just promoted to an associate communications director job in the White House. 

That means, he is third in line to represent the administration and the nation in press briefings. 

Let’s be clear here. What Cherry wants to do during his private time and with his private life is his business. Frankly, we do not care. If he likes to crossdress and to go to parties with his fellow transvestites, it is his business, not ours.

The world would be a better place if Cherry managed to keep his kinks to himself. Unfortunately, as a multitude of posts has made clear, he has made quite the spectacle of himself, dressing up foolishly and posing in a semi-erotic fashion. 

It is almost not worth mentioning, but Cherry, a fervent supporter of the Palestinian cause, would do better not to show off his kink  in Gaza or in other Palestinian territories. However fervent his support for the Palestinian cause, he should know that his bizarre behavior is a capital crime in such a culture. Walking down a Gaza street in drag would teach young Cherry a good lesson in the value of American culture. In the time it took for them to hang him from a lamppost or to throw him off a rooftop.

Hot Air reports on some of his dubious opinions:

He celebrated bloodshed in Israel in a 2014 post. He applauded what he called the end of the "occupation of Palestine" amid that year's Gaza War. Palestinian forces, led by Hamas, launched hundreds of rockets into Israel. Israel responded with airstrikes and a ground invasion. 

"Cheersing in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine — no shame and f--- your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine," Cherry said on July 25, 2014, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

And, of course, he hates America. Hot Air brings us up to date on some more of his tweets:

In 2015, he tweeted “the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs."

And he prayed "even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases." 

He also helped boost "Russiagate."

And In 2018, he called for ICE to be abolished.

By now it is clear that young Mr. Cherry is a typical leftist crank. 

In fairness, as soon as he was named to his new position, he erased all of his prior tweets and renounced all of his idiotic opinions.

You may or may not want to call that a come-to-Jesus moment, or a simple expediency. The trouble is, people had no trouble finding them, and figuring out that during the time that he was director of communications for Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, he exposed his jejune opinions to the public at large.

But then, no one really cared. Because no one much cares about Deb Haaland. She has not been very public as a cabinet secretary and was obviously a diversity hire. She comes from a native American community.

Now, we know that such opinions did not bother Deb Haaland. Assuming that she knew about them. And we believe that it was her job to know about them. 

So, Deb Haaland did not know what she was doing. And yet, it does not speak well of her when she hired Tyler Cherry, an ideological zealot to be her communications director. Apparently, she is a leftist fanatic.

In fairness, we assume that Joe Biden was not involved in the decision to bring Tyler Cherry to the White House. One assumes that Joe Biden is barely involved in his administration anyway. 

As the saying goes, the country is in the worst of hands.

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art.the.nerd said...
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