Sunday, May 28, 2023

Totalitarian Trans Ideology

Once upon a time James Esses was a practicing psycho therapist in Great Britain. In the course of his training and in setting up his practice he decided to champion the cause of children who were being groomed to be transexual. In particular this meant, young girls who had been persuaded that they could trade in their girlhood for beards and hairy chests. 

And then, the notice arrived in his email. His license had been pulled; he had been struck from the rolls. His crime-- it was a thought crime-- refusing to believe in gender fluidity, in the notion that any child could change sex at will. 

He explains in the Spectator:

The truth is that this happened to me because I hold gender critical views. I believe that biological sex is binary and immutable. I do not believe that children should be taught otherwise. Nor do I believe that children should be unequivocally affirmed down a path of potentially irreversible medical transitioning.

These beliefs, founded in science and ethical therapeutic considerations, were enough to cost me my vocation.

One hastens to add that it is not just a question of belief. Though, oddly enough, transsexuality is nothing more than a belief, a delusional belief at that.

During the course of his training Esses had volunteered at a charity called Childline, where he found himself counseling more and more children seeking to transition.

Children as young as eight told me they were certain they were trans – but they didn’t seem to have much understanding of what ‘trans’ meant. Some were desperate to take medication to delay their puberty – but didn’t seem to know what puberty involved. Many told me that they had joined online communities where their trans identities were celebrated and encouraged. Most (but not all) were born as girls and wanted to be boys. Some were already using breast binders, a piece of clothing that compresses breasts and can cause serious damage if not used properly.

Advocates and activists insist that puberty blocker hormones are perfectly safe, their effects reversible. And yet, poisoning children with these hormones, and then practicing surgical mutilation on them, followed by a lifetime regimed on cross sex hormones is not remotely a good thing. 

And for all the beards and hairy chests, no transitioning girl has ever grown a dick.

A nation that routinely mutilates children is practicing child sacrifice. A nation that forces practitioners to participate  in these practices, lest they lose their licenses to practice their professions, is totalitarian.

As it happens, activists tell us that children should be allowed to transition socially, to change names of pronouns, before undergoing more drastic procedures.

Mere ‘social transition’ – when a child simply starts living as the other sex, often involving a change of wardrobe and a possible change of name and pronouns – is usually seen as the soft and harmless option, because it doesn’t involve medical treatment. However, in my experience once you’ve started down that path, it’s difficult to change course. I’ve spoken to children who identify as trans and would secretly like to detransition but they’re too frightened of being labelling a liar or attention-seeker.

As it happens, this all began around two years ago. Since then, Esses notes, the Tavistock Center that had been leading the way in child mutilation has been closed. It was drowned under a sea of lawsuits from children and their parents who had been tricked into buying the new scheme. 

One wishes Esses the best in his lawsuits against those who tried to strike his name from the list of accredited credentials. His was a lonely battle in Great Britain. We need more people like him in America.

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1 comment:

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

We need a lot more people like him, and some serious consequences for the child mutilators.

It had not occured to me that these children were sacrifices, but they are. Sacrifices to an evil mindset.