Thursday, June 29, 2023

Transitioning and Suicide

Countries around the Western world are conducting supposedly serious scientific studies regarding the suicidality of trans youth. Something that no one anywhere at any time in the course of human history doubted has suddenly become an industry. Medical professionals take seriously the notion that failing to provide what they absurdly call gender-affirming care causes people to commit suicide.

Dare we mention that any counselor who tells the parent of a nine year old child that the child must receive puberty blocking hormones, lest she commit suicide, should lose his medical license and should be sent to prison. Ignoble does not begin to describe it.

Now the Daily Caller reports on a New York Times article about trans suicide in Denmark. (via Maggie’s Farm) In truth, American physicians had long since observed that transitioning is very bad for your mental health, but the industry is now so big that shutting it down has become a daunting challenge.

The Denmark study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that transitioning caused an increase in suicide attempts, by a factor of more than 7. 

A study published Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that trans people in Denmark had 7.7 times the rate of suicide attempts and 3.5 times the rate of suicide deaths of the non-trans population. The study, which was conducted by analyzing the health records of more than six million people over the span of four decades, dealt with individuals aged 15 and over.

One understands that the feeble minds at the New York Times have placed child mutilation front and center in the culture wars. Since Republicans and conservatives want to shut down trans mania, the Times seems to be suggesting that gender reassignment must be a good thing. After all, California is in the process of deciding that children can be removed from parental homes if their parents do not accede to their childish wishes to transition. 

“The findings, published on Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, come at a charged political moment in the United States, where Republican lawmakers across the country have enacted laws targeting sexuality and gender identity, restricting drag performances, bathroom use for transgender people and gender-related medical care,” the Times reports

Naturally, the Times finds itself on the side of sexual assault. In England, among other places, males who declare themselves to be females use female rest rooms in high school and assault females in said locker rooms. After all, if it is acceptable for a biological male to change in the girls’ locker room at U. Penn, exposing himself to unwilling and unconsenting females, why not extend the monstrous behavior to younger children.

Strangely, the JAMA study reports on prior studies from Sweden and America, wherein it was shown that patients who had received what is now called gender-affirming care were at far higher risk of dying. So much for care.

“Elevated rates of all-cause mortality among transgender individuals have also been reported in studies from Sweden and the United States,” the JAMA study notes, citing a 2011 study that found that patients’ risks for death actually increased after they received sex changes.

I trust that you know that those who report these statistics have a ready made response. They will say that cultural rejection, failing to accept these young people for the sex that they believe they are, has driven them to suicide. Thus, the fault lies with those who refuse to accept the lie and who reject the transgendered from their social circles.

In truth, many people do reject their trans children, though it might be a better idea to try to solve the problem by discouraging transitioning, to start calling out child mutilation for what it really is. And yet, if they did so they would need to accept that they have been promoting child sacrifice and belong in prison.

In truth, that is the direction that Europe is taking. Perhaps we ought to follow the good European example. See Leon Sapir in The Hill.

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