Thursday, July 25, 2024

Feminist Misogyny

Imagine a misogynistic culture, the patriarchy on steroids. It forces women to cover their hair, lest they be murdered. It practices honor killings, child marriage, wife beating and wife rape. As for homosexuality, of both varieties, this culture considers it a capital crime and will murder you if it catches you engaging in it.

I will not name the culture in question. You know what I am talking about. And yet, imagine what feminists would have to say about such a cultural deformity.

In truth, we know exactly what modern feminists, modern liberated women, have to say about Islamist culture. They embrace it. They go to the barricades to defend it. They march in the streets and set up encampments to further its cause. 

I cannot promise you that the women who are out manifesting for a free Palestine and who want to eliminate Jews from the Middle East are feminists, actual or incipient, but I do not think it’s a great stretch to see that these women, seeking freedom for the poor oppressed people of Gaza, do not care a whit for the oppressed women in Gaza. And that is assuming that they know what life is like for women in those places.

Or else, if we were going to be slightly more cynical, we might say that these deluded feminists are giving voice to a basic and fundamental misogyny that undergirds their belief system. I have long suspected that feminism is merely a stealth misogyny. The level of female participation in the pro-Palestinian movement gives the point plausibility.

Kay Hymowitz identifies one simple but undeniable fact. The anti-Israeli and pro-Hamas demonstrations are being led by women. It’s girlpower on the march:

It was women holding the microphones, addressing the press and crowds; women leading the chants of “From the river to the sea”; women giving interviews about the encampments; and women issuing demands to university administrators. In some images, so many women were involved that it seemed as if men had inexplicably vanished, like the missing in the sci-fi series The Leftovers.

Obviously, those women who promote gay rights have no clue about the condition of homosexuals in Islamist cultures:

 Reporting by Joseph Bernstein in the New York Times revealed that shortly after October 7, a Columbia lesbian group, LionLez, sent an e-mail letting Zionists know they were unwelcome at an upcoming event. Similarly, a Barnard hip-hop dance team removed a four-year veteran, an Israeli American, from its WhatsApp channel, where practices and events were announced.

So, Hymowitz asks the right question:

Why would Gen Z college women like Grosso, who have “never hit or harmed” anyone in their lives, align themselves with Hamas, a terror group so proud of its capacity for sadistic rape and murder that it filmed some of its October 7 atrocities to share with the world?

These young people do not understand what they are doing. They do not care about women being subjected to gang rapes, or to having their children murdered before their eyes. When you tell them that Hamas terrorists were shoving grenades into women’s genitals, then to explode them, they will tell you either that it never happened or that the Israeli Zionist settlers deserved it.

Of course, there are now films about Hamas violence against women. In truth, the warriors of Hamas took the films themselves and were happy to distribute them. 

The sad and the inexcusable part is that Western feminists hear about these atrocities against women and shrug. They do not have enough moral sense to identify the actions of the terrorists as war crimes. 

War criminals are not freedom fighters. They are not working to have a free society where men and women can have equal rights.

The women protesters have invariably and inevitably been spoon fed feminist ideology. How does it happen that feminism dulls their moral sense at a such  fundamental level.

Of course, if we look for the root cause of modern feminism, we need but look at the work of one Friedrich Engels, the No. 2 Communist roader. Engels wanted to enlist women in the cause, to help them to abandon their bourgeois dreams in order to join the vanguard of the revolution. Dare we say that he has had some considerable success.

A young woman who lives according to the precepts of feminism will inevitably make a mess of her life. And then she will discover a coven of feminists that will happily explain to her that the patriarchy is at fault and that she should give her life over to the task of overthrowing it.

Ultimately, if women do not become miserable by thinking as feminists, acting as feminists… they will consider that they have been doing something wrong. If they do become miserable they will have been taught by feminists to blame it all on men.

Before you know it they are marching in the streets, burning American flags, in order to show solidarity with misogynist terrorists who have no use for women or for human rights.

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Anonymous said...

I suspect a big part of the popularity of the Palestinian cause is that enables people to express their antisemitism in a socially acceptable way.

Bizzy Brain said...

I suspect that many of the protestors are on Iran's payroll.

Anonymous said...

I suspect it is the same impulse that led women - in large part women from this demographic - to make "50 Shades of Grey" a blockbuster.

Walt said...

I’ve reckoned it like this: They believe all women are oppressed . Therefore, they identify with anyone or thing they believe is oppressed. They believe the Palestinians are oppressed. The oppressors of women are men. The oppressors of Palestinians are Israelis. So they’re really just yowling their own grievance against men when they rail against the Israelis. ( Is the psychological term for that displacement “transference”? ) That Palestinian men are oppressing their own women doesn’t figure in the equation.