Monday, October 14, 2024

The Gender Gap

And then there was the gender gap, not to be confused with the thigh gap. The woke Democratic Party has a man problem. The Kamala Harris solution was to name a man called Tampon Tim as her vice presidential candidate.

Considering her husband’s track record dealing with women, we are not going to grant too much credence to the Harris choice. Besides, after railing and inveighing against toxic masculinity for these past few years, why did any sane Democrat imagine that America’s male voters would flock to Tampon Tim.

Worse yet, yesterday, man’s man Tim decided to show off his prowess at pheasant hunting. Unfortunately, he did not know how to load his gun and ended up looking like Elmer Fudd.

Batya Ungar-Sargon offered this intriguing interpretation of the Walz fail:

This "outreach" to men is actually outreach to women. There's a contradiction between what Democratic women expect aesthetically & sexually out of men and what they demand politically. The result is this uncanny valley of politically emasculated men LARPing as manly macho men:

For those who want to read a concise essay about manliness, I recommend my post entitled “What a Piece of Work is a Man.” It was written last Thursday.

As you doubtless recall, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is a far better shot than Tim Walz. In order to show off her manliness, and thus her qualification to be a vice presidential candidate, she bragged about shooting a puppy.

Of course, shooting innocent pets does not make you very manly and the Noem political career went up in smoke.

Which brings us to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a rising star in the Democratic Party. A couple of days ago Whitmer allowed herself to be filmed mocking the Roman Catholic sacrament of the Eucharist. It was certainly a new political low.

Decked out in a Harris cap Whitmer handed a supplicant a Doritos chip, which is not quite the same thing as a communion wafer.

To the best of my knowledge the Church does not allow for female priestesses. Thus, Whitmer might count as a drag queen, which would be even more offensive.

Ed Morrissey recounts the reaction in Michigan:

After participating in a weird submissive-porn version of Catholic communion, or just a demonstration of how Kamalites operate, the governor of Michigan has gotten a deluge of outrage and criticism. Catholic bishops in all seven dioceses in the state issued a statement demanding an explanation and apology for Whitmer's campaign video for Kamala Harris and its "offensive impact" in mocking the Eucharist.

Of course, Whitmer did not accept responsibility. She blamed it on a misinterpretation:

Over 25 years in public service, I would never do something to denigrate someone's faith. I’ve used my platform to stand up for people’s right to hold and practice their personal religious beliefs. My team has spoken to the Michigan Catholic Conference. What was supposed to be a video about the importance of the CHIPS Act to Michigan jobs, has been construed as something it was never intended to be, and I apologize for that.

She apologizes because people misinterpreted her intention. Obviously, this is a non-apology, taking no responsibility for the offense given. And not recognizing that once you post such bile you are no longer the supreme authority on what it means.

Morrissey offers an extended interpretation, emphasizing the echoes of pornography:

Exactly how does placing a Dorito on Plank's tongue while she kneels before Whitmer present an argument about the importance of the CHIPS Act? How in fact is this a policy argument at all? The video looks more like a prelude to a WHIPS Act. To the extent it argues anything at all, it argues for submission to elected officials in the manner of idolatry, transforming Whitmer into some sort of goddess-queen to be obeyed, not a public servant with a duty for accountability.

The moral of the story is that you can toss out your Whitmer ‘28 buttons. The saving grace is that now Whitmer will be known for something other than her enduring love affair with Botox.

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1 comment:

370H55V I/me/mine said...

Jay Leno did it better--even with only CRT displays: