When the Dallas Cowboys wanted to place a decal on their
helmets to commemorate the police officers who had been murdered by a leftist
fanatic the NFL declined the request. Wouldn't want to politicize football.
When ESPN announcer Paul Finebaum declared that blacks in
America are not oppressed, he was forced to hang his head in shame and to apologize.
Yet, when washed-up football player Colin Kaepernick refused
to stand for the national anthem and was caught wearing socks depicting police
officers as pigs, media figures rushed to defend his right to free speech.
This is, after all, the Age of Obama. And the oppression
narrative that has driven the Obama presidency has now become dogma. Dispute it
at your peril.
Kaepernick is probably going to be cut by the San Francisco
49ers, but the point does need to be made. When you are working for a company
and wear a uniform identifying you with the company you do not have a right to
say anything you please. The team and the league certainly have a right to make standing for the national anthem is obligatory, not optional. They
ought both to do so.
Kaepernick’s job is to play football. Not to politicize the
game and to distract the other players who want to play the game. As if the
country was not sufficiently divided already.
The point also needs to be made that Kaepernick does not own
the meaning of his gesture. Recently, he has declared that he did not mean to
disrespect the flag and did not mean his protest as an anti-American gesture.
But, you cannot have it both ways. Kaepernick was declaring that America is
about oppressing blacks, and about nothing else. Thus, it was unworthy of his respect. He was, by his gesture, disrespecting
the flag and demonstrating unpatriotic sentiments toward a country and toward
people who had, after all, treated him better than well.
It doesn’t matter what he meant. If he had wanted to express
his patriotism he knew how to do it. Since he did not, he was expressing something
other than patriotism. Now he has said that he will contribute money to a cause
that appeals to him. This does not change the meaning of his gesture.
And since the biracial Kaepernick was abandoned by his black
biological father, to be adopted and brought up by a white family, his protest
against white people suggests a singular lack of gratitude. He did not just disrespect
America; he disrespected the people who had raised him.
While we are here, can you think of another biracial man
whose black father abandoned him and his mother and who was brought up by white
people? You guessed it: Barack Hussein Obama, himself. Maybe we should have national conversation about black fathers who abandon their children.
Kaepernick’s sentiments notwithstanding, demeaning and
denouncing the country does not make anything better. It divides the nation and
turns whites and blacks against each other. We have had nearly eight years of
it under the aegis of Obama. It’s about time that we returned to an inclusive
Be that as it may, all indications point to the fact that
Kaepernick was not acting of his own volition. Rumor has it that he protested
because his girlfriend told him to do it. Rather than being a strong social
justice warrior, Colin Kaepernick was showing the world that he is… whipped!
It’s all about seduction. It’s about one person seducing the
other person’s mind, making the other person the spokesperson for a trendy
cause that the other person does not really understand.
Seducing minds is not limited to dumb jocks. The tech titans
of Silicon Valley often seem to be mouthing progressive platitudes, platitudes
that directly contradict their business practices. For example, they are all
for diversity but have very un-diverse work forces. Even when they make an
all-out and discriminatory effort to hire more minorities—as Facebook recently
did—they still fall short. It’s not about oppression; it’s about the absence of
qualified candidates.
In the meantime, the woman who controls Kaepernick’s mind is his girlfriend, named Nessa Diab, an MTV DJ. Diab is a Muslim social justice warrior who has
expressed great admiration for Black Lives Matter and for Fidel Castro. I add a
picture so you will have some sympathy with Kaepernick and understand that if
he became her puppet, perhaps there were compensations.
Lately, Kaepernick has been filling his Instagram feed with
radical messages and images:
But 31
of his last 42 posts have strong social justice connotations, often featuring
quotes from radical Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X, Black Panthers founder
Huey Newton and cop killer Assata Shakur. During a Sunday news conference about
the flag flap, Kaepernick dressed in a black hat with a large, white “X” and a
T-shirt that featured photos of Cuban despot Fidel Castro and Malcolm X.
As for Diab, we read this:
said in a March 2014 interview that she spent many of her
formative years in Saudi Arabia, after her dad was transferred there from a job
in California. She described being in the Kingdom during the Gulf War and how
the threat of bombings later colored her impression of American tragedies.
9/11 happened, it didn’t surprise me at all,” Diab said on the Guy Code
Podcast. “’Wow. Mmkay. This is what we went through, probably, every couple
And also:
about Alton Sterling’s controversial shooting by police officers, Diab
remarked “they will also try to discredit the store owner’s account of what
occurred because he’s Muslim and we know Islamaphobia is at an all-time high in
this country.”
said her parents, who were originally from Egypt, were highly educated, but
denied some jobs in the U.S. “because they have an accent.”
Or else, consider this from Diab:

Scott McKay describes Diab’s influence on Kaepernick:
after he started dating Diab, Kaepernick’s preparation and focus on football
melted into nothing. Last year he lost his starting job amid an atrocious
season, prompting San Francisco head coach Jim Tomsula to bench him in favor of
Jacksonville Jaguar castoff quarterback Blaine Gabbert. And when Tomsula
announced an open battle for the job in the offseason, Kaepernick largely
withdrew from the team, skipping voluntary workouts and neglecting to match
Gabbert’s effort.
Kaepernick’s career is over. Now, he will not be going out
with a whimper. He will be going out and will be remembered for spitting on
Well, a Muslim girlfriend and bringing home the bacon by hustling a pigskin?
Something had to give. :-D
Much of this is based upon lies.
Reminds one of Mizzo and the costs that they are paying for perpetuating mistruths.
Is it just me, but it seems that much of the pain and suffering, such as foot binding, FGM, bullying, the results of feminism, SJWs, Madam Mao, et al is driven by women?
Not the first male who has put his life and career on the line for a woman who has little respect for him. If she cared would she be pushing him to take actions that do damage to him. I guess the need for blood in the lower part of male's body comes from the brain?
He coulda been a contendah! Instead of the bum that he is. Bad companions do that.
Colin Kaepernick and the 49ers had the dumb luck to arrive in my city (San Diego) on Military Appreciation Night. The booing went on for miles. Karma at it's best.
How long till it finally dawns on Kaepernick that Diab's main feeling toward him and the family who raised him is contempt, and that she's actively working towards his personal destruction?
And succeeding, JPL. I'm guessing we know what Stuart meant with his title.
"Colin Kaepernick signed a 6 year, $114,000,000 contract with the San Francisco 49ers, including a $12,328,766 signing bonus, $61,000,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $19,000,000. In 2016, Kaepernick will earn a base salary of $11,900,000, a roster bonus of $2,000,000 and a workout bonus of $400,000."
Only in Obama's America could someone earning this kind of bread to play football proclaim his race "oppressed." And then draw attention in refusing to stand for the national anthem. This is the classic American sport and multi-billion dollar business. I'd say it was insane if it wasn't typical in a land of 24/7 politicized victimhood and a political party based on an amalgam of malcontent identities.
I hope he gets cut, and the 49ers have to keep paying his guaranteed contract. I'm sure he'll face that "oppression" like a man, too. Good grief.
I agree she's succeeding, Sam, at least so far. But I'm more curious about Kaepernick's potential future reaction should he ever realize she feels contempt for him and is seriously screwing him up. Because at that point he'll have to grapple with a dilemma that those in such relationships (as well as cult members and drug addicts) eventually face; the dilemma being the realization that, on the one hand, the relationship is killing him; but that, on the other hand, quitting now will be extremely painful because so much of his self-worth now depends on her approval; but that, on yet another hand, quitting in the future will be even more painful and leave him with even less chance of making a mental and emotional recovery. Not a pleasant dilemma to have.
I'm just glad that President Obama chimed in to provide guidance on how we should all feel about Kaepernick and his rights as a U.S. citizen, as if there were any question. San Diego's booing was clear how the citizenry feels, and it seems quite different than Obama's sentiments. Go figure.
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