Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Phyllis Chesler, At War Against Islamic Terror

The war against Islamic terror, we are sometimes reminded, is not just a shooting war. And it is not something that is going to be solved by a bunch of diplomats holed up in a smoke-free room.

It is also a war of ideas, a war that pits liberal democratic principles against the voices of terror and reaction.

Phyllis Chesler has been among the strongest and most stalwart warriors on the battlefield of ideas. Through her website, her many articles in different publications, and her blog on Pajamas Media she has exposed the true face of radical Islamic terror as it oppresses women and stifles dissent.

And she has consistently called out those Western intellectuals who have, supposedly in the name of one or another specious ideal, becomes apologists for the terrorism and barbarism of radical Islam.

All this to say that I am especially honored to have been cited in an article Chesler posted today on the NewsRealBlog. Link here.
My original post can also be found here.

In her piece Chesler takes up the debate over whether or not the state has the right or duty to ban the burqa or the veil from public display.

She points out that while Islamic states like Syria have refused to allow students to wear the hijab (or veil) to the university and has removed those elementary school teachers who wear the hijab from the classroom and given them administrative assignments, American and British feminists have taken it on themselves to defend a practice that strips women of their social dignity and their freedom.

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