French intellectuals love their own minds with a fervor that
approaches delirium.
Distrusting the limited intelligence of the masses they
hold, as an article of faith, that they should be making the important
They have little use for democratic processes and the free
market. Thus, they are especially vulnerable to the siren song of totalitarian
France’s new president, Francois Hollande is a socialist,
not a communist. Yet, like his cohorts on the Left Bank he has been showing how
much he loves his mind by demonstrating how little he respects reality. Links here and here.
Intellectuals tend to be idealists. They care more about
their ideals than about reality. They assume that reality ought to correspond
to their ideals. If it does they will do what is necessary to force the issue.
So, Hollande, good French intellectual that he is, took the
ideals of social justice and equality and has decided that he wants to impose
them on the French public school system.
Seeing that some children seem consistently to do better
than others he has decided that he needs to level the educational playing
He does not want to do it by raising the achievement levels
of underperforming children. He is proposing that France dumb down its
educational system by banning homework.
Elizabeth Price Foley called it, aptly, the “No child gets
ahead” principle.
Hollande and his advisers are sorely offended that some children grow
up in homes where they receive more help with their homework.
These children, from advantaged homes, tend to do better in
school. Hollande wants to rectify the situation by banning homework, with a few
small exceptions.
The French government will prohibit all schoolteachers,
especially in elementary school, from giving out homework assignments.
If you worship at the altar of equality you might think
to yourself that it doesn’t matter whether the good students are dragged down
or whether the bad students are helped to do better.
Doing equally bad is as good as doing equally good.
Doubtless someone had an epiphany one day and decided that
banning homework would be a good way to deprive advantaged children of whatever
advantages their parents are providing for them.
After all, if you are banning homework, you should also ban
private tutors.
And then there are the practical implications, the results
that would follow, as the night the day, if one were to continue on this path
toward idealistic folly.
What if a child goes home and decides to do some extra
reading or to do some extra practice on his multiplication tables? Should his
parents be prosecuted for giving him something that a less advantaged family could
not offer?
If the child of intelligent parents receives an advantage by conversing with his parents, should those parents be forbidden to talk
to their children?
We know that children gain an advantage if they grow up in
homes surrounded by books and other reading material. If disadvantaged children
lack sufficient reading material in their homes, ought their more privileged counterparts
have their books confiscated?
If some parents can offer their children music lessons or chess lessons, ought they to be forbidden to do so since these
activities might give their children an unfair advantage?
If some parents can provide a better home than others,
should they be forced to live in an apartment that is equal to that of
disadvantaged children?
Consider this: what if the parents of privileged children compensate
for the lack of homework assignments by hiring tutors or even by structuring
their children’s learning experience at home.
If other parents do not have the wherewithal to do as much,
ought more educated parents be banned from working on schoolwork at home?
In the end the policy can only work to the detriment of those who are disadvantaged.
Then there is the question of how you are going to enforce
this silliness?
It’s easy to prevent teachers from giving homework
assignments. But if some parents create their own homework exercises, should
the government intervene to prevent them from doing so? How can it prevent
children from preparing for tests at home?
Should schools punish children who excel because,
presumably, their intelligent parents are providing them with an unfair
We should not ignore the fact that some children suffer an
academic disadvantage because their home lives are chaotic. If a chaotic home
life puts one child at a disadvantage ought the government to dictate chaotic
homes for all children… in the name of equality and social justice?
I have gone slightly beyond what the French president is
proposing. But if you follow his reasoning, that is where you end up.
Amazingly enough, the French president does not want all
children to strive to do the best. He wants to degrade the educational
opportunities of the best children because other children cannot keep up.
Today’s French children will grow up to compete with children from
other parts of the world. Some will fall behind because their nation has decided to dumb down their educational requirements. Next thing you know, they will be banning the Tiger Mom.
One knew that French intellectuals have little real use for the work ethic. Who knew that they were also opposed to the homework ethic?
It takes intelligence to come up with such a stupid idea.
One is reminded of a line from Thomas Sowell:
is usually only a limited amount of damage that can be done by dull or stupid
people. For creating a truly monumental disaster, you need people with high
Bully for us! In a few decades the French will be living in grass and mud huts!
In an effort to deny individual dignity, and paradoxically to preserve it, we are following the same degenerate path.
Perhaps the French intellectuals are unaware that there are approximately 7 billion people in this world who compete for consumption of finitely accessible resources. That not everyone -- but surely someone -- will enjoy a beachfront property in Hawaii. I wonder if they have already called dibs on the prime real estate.
In a few decades, given their current aversion to evolutionary fitness, and preference for instant gratification, the French (and Americans) will cease to exist as a coherent race of people. Their civilization will be subsumed by people with a superior, if harsher, grasp of reality.
I see Today has already started to glorify this, so watch out America, here it comes!
I am reminded of Kurt Vonnegut's dystopian short story, Harrison Bergeron, written in 1961. His story took place in 2081. He was only off by not quite eighty years.
There is nothing more dangerous to the progress of humanity than an educated person. The more education the more dangerous they become. That is until they grow enough maturity to understand education is a tool which can be utilized to build or tear down. It matters what and how it is utilized. That we require wisdom and common sense which unfortunately is in short supply for a significant number of "educate"people.
This grows ever worse as a society ignores its older more experienced people for the appeal of being "young" and the ideas that appeal to the young who lack the experience to see the fallacies of ideas that have failed in the past.
I am not as worried as some because I see increasing evidence that many people are moving away from government, the prime movers of much of this lack of forethought, and to groups who want to provide the best advantages for the generations that follow. One only needs to look at the gradual demise of the influence of the education establishment and to better models that increasingly move away from static centralized areas of learning.
France will change because it will be slowly starved of the means to pay for these ideas NOTE: It does seem that these ideas are part and parcel of a Leftist mindset. I suspect that they see a way to control others more easily. One can bet that their children will not suffer the "public" school system, which is increasingly not a place to learn what is required to succeed in life.
I wonder if, in foot races, the omniscient government will decree that all competing runners must merely stand at the starting line when the starting pistol goes off. We certainly wouldn't want anyone to be faster than any other.
Hangtown Bob
As we all know, theory trumps practice and intentions trump results.
And the road to Hell...
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