In an especially wrong headed column Thomas Edsall assures
us that liberals bear no responsibility for the breakdown in the American
family. Ignoring the simple fact that the American left has been inveighing
against the patriarchal family, against defined social roles, against the
organized criminal conspiracy called the United States, Edsall fully absolves
liberals for the consequences of their cultural policies.
Of course, it is not entirely fair to blame it on
liberalism. The American left has long since taken its leave of liberal
policies, and even of progressive policies. Calling it liberal or progressive
is a misnomer. The American left has become radicalized. It was radicalized
during the time of the Vietnam counterculture. The radical left attacked sexual
morality. It attacked the family. It attacked the military for war crimes. It
has and is still attacking men for being toxic male chauvinist pigs. It has
taken over the educational system, degrading boys’ interests and elevating
girls’ interests. It wanted to uproot
the social order. Now that its policies have been translated into real institutional
chaos, Edsall believes that the left had nothing to do with it.
In truth, Edsall has nothing to say about any of these
aspects of the Great American Cultural Revolution. Like all radical movements
this revolution will never take responsibility for the mess it created.
Liberals, as he calls them, feel deeply about family
practice, many, if not most, liberals are as deeply disturbed by familial
dysfunction as conservatives, but they are not ranting about it. Instead of
promoting the kind of anarchy described by Barr and others on the right,
scholars on the left now acknowledge that the sexual revolution and the
personal autonomy movement had significant costs as well as notable gains.
Again, not a word about the Vietnam counterculture or
feminism. As for how deeply disturbed these people are, so what. Are they
disturbed because things did not work out as they had hoped? Are they disturbed
for being called out on their bad cultural policies.?
Among the bad results of the American Cultural Revolution is
the large number of children raised in single parent households. We might ask
how this came to be considered normal. We might recall when Vice President Dan
Quayle was wildly excoriated for suggesting that single-parenting was not such
a good idea. Edsall ignores it all. We might recall the feminists who argued that
women do not really need men, should not function as wives, and so on. As for
the fact that some of these households were formed because women delayed family
formation too long and found themselves faced with the unenviable choice
between single parenthood and childlessness, not a word. When certain women suggested that
it would be a good idea to marry young, the feminist furies rose up to destroy
them. This might be pure coincidence, but then again, perhaps it isn’t.
Edsall has no idea about how this all happened, but he sees
the negative consequences:
negative consequences include the explosion of divorce, paternal absence and
the growing legions of children raised in single parent households
2002, Sara
McLanahan, a professor of sociology at Princeton, wrote “Life
without Father: What Happens to the Children?” and found that:
raised apart from a biological parent are disadvantaged in numerous ways. They
are more likely to drop out of high school, less likely to attend college, and
less likely to graduate from college than children raised by both biological
parents. Girls from father-absent families are more likely to become sexually
active at a younger age and to have a child outside of marriage. Boys who grow
up without their fathers are more likely to have trouble finding (and keeping)
a job in young adulthood. Young adult men and women from one-parent families
tend to work at low-paying jobs.
True enough, as has been well known for some time now, elite
liberal city dwellers are now more likely to get married and to stay married
than are their lower class counterparts. Surely, they have escaped the
consequences of their policy proposals. Good for them. Bad for the rest of the
country, for people who still believe the swill they have been exposed to via
the media.
For his part Edsall offers up a smorgasbord of causes for the shredding of family structure.
Allow him his word:
is a complex set of interlocking factors that produce social and economic disruption, destabilizing to communities,
individuals and families. Technological innovation, from the contraceptive pill to the global transmission of capital and goods; deunionization and
automation; rising standards of living freeing
human beings to seek self-expression and individual fulfillment; and hyperintensive international competition — are only some of the factors
underlying the turbulence, even the disintegration, of traditional norms and
Unfortunately, he does not understand that it is not just
abut disintegrating norms. It’s about substituting a new set of norms for the
old ones. Aside from the fact that he ignores the American Cultural
Revolution in its entirety, he does suggest that freeing individuals to seek
self-expression and individual fulfillment is a recipe for social
disaggregation. Now if only he were present these ideas in a somewhat less favorable light.
But, Edsall does not recognize the importance of the new
social codes. He does not seem to understand that the war on men, widely
documented, taking place in the classroom and in the media might have had a
negative effect on men. We should mention that it has obviously also had a
negative impact on women.
He continues:
S. Kearney, a professor of economics at the University of Maryland, has
developed a thought provoking argument on the interaction of economics and
culture in rising dysfunction among working class men. In an email, she wrote:
My read of the evidence is that the declining
economic position of less educated men (both in a relative and absolute sense)
has probably been a key driver of the breakdown of the two-parent family among
less educated populations for many decades.
she continued,
... now we are in a new social paradigm that has
normalized nonmarital childbearing and child rearing among certain segments of
the population, and it will take more than economic improvement to restore the
stable two-parent family in the communities it which that norm has been
steadily eroding.
Might it not be the case that
classroom instruction today is designed to downplay the skills that boys
possess. If we have decided to dumb down instruction in science and math, the
better to push a touch-feely female centered approach, shouldn’t we also
understand that it will have consequences in terms of workforce participation.
On the other side, one political
scientist has questioned the notion that we are suffering through a period of
rising social disorder. At a time when many families cannot sit down to
Thanksgiving without dreading a political argument, and at a time when we now
consider it acceptable to harass people at restaurants and to engage in Nazi
Storm Trooper attacks on those who disagree with us, it is rich indeed for a
Harvard professor to declare that all is well. Neither Edsall nor the professor
have the least notion of the simple fact that Americans are suffering from an
epidemic of loneliness, and that their everyday interactions are laced with
constant rudeness.
Anyway, herewith, from the
at these trends from a broad perspective, Ryan Enos, a political scientist at Harvard, also wrote me by
We need to address the underlying premise that
there is a rise in social disorder. That claim does not hold up to scrutiny, in
both the long and short term. In the United States and many other parts of the
world, the last two decades have seen a remarkable decline in many of the most
visible signs of social disorder.
You can see that many of these improvements in
the quality of life have coincided with the creation of the modern liberal
welfare state and many of place that enjoy the least social disorder are, in
fact, places with leftist political systems that provide for social welfare.
Perhaps Edsall and Enos should take a leisurely walk through
the homeless encampments that are now invading some of America’s great
liberal-run cities. And perhaps they should measure the importance of the
simple fact that district attorneys in many of these cities are now reducing
the crime statistics by decriminalizing crime.
Edsall says that liberals did not want to destroy the American family. This may or may not be true, but good intentions do not necessarily make good policy. If their cultural policies have produced the situation we are now facing, they should man up and accept responsibilty for the conditions their policies have wrought.