Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Obama Factor

It did not just happen yesterday. Empowering Iran at the expense of Israel and certain Arab nations was Obama administration policy. 

This offers something of an explanation why Barack Obama needed three days to say anything about the consequences of his handiwork. 

But, in fairness, it was not merely his handiwork. The Biden administration has been funding Iran by refusing to apply sanctions to its oil sales. Tens of billions of dollars flowed into the coffers of the ayatollahs, thanks to the feckless Joe Biden.

And, let’s not forget the hundreds of millions of dollars the Biden administration sent to Hamas in Gaza. Now we know what the money was used for.

Writing in Tablet, Lee Smith explains how the Obama administration policy led to the horrors that befell Israel last Saturday. It revolves around the Obama obsession with allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons. 

Rather, the tens of billions of dollars that Obama paid the clerical regime, which included planeloads of cash, was to facilitate construction of the nuclear weapons program under the protective umbrella of an international agreement backed by the United States. Even a cursory glance at the agreement’s clauses restricting Iranian nuclear and other activities reveals the truth—they are called “sunset clauses” because they were designed to expire. And once they expired, Iran’s industrial-size nuclear weapons program would be entirely legal under the continuing protection of the United States.

Obama did not just want Iran to have nuclear weapons. He wanted their possession to be legitimate.

Smith explains that Obama admired the Iranian revolutionaries and downgraded relations with the Arab world in their favor.

Obama admired Hamas’ Iranian patron Qassem Soleimani, who ran Iran’s expeditionary unit, the Quds Force, until the Trump administration killed him. Obama told Gulf Arab U.S. allies they should get their own Quds Force, but they didn’t, which is partly why Obama downgraded relations with America’s traditional Arab allies and moved Iran into the top slot. He wanted Iran’s hard men and their terror assets to manage U.S. regional interests, so that the United States could leave the Middle East and “pivot” to Asia—though as it turned out, China and its friends in Washington had their own ideas about American dominance there.

A bizarre statement, don’t you think? Obama wanted Iran to manage American interests in the Middle East. They are certainly not going to forgive Donald Trump for rejecting the Obama worldview.

Worse yet, Smith explains that Obama made a nation that embodied anti-Semitism into an ally. Thus, it made Jew-hatred legitimate:

If you treat a nation-state that embodies Jew-hatred as an ally and arm it with a bomb, you are legitimizing Jew-hatred, which is perhaps the dominant form that psychopathy takes in modern global politics. To believe that Jews secretly rule the world, that the invisible hand of the “elders of Zion” tilts the world like gravity in favor of the Jews, and that mankind’s dignity can only be restored if the Jews are disempowered, or eliminated, is a pathological belief—one that is shared by billions of people around the globe, as well as by a stunning assortment of psychopaths with designs on power.

As for why Obama wanted to validate a nation that trafficked in anti-Semitism, the reason echoes an analysis I proposed a couple of days ago. It was all about a resentment of Jewish success, especially that embodied by the state of Israel. Jews had been viciously persecuted, and yet they stood tall and proud. They built a great nation in a place where Palestinian Arabs could produce nothing. For people like Obama this meant that the Jews had cheated and robbed, had exploited Palestinian peoples.

Obama was leading a a rebellion of underachievers against overachievers. Clearly, this was more than a Middle East phenomenon. 

Evidently, it was not just Hamas that was appalled by the Trump administration's efforts to sideline the Palestinian cause, not to mention killing Qassem Soleimani.

The mania about diversity hires and affirmative action programs works to the disadvantage of overachieving students, like Jews and Asians. If you want to change America you need to declare that overachievers have cheated and stolen. And you need to declare underachievers to be victims of systematic oppression.

The Iran deal was more than a foreign policy blunder, or a bad deal. It was the device that Obama consciously used to transform America. It unleashed the Iranians and their terror assets abroad; at home it sidelined the Jews, pushing them out of the places they had carved out for themselves in American life and relegating them to second-class status in the Democratic Party—where, in order to belong, they would now have to pledge allegiance to the idea of gifting nuclear weapons to a country that pledged to exterminate them.

And also,

Obama’s transformation of America was to remake it in his own image, by junking the idea that America is exceptional and dissolving the country’s borders with the rest of the world. America is not unique. It is as sinful as any other nation, he was effectively arguing, and possibly worse. What better way to make that point than by throwing Israel overboard, and replacing it with Iran—a country that preaches God’s retribution against America.

Why did Obama want to reconfigure America? Simply put, he wanted to assure that he was not a mere token, but was in the vanguard of a new revolutionary movement that would overthrow the white power elite, the better to produce a nation that was more diverse, even if that meant, less competent.

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1 comment:

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Mr. Obama is a narcissist, who believes that because Barack Obama wants something, then it is good, and must come to pass.