Monday, April 22, 2024

Bill Maher Against Wokery

Would you believe that Gov. Ron DeSantis was right? Would you believe that Libs of TikTok is performing a public service by exposing the current mania to sexualize small children?

Well, Bill Maher says that you should believe your eyes. Television shows like Nickelodeon and companies like Disney are rife with pedophiles. And they have made it their mission to impose gender ideology on children. In another context this is called grooming.

If more and more children are confused about their sexuality and if more and more children are being sexually abused, then perhaps it was not a good idea to teach five year olds how to perform oral sex.

It is not a huge leap to imagine that the child who learns about oral sex might be tempted to try it out. Worse yet, making gender just another lifestyle choice, and saying that anyone can freely choose his or her sex, must necessarily encourage children to think that they can change sex.

Newsweek reports about Maher’s comments about Nickelodeon:

On Friday's episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher reacted to the recently released documentary Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV, which exposed the sexual abuse and hostile work environment that child actors faced at the hands of adults at Nickelodeon.

And Maher stood up for the governor of Florida:

He said that when Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis "was saying the exact same thing about kids and creepy stuff at Disney—that liberals now find intolerable at Nickelodeon—he was dismissed as a hick and a bigot, but why would a kid's content factory like Disney be all that different than the one at Nickelodeon?"

What was the dispute between DeSantis and Disney? Newsweek explains it:

During a legal feud with Disney that started when the company's then-CEO Bob Chapek publicly opposed a controversial bill that restricts certain instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida schools known as the "Don't Say Gay" law, DeSantis accused Disney of adding a lot of "sexuality into the programming for young kids," which the company denied. The legal dispute was settled in March.

The story was first reported by none other than CNN. Apparently, Disney seems to attract a disproportionate number of pedophiles:

Maher referenced a 2014 CNN article that reported that at least 35 Disney employees were arrested on sex crimes involving children since 2006, according to court records and other documentation.

The comedian also mentioned Disney child stars Alyson Stoner, who said in a 2021 People magazine op-ed that she "narrowly survived the toddler-to-trainwreck pipeline," and Cole Sprouse, who told The New York Times in 2022 that the young actresses on the Disney Channel were "heavily sexualized."

And then, Maher took a step into political oblivion by suggesting that we can judge politicians by objective standards, not according to tribal loyalty. In Maher’s world this is called speaking truth to power.

"DeSantis wasn't wrong, but we're so tribal now the left will overlook child f***ing, if the guy from the wrong party calls it out," Maher said on his show.

And then he took out of Wokeness.

"Wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore. It's more often taking something so far that it becomes the opposite," the comedian said. "At a certain point, inclusion becomes promotion. And contrary to current progressive dogma, children aren't miniature adults wise beyond their years, [they’re] morons."

He continued: "They're gullible morons who will believe anything and just want to please grownups and they don't have any frame of reference. So, they normalize whatever's happening. That's why endlessly talking about gender to six-year-olds isn't just inappropriate—it's what the law would call entrapment."

We do not trust six-year olds to make adult judgments on any other matter. Why do we imagine that they can choose their sex. 

Maher is correct to emphasize that small vulnerable children, are under adult protection. That means, they are more likely to believe what they are told; they do not want to distress the people they depend on for food, clothing and shelter. It does not take too much to manipulate children’s minds. Apparently, it takes a great deal of courage to call out those who are grooming children and who have helped produce the social contagion of transmania.

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