Sunday, June 2, 2024

Joe Biden's World

If you had just alighted on our planet from a distant galaxy and you were witnessing the witless reaction to the Trump verdict, you would be forgiven if you concluded that Trump haters rationalize their anti-Trump bigotry by imagining how much better life has become under Joe Biden. Not just for Americans, but for people around the world.

If you spend a few more seconds reflecting on the celebrity reactions to the Trump verdict you will notice that these people are mostly idiot high-school dropouts. Those who wet themselves, as one Joy Behar proudly declared, when they heard the verdict are sorely lacking in little gray cells. 

And yet, were things really that much worse when Donald Trump was president? Has Joe Biden’s skillfully adroit management of foreign policy produced a world where justice and peace reign? 

And let’s not ignore the Biden effort to produce more inflation through poor fiscal policy. The nation knows that the Biden presidency has not been all love and roses. Celebrities do not care. They wet themselves thinking that Donald Trump might go to prison.

So, it is worth our trouble to check in with one Athena Thorne. Her PJ Media column on “a world of fail” lays out the multiple calamities that the Biden management of foreign policy has brought the world. 

None of it should be new. All of it should be recalled.

Thorne’s thesis is simple. The Biden ineptitude, the administration weakness and incompetence on the world chess board, has produced calamities, wars, massacres and other assorted horrors.

Thorne opens with a wistful recollection of the Trump years, when the Trumpian Beast ruled:

Was it only less than four years ago that President Trump oversaw the historic Abraham Accords? That Israel signed recognition and normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in an unprecedented swing towards peace in the modern Middle East?

Now, under Biden, we have massacres, wars and other humanitarian horrors. All of which, if you read people like Tommy Friedman, are the fault of someone other than Joe Biden.

Thorne sums it up nicely:

Now, war rages as Israel hunts down the Hamas barbarians that attacked civilians last fall. The Biden administration is worse than leaderless; it's actively taking positions that will prolong the conflict. For Israel's sake, thank God that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still knows how to win a war: by crushing the enemy. It's not pretty, but in this situation, it's the best chance at re-establishing longer-lasting peace and stability.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration busies itself by lending support to Hamas — by giving aid to Gaza that will go directly to the terrorists — and looking foolish in the process. The pier that the U.S. military hurriedly built (to the tune of $320 million) has been destroyed by heavy seas less than two weeks after it opened.

If that is your track record, you will naturally be led to shift the blame to the Israeli prime minister.

Of course, it is not just the people of the Middle East who have suffered under the Biden regency. You do not need to have a very long memory to recall a time when there was no war in Eastern Europe. Whether this was because of Donald Trump’s ineptitude or because the Russians did not want to see whether he was crazy, the truth remains: with Biden we have gotten involved in a war in Ukraine, a war which, incidentally, we are not going to win.

Thorne sums up the horror:

The inept Biden administration, along with its NATO allies, is also prolonging the tragic war in Ukraine by continuing to provide just enough equipment and support to keep the invaded country in the fight. The truth is that much larger Russia is slowly but surely grinding Ukraine down, holding onto its gains, and beginning to advance again. Not only that, but Russia itself is doing quite well, thank you very much. Despite Biden's much-ballyhooed sanctions, Russia's economy is set to outpace the United States and all other "advanced economies" this year, according to an IMF projection.

Russia is now holding out offers of peace negotiations, demanding it gets to keep all the territory it now holds in Ukraine. Ukraine has heretofore refused to settle for less than the return of all Russian-occupied land including Crimea, though the invaded country doesn't have much to bargain with at this point. Biden's failure to lead and produce a resolution to this bloody war is inexcusable and has cost half a million lives at this point.

One does not want to make claims for prescience or even to declare oneself a seasoned foreign policy analyst, but, truth be told, one saw the futility of this operation from the onset. And one also saw that fighting via sanctions was not going to work and was not going to damage the Russian autocracy. It was designed to make us feel like tough guys.

For the moment things are reasonably calm in the Pacific, though we are still on edge awaiting the possible Chinese attack on Taiwan. One suspects that China does not want to war over Taiwan, but that does not mean that it has given up on causing mischief.

As for the rest of the world, things do not look too good for us in Africa. One recalls the words of Larry Summers to the effect that when the Chinese come to a third world country, they build a factory; when the Americans come, they deliver a lecture.

In Africa, political leaders are rejecting American aid and presence, and who can blame them? In a disgusting trend begun under Obama and continued by the Biden regime, that aid comes with demoralization requirements that completely disregard local customs and beliefs. They are exactly what you'd expect: abortions, alphabet-people supremacy, and prosperity-killing climate worship.

Yes indeed. We love the environment. We are going to save the planet. We expect that people around the world will worship us for our benevolence. We believe fervently in the dogmas of climate change. We are perfectly happy to tank our and their economies in order to save the world. 

For third world people, people who need to industrialize and to produce more wealth and prosperity, climate change hysteria is a frivolous indulgence, worthy of adolescents, unworthy of adults.

In Africa, political leaders are rejecting American aid and presence, and who can blame them? In a disgusting trend begun under Obama and continued by the Biden regime, that aid comes with demoralization requirements that completely disregard local customs and beliefs. They are exactly what you'd expect: abortions, alphabet-people supremacy, and prosperity-killing climate worship.

Thorne arrives at this conclusion:

As the West falls further into socialism and immorality, its influence is less appreciated around the world. America in particular has proven itself an unreliable and undesirable ally under Biden and is no longer taken seriously. Bad actors are taking advantage of the opportunity, spreading crime, war, violence, and corruption.

At least you now know why so many celebrities are dancing around celebrating the possible demise of one Donald Trump. You might not agree with Trump’s policies and you might not like his deportment, but still, if you compare his track record with that of Joe Biden, you will be obliged to conclude that senile demented Joe has made a colossal mess of the world.

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