Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Potpourri

First, the wit and wisdom of the first son. That would be one Hunter Biden. Currently on trial for lying on a gun ownership form, Hunter still provokes great fatherly love from the president, his father. 

For the most part, we have not heard the dulcet words of said Hunter. So, we are shocked to read his comments on his step-mother, one Jill Biden.

Hunter Biden, President Biden's scandal-ridden son, branded his stepmother Jill Biden a "vindictive moron" and "entitled c---" in text messages from 2018 that have recently come to light, according to a report by The Sun.

The 54-year-old troubled son of Joe Biden allegedly launched the venomous tirade against his stepmother after she encouraged him to seek help for his well-documented substance abuse problems.

In a particular exchange with his late brother Beau's widow, Hallie Biden, who was in a controversial romantic relationship with Hunter at the time, Hunter does not mince words about the now-incumbent First Lady.

"F--- my stepmother for always being as much of a selfish silly entitled ct as you," he vented to Hallie amidst the breakup of their brief relationship.

And also:

Further probing text exchanges with his uncle revealed Hunter bragging that he was intellectually superior to his stepmother.

"And you do know the drunkest I've ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you're a shut grammar teacher that wouldn't survive one class in a Ivy graduate program," he wrote.

"So go f--- yourself Jill let's all agree I don't like you anymore than you like me."

But, there were no hard feelings. Dr. Jill Biden has shown up at Hunter’s trial. 

Second, the Daily Mail reports on a phenomenon that had already been covered by the New York Times, and by yours truly.

The topic is sexual strangulation. Apparently it is all the rage among young people today.

Choking, medically known as sexual strangulation, during intimate moments has been experienced by a staggering 58 percent of female college students, according to a recent study. 

How dangerous is it? Glad you asked:

Research has shown that women who had been choked four times over the previous 30 days experienced changes in their brain structures that affected their abilities to perform working memory tasks. 

Nothing quite like a little brain damage to go along with that wondrous orgasm.

Restricted blood flow to the brain can cause it to stop operating at normal capacity immediately and can suffer necrosis, or tissue death, as soon as five minutes due to a lack of oxygen and glucose supply. 

The risks of the sex act lie in the harms of depriving the brain of oxygen.

Even if this is only for a short periods of time, such as 10 seconds, it can cause someone to pass out. Minutes without oxygen can lead to permanent brain damage. 

Third, on a lighter and more therapeutic note, scientists have just rediscovered something that they discovered long ago. It’s about how to cure depression, not by taking pills, but through exercise.

This comes to us from the Epoch Times:

Research suggests exercise may be more effective for treating depression than antidepressant drugs, with dancing far surpassing all other activities and pharmacological treatments—and intense exercise close behind.

And also,

They found that walking or jogging, yoga, strength training, and dancing were the most effective exercise modalities when used alone without medical treatment, and that certain exercises affected men and women differently. Notably, walking and jogging were effective for both men and women, while strength training and cycling were more effective for women and younger people. Yoga and qigong were more effective for men and older adults, while aerobic exercise positively impacted men more than women when used with psychotherapy.

Across all modalities, more intense exercise such as running, interval training, strength training, and mixed aerobic exercise yielded greater benefits, although even light physical activity such as walking or hatha yoga still provided “clinically meaningful effects.” The benefits of exercise were equally effective at different weekly doses for those with other medical conditions and baseline levels of depression.

Overall, dance outperformed all other exercises and established treatments for depression, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Fourth, I have often opined that the current wave of pro-Hamas demonstrations was going to have a net negative effect on the career prospects of the participants.

I have also suggested that firms need to be careful, lest they be sued for prejudice when they refuse to hire certain people.

Consider the case of one Jinan Chehade, a young woman who recently lost a job offer at the law firm Foley & Lardner. Naturally, she is suing:

The Washington Post explains:

Jinan Chehade was hired at Foley & Lardner in July but was told the night before her first day in October that the firm was revoking the job offer over statements she made on social media and during a speech at Chicago’s City Hall, her lawsuit says.

Unfortunately for Chehade, the only thing worse than supporting Hamas is being litigious. Her future looks considerably darker now.

Fifth, leaving aside the damage to institutional reputation, suffered by Ivy League schools, and leaving aside the problems that certain graduates are going to have finding work in the future, we remark that an anonymous Columbia University alumnus just bypassed his alma mater and offered a gift of some $250,000,000 to Bar Ilan university in Israel.

Money talks.

Sixth, when you cannot get them to do what you want, you can always resort to lies. Such was the case when President Biden announced something that he pretended was an Israeli peace plan for Gaza.

William Jacobson has the story, via Legal Insurrection:

Per Biden, Israel had proposed what amounted to a permanent ceasefire not even subject to all hostages (alive and dead) being returned and subject to indefinite negotiations.

This has all the appearances of Team Biden trying to box Israel into something it did not propose and does not agree to – and dropping it just before the Sabbath so we can't get a full Israeli response for 24 hrs as Biden continues to build pressure.

Biden is hard at work pressuring Israel, the better to save Hamas. As it happened, Jacobson reports that it was really an Obama proposal, because Obama is pulling the Biden strings behind the scenes.

The misrepresentation by Biden that this was an Israeli proposal immediately began to fall apart when Obama tweeted that it was Biden’s proposal. (Obviously Obama is calling the shots because his foreign policy team is Biden’s team – how curious he had this tweet ready to go.)

The Israeli government rejected the Biden/Obama proposal.

The Times of Israel reports:

Israeli officials pushed back on Monday on elements of the hostage deal proposal presented by US President Joe Biden over the weekend as an Israeli offer, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted that there were gaps between that proposal and Israel’s stance.

“The claim that we agreed to a ceasefire without our conditions being met is incorrect,” the prime minister reportedly told lawmakers.

Netanyahu said in a Knesset meeting that Israel will not end the war in Gaza until it achieves its three war aims, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel: destroying Hamas’s military and civil governance capabilities, securing the release of all hostages, and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.

“The proposal that Biden presented is incomplete,” the premier told MKs at a closed-door meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, according to media reports.

He also reportedly said that there are “gaps” between the Israeli version and Biden’s recounting of it.

“The war will stop in order to bring hostages back, and afterward we will hold discussions. There are other details that the US president did not present to the public,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying.

What is the deeper meaning here? Jacobson is surely correct to say that the Biden team is trying to overthrow the elected government of Israel. So much for democracy.

This is not just Biden and his team being untrustworthy. It’s part of the Biden administration attempt to topple the Netanyahu government. The Netanyahu-Deranged Israeli left immediately took to the streets after Biden’s statement to demand Israel accept it.

In the end this is causing the war to continue because it is persuading Hamas that it need not make concessions for peace. If you think that this foreign policy team is simply inept, you can feel consoled. If  you do not believe in ineptitude, you will understand that while the Biden administration is publicly declaring its support for Israel, privately, and now not-so-privately, it is working to overthrow the Israeli government.

Lazar Berman tweeted this:

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar is in no hurry to end the war, says the @WSJ. He thinks that while Israel is turning into a pariah, the Palestinian cause is being revived, according to messages he has sent to Arab mediators.

With friends like Joe Biden, you don’t need enemies.

Finally, I current have some free consulting hours in my coaching practice. If you are interested email me at

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