Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog Fundraising Weeks

In a just society labor is compensated fairly. In some cases merchants affix a sales price, the better to ensure that shoppers will understand the point and will practice it.

The principle applies to Substack, but it does not apply to blogs. For that reason I have made it habit once a year to appeal to my readers’ moral sense by turning one week into a fundraising drive.

This year I extended the process to three weeks because I was in hospital the first week of the drive. So, by my calculus, today marks the last day this year I will make an appeal for compensation. This does not mean that I will not accept donations throughout the year.

Dare I say that I am especially grateful to those who have already contributed.

For those who have not, the PayPal Donate link to the left is especially useful. Otherwise you can send me a check, made out to my name, to my address:

                             31o East 46th St. 24 H

                             New York, NY 10017


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