Saturday, February 25, 2023

Treating Depression

This should not come as news. I have on occasion reported on this area of research, as a public service. Now, we have more research showing that aerobic conditioning exercise is a good treatment for depression. In fact, some researchers consider it more effective than pills. Considering how many pills are overprescribed, we do well to consider alternatives.

From the New York Post:

A run a day keeps the depression away.

Researchers from the University of South Australia have discovered regular exercise may be more effective than medication for the treatment of mental illness, such as depression.

Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the study used 97 reviews, 1,039 and 128,119 participants, marking it as one of the most extensive pieces of research to date. Based on their findings, they concluded that exercise improved symptoms of depression and anxiety.

“Physical activity is known to help improve mental health. Yet despite the evidence, it has not been widely adopted as a first-choice treatment,” lead researcher Dr. Ben Singh said in a statement.

And that’s not all:

Past research has shown exercise to positively impact mental health, as well as a slew of other health benefits, including cancer growth reduction, cognitive decline prevention and even life longevity.

Physical activity has also been shown to ward off cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers, and can also strengthen bones and muscles.

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