Friday, May 12, 2023

Trans Grooming in Middle School

From time to time someone pipes up to the effect that elementary and middle schools are really not grooming children to become transsexual. They tell us that exposing children to sexually explicit material in preschool is not a problem, that it has been invented by the vast right wing conspiracy.

After all, Charlise Theron, a notable nitwit, has just threatened anyone who would restrict the number of drag shows that children are required to suffer.

Now, we have some evidence of trans grooming, from a Colorado middle school, reported by a mother named Erin Lee. (via Maggie’s Farm) We note that schools lure children a transgender recruiting meeting by telling them that it is an art club. So, dishonesty is running amok. 

This, from Pajamas Media:

A Colorado momma bear is suing Wellington Middle School in Fort Collins, Colo., after learning they pulled her sixth-grade daughter into a secret transgender recruiting meeting disguised as an “art club.”

“When she got there, she very quickly learned it was actually a gender and sexuality awareness club,” Erin Lee told Fox News. 

“The art teacher had invited in an outside presenter into the classroom that day,” Lee continued. “And this woman did absolutely unthinkable things with the kids.”

“What you hear in here, stays in here,” the mystery groomer allegedly told the kids, suggesting that telling their parents wasn’t “safe.”

Were it not for the fact that entire states, like the state of Washington, allow teachers and school counselors to mutilate children without getting parental permission, we would think this bizarre. But nowadays, your children are not yours. They belong to the state. 

As for promoting transgenderism, Erin Lee explained this:

Lee further disclosed that the guest presenter informed the kids they were transgender if they didn’t feel totally comfy with their gender.

And, of course, the presenters talked a great deal about suicide, and especially about the fact that children who do not transition are more likely to kill themselves. Were they not encouraging children to become suicidal?

In truth, the suicide ploy is yet another lie. Victims of transgender brainwashing are far more likely to commit suicide than are children who ignore the Siren Song of these activists. 

Of course, the activists should be prosecuted for child abuse, but that is for another day. 

If one is still allowed to be shocked, the shocking point here is that only one parent seems to have objected. Erin Lee pulled her daughter from the Middle School and sent her to a religious school, where she is doing very well. 

As for women’s sports, a field that is currently being invaded by males who declare themselves to be female, Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines has just offered a quick and easy solution to the problem of men competing in women’s sports.

She recommended that females should boycott events in which men were allowed to participate. An excellent idea. Since the competition is grossly unfair, why compete at all?

Why did it take anyone this long to figure this out? But, I suppose, better late than never.

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