Sunday, October 15, 2023

Peter Beinart's Lament

Somehow or other, Peter Beinart seems to believe that because he is Jewish, he has the right to blame it all on the Jews. Precious few writers of any persuasion are sufficiently obtuse morally to mouth the Hamas party line as though it were Nelson Mandela’s commentary on apartheid. But, Beinart has been up to the challenge.

In short, Beinart would like people to believe that last Saturday’s massacre was necessary or at least justifiable because the Israelis and the Americans were not nice enough to Hamas. In his words, they did not respond nicely enough to Palestinian efforts to get along. Ergo, the fault lies with the Jews. The Palestinians had no choice but to murder babies and to rape women.

To his discredit, Beinart embraces the party line about the Palestinian cause. He talks of resistance and liberation. He calls Israel an apartheid state. At that point, you do not even need to wonder which side he is on.

Not once in his New York Times does Beinart explain how Israel ought to react when the people of Gaza vote for Hamas. He does not mention that the Hamas charter explains its goals-- to destroy the state of Israel and to murder Jews around the world.

Which part of this is negotiable?

And let us not forget that the Jew-hating cult that rules Gaza has no interest in normalization. It propounds its propaganda about Israeli apartheid, and awaits useful idiots like Peter Beinart to repeat it.

Beinart is mostly concerned with how the Gazans can resist more effectively. He cares more about their living conditions, and not a whit for how Israel can survive.

Of course, countries like the United States have funneled large amounts of aid money to Gaza. The Hamas regime took the money and built rockets and terror tunnels. The last thing they want is for the people of Gaza to have a normal life. 

They certainly do not want Gaza to prosper, because that would remove their rationale for destroying Israel and killing Jews.

The problem with dumbass analogies is that you need to be a dumbass to believe them. According to Beinart Israel was founded by colonizers, roughly as South Africa was colonized by the British and the Boers.

And, while we are looking at specious analogies, let us keep in mind that the government of Capetown, South Africa, a fully Beinartian embodiment of the values of liberty and justice and human rights, was, a few years ago, faced with a water shortage. It was forced to face the need to build a desalination plant, the better to produce a sufficient supply of potable water.

And yet, when it went looking for firms that could do the job, it discovered that the best and most qualified companies were Israeli. Naturally, it declined to hire them. Better to die of thirst than to do business with Jews.

As it happens, Israel was not colonized by Jews. It had been founded by the followers of Moses some three millennia ago. If Beinart had read the book of Exodus he would know that Moses led his people out of multicultural and polytheistic Egypt and founded a monotheistic culture. For the sake of clarity I remark that multicultural means that there are multiple cults to multiple deities. Polytheism as pagan idolatry. Such was the case in ancient Egypt. 

As it happens, Beinart suggests that the Palestinian people should forcefully oppose attacks on Israeli civilians. This tells us that Beinart has his head in the sand. Across the world, supporters of Hamas are out demonstrating in favor of such attacks.

So, Hamas is a pagan death cult. It believes in human sacrifice. In truth, that is all it believes in. One can debate the point, but if Islam is a monotheistic religion, descended from Abraham, then clearly Hamas is an aberration.

As it happened, when Moses led his people out of pagan Egypt, he founded a society under the aegis of a single God. The new culture was based on the rule of law, not the rule of pharaoh or emperor. It gave rise to the Judeo-Christian West, perhaps the dominant culture in the world today. As noted in prior posts, Islam rightly belongs to this tradition. Many Muslim countries acknowledged as much when they signed the Abraham Accords.

And yet, they are being dragged down by a pagan death cult that has failed miserably to provide for its people. When engaged in competition with Israel, Hamas has failed, economically, militarily and politically. Its response has been to show itself to be more brutal than anyone else, more willing to murder the innocent, and especially to murder non-combatants.

Murdering babies is not an act of war. It is a pagan religious ritual, designed to show oneself to be a god. It is like saying that we are too good to compete, that we are too good to deal with mundane everyday matters like following the rules of proper behavior, because once we show ourselves to be godlike, willing to commit the most brutal and senseless of acts, our god will provide for us. 

We should not be surprised to know that in 1941 the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the leader of the Palestinian Arabs, met with Adolph Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. He wanted Hitler’s help in ridding his world of Jews. Obviously, Nazism was another death cult, derived from Norse pagan deities, based on a rejection of Judeo-Christianity, willing to visit the worst brutality on the innocent, on women and children, in order to show itself to be superior to the laws of human morality and human decency. And also to show themselves to be superior to the laws of human competition, whether economic or mililtary. Those laws were first laid down by the great Jewish lawgiver, Moses.

Let us not forget, great Nazi thinkers thought that their raw Teutonic brutality would easily defeat the genteel British and their American cousins. They imagined that a society based on the ability to commit the worst acts of brutality would so completely terrify the genteel Anglo-Americans that these latter would quickly surrender.

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1 comment:

370H55V I/me/mine said...

How many times have I said that if Hitler were non-white, my fellow American Jews would be fighting for first place in line for the gas chambers?

And Peter Beinart will win that contest.